Gay Lead!
Gay lead; when being a stone top just isn’t hard enough.
It works hard, it plays hard.
Lead kills at high speed, at low speed and it turns trucks gay…ok got it all written down. Now. Let’s talk about why all trucks come with a prolapsed anus and why Elon wants to remove that too
Hey*::: spoiler Title
:::*> >
Maybe, they came with a new transmission.
N-n-nuh uh! It was always a guy, I just helped reveal that truth!
I have a hitch receiver on my sedan. I’ve been tempted to get a set for it because I think it’d be funny.
Edit: I’ve also thought about taking it a step further. My car also has a wiring harness for trailer lights. What if I drill in some red/yellow LED’s into the nuts so they’ll light up when I brake or use the blinker?
They’re illegal in my
countrycounty, but I have seriously considered seeing if I could find a vagina to go there instead, since they’re not covered in the law.What country made truck nuts illegal?‽!
Whoops, autocorrect. Meant “county” not “country”
What county CAN make truck nuts illegal? If you’re in the US I feel like that’s a first amendment violation.
That’s the “puerile” obscenity carve-out for the first amendment.
I not sure public displays of genitalia, even fake ones, has ever been argued as a matter of free speech. If it was, the TV landscape would probably be a lot different.
I’m pretty sure they’re illegal where I am too. I think they were considered obscene or vulgar. To be fair, some of them are made to look exactly like a scrotum. That might be too far.
They’re illegal in my state too, but they based it on already existing traffic laws regarding distractions. For example you can’t have colored lights that illuminate the road under your car.
Also, we’re not allowed to have anything hanging off vehicles externally in case it comes off and causes an accident.
My guess would be most of them. Based on nothing.
Reminds me of the old gif of that woman skydiving naked
i’d look it up, but i’m on my work computer.
It’s a classic. Sadly, I couldn’t find it. I think I first saw it in 2012-13.
Jesus Christ. 🤣
Simplest way to install some trussy.
Alternatively, you could put a cowbell on it, it’s not obscene, but it’s just as red neck.
It doesn’t work, bc no matter how many you put on, it always needs more cowbell.
The first day you attach one cowbell.
The second you attach two more cowbells.
The third you attach four more cowbells.
A thing has nuts.
You ride it.
Sounds gay.
A thing has nuts.
You get inside it.
Also works for tops :)
Never thought about it, but modes of transport are usually referred to as she/her, so this totally checks out.
Machinery of any kind is often gendered in the feminine. Particularly when you are either mad at the machine for not working or you are begging it to work.
The machine spirit cares not for our trifling concepts of gender and binaries. It demands only loyalty to the omnissiah and purity of mind.
The machine spirit cares not for your loyalty. It only wants to grind YOUR spirit into dust while destroying your mind. Cthulhu trembles in fear.
“mad at the machine for not working or you are begging it to work”
Inclusive or
Always cracked me up when my uncle would yell at whatever he was working on, “come on, you whore!”
Well, that seems pretty mild. Having been a toolmaker, I have often threatened machines with being reduced to tiny little chips or slag and I will create something better from scratch.
Because that’s what it means to be a MAN! Bolting fake testicles onto your truck.
Bunch of striving, alpha-male wannabe, Oakley-wearing Thumb heads.
To be fair, all trucks probably come with many nuts (and bolts) by default, so what’s 2 more?
Wait until you hear about genetics
I don’t think trucks have those
They keep them right next to the automotive gender reassignment theatres.
Nuts? Like in anaphylactic shock nuts? I don’t get it
There’s a thing called truck nuts. It’s a rubber ballsack that hangs from the trailer hitch.
No way. You’re making it up
Edit: OMG why didn’t I die before knowing that
It’s always good to witness a lucky 10,000 situation
The two men sold Truck Nuts through the late 1990s and 2000s, competing both in the market and in private, exchanging angry phone calls and emails. This conflict escalated into public relations wars, social media conflicts, posts on review sites, blog attack posts, and finally to legal cease and desist orders. Vice News published an article about the feud titled “Balls Out: The Weird Story of the Great Truck Nuts War”.
I am so not surprised
Whoops thanks
That was step 1. Step 2 is the fact that now you’ll see them everywhere.
I don’t live in the US, so probably no
I live in a part of the US where little old ladies drive large pickups with snowplows on the front. Ain’t no one but some short dicked city slicker tourist driving around with truck nuts and often those spikey lug nut covers. And maybe it’s all on a 1 ton dually for the extra douche.
Oh I’ve been looking for an excuse to post this.
You thought regular truck nutz were bad? Well wait until you see the XL version!
Elon musk ordering 10 of these for spaceX
Gender assignment surgery
They would probably be against that too though
Nah, they love GAS
/uj many conservatives and even many progressives unfortunately ask the doctor or comply with the doctor’s suggestion of gender surgery for intersex babies. It’s rare for sure but not that rare.
I think even many progressives would not because they’re biggoted against intersex people but fear of the uncertainty in parenting that child. Instead of sitting in the discomfort they would rather just fall back to what they know.
It’s true. We didn’t make the rules.
Best truck nuts I’ve ever seen were two large hex nuts (i.e., for a bolt - but a very large bolt - the bolt would have had to have been an inch/2.5 cm in diameter, at least) hanging from the hitch. Wish I’d taken a picture, it was hilarious.
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I mean, I think a lot of us aren’t pissed off about it but think it looks stupid as fuck. And like, that’s just my opinion man.
I don’t get pissed off about it. It projects small dick energy. It makes me laugh that all these beta males are driving around in transgender trucks.
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The funny thing is that saying something is unhinged doesn’t make it so any more than saying that someone is angry makes it so. You’re reading your own emotions into interactions with other people. That’s unhelpful and unhealthy. You should consider not doing that.
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Why are you getting defensive about automobile neuticles.
“I know you are but what am I?”
Dude, that’s fucking pathetic.
Or you could just ignore those people yourself, but I don’t think anyone is pissed off at truck nuts. They’re just tacky. Anyways you’ll probably hate this episode of the dollop:
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Well, it’s a very serious subject
There are stereotypes of certain personalities who’d attach nuts to their truck, and people are choosing to be associated with them by installing truck nuts. It doesn’t mean they fit the stereotype, they might be nice normal people who do it for their own reasons. But public perception is they think nuts hanging off a truck is funny (dumb) or manly (cringe).
Sharing my view with a troll who doesn’t care 🤷♀️
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Transmasc Chevy