Hope this is allowed. I have fun writing stupid things on my breakfast food.
In an attempt to be a bit healthier, I started making egg white omelettes with spinach, parm, and ham. The sriracha art keeps me sane having the same-ish breakfasts each day 😂
not a cock
That’s one spicy request!
I make a similar breakfast somewhat regularly, where I scramble an egg with some veggies from the fridge or chopped leftover meats and throw it in a tortilla with a sauce of some kind, usually hot sauce or pepper sauce or plum sauce.
I might try writing myself little messages in the tortilla and eat my own affirmations!
That sounds so good! A nice flat bread would be perfect to round it out a bit. Plus, the affirmations definitely make them taste better ;D
Dumb question, what do you do with the yoke? Do you just toss it away like the egg shells?
If you’re using whole eggs, generally yes unless you have a use for them. You can store just the yolks for a short period in the fridge if you want. They also sell cartons of just egg whites in a lot of grocery stores, at least in the US.
If you don’t have a health reason to avoid the yolks, you can just make omelettes with whole eggs.
But if you want to make something else with them, I use them for:
- Stirred into pasta in the style of carbonara (I’m not a purist and it’s great with just olive oil, garlic, red pepper, cherry tomatoes, and the yolk)
- Stirred into ramen (if it’s still whole you can try and poach it, but no one’s gonna stop you from just stirring it in with a fork)
- Homemade chocolate pudding
- Enriched bread dough
- As an egg wash on any type of bread
- French buttercream frosting
Some folks feed em to the dog, but when I’m making anything that results in extra yolks, I’m making challah or flan in the next few days.
Like someone else said, I use the carton of eggs whites! They sell them separately in some places ☺️ I unfortunately don’t have an alternate use for the yolks, so I figured this is better for my needs.
Please tell us that is Sriracha and not ketchup
100% it’s sriracha.
The only true condiment for an omelette
Brother, preach 🙌🏻
Question is, does that say send иudes, れudes or nudes?
If you insist…
Very inspiring.
It was pretty damn good, I won’t lie
free range eggs?
Pasture raised! ♡