• @VubDapple@lemmy.world
    282 months ago

    This strikes a chord for sure. I’m pretty angry with the Democrats right now. They keep sending me Kamala fundraising emails and this seems completely tone-deaf. I do not want more of the same.

    • bean
      172 months ago

      I think this is why we ended up with Trump. Democrats are tone-deaf. They are more predictable and ‘good’ in the broader sense, but that doesn’t mean they are perfect at all. I am a democrat, and I’m very frustrated with this. I still voted Kamala, despite lack of choice. For whatever good it did.

      Now every day is yet again “Oh no. What did he do today…” for the next FOUR FUCKING YEARS.

      AOC and Bernie, are people I’d like to see getting more of their stuff done.

      • @gibmiser@lemmy.world
        32 months ago

        So what would it look like to start a party initiative for new leadership? We want AOC, Bernie, Jon Stewart, to take the reins of the democratic party, so how do we go about shoving the choice down the throats of the DNC?

        • bean
          22 months ago

          Has Jon even showed interest in doing that? I feel like he’s passionate on some issues like for the 9/11 responders. I haven’t ever heard him talking like he wants to be president or a senator or anything.

          • @gibmiser@lemmy.world
            32 months ago

            He doesn’t want to be an elected official, but he could help figure out fixing the DNC and be the voice to get progressives in there.

            And people change. And times change. If things keep going down this path he might reconsider.

  • @Suavevillain@lemmy.world
    112 months ago

    Dems love for decorum and old leadership has really done massive damage. Republicans can be unapologetically Nazis and Dems are scared of being called a commie for suggesting healthcare for all. Stop fighting with your hands tied the Republican Party has changed with Trumpism, it is time for change. The status quo moves no-one to vote.

  • @MisterHex@lemmy.world
    22 months ago

    Ah, the abandonment of any semblance of civil discourse and standards. Let the race to the bottom accelerate. So long USA, you had a good run!

  • @knightmare1147@lemmy.world
    2 months ago

    I read in another post that during the inauguration, a protest walked by their house and oc went out and joined them.

    I want to see that in my community. I want to get outside and feel like other people give a damn and are doing something about it; not just capitulating to capitalism and begging for my money when we’re all about to have all of our remaining wealth, personal and federal, extracted by oligarchy.

    I thought I was radicalized before, but now? My new motto for how I’m handling all this news about Trump’s despotic law is “No, Make me.”

  • @Allonzee@lemmy.world
    2 months ago

    The old rules assumed good faith and shared goals.

    There has been no good faith in over 50 years in DC, and capitalism has turned everything into a zero sum individual greed game.

  • GladiusB
    12 months ago

    She gave away their strategy. And the way to beat it. She’s honest and I still like her. But Michelle didn’t know what would happen with that speech.

    I don’t just blame her either. There is a lot that is the Democrats fault. And a big one they need to swallow. They are not competent leaders. They are good and knowing things and making smart policies that help people. But they needed to go with the people. With Bernie. Not Biden from the first term. There are too many inconsistencies as a voter to have confidence that they are going to put their leadership into good use.