Dairy cattle in Nevada have been infected with a new type of bird flu that’s different from the version that has spread in U.S. herds since last year, Agriculture Department officials said Wednesday.
The detection indicates that distinct forms of the virus known as Type A H5N1 have spilled over from wild birds into cattle at least twice. Experts said it raises new questions about wider spread and the difficulty of controlling infections in animals and the people who work closely with them.
“I always thought one bird-to-cow transmission was a very rare event. Seems that may not be the case,” said Richard Webby, an influenza expert at St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital.
Haha I’m in danger.
You can say it as a joke, but Ive got dairy cows…
Good luck now that you’ve said that. You’re going to be savaged by a certain type of vegan in PM. I was spammed by one this morning and I didn’t even mention animal products recently as far as I know.
(There are decent vegans, but then there are the asshole type who feel like they can berate and harass people into veganism.)
I feel a bit bad for the normal vegans actually because they likely want to avoid even mentioning it do to the other type.
I do too. There are plenty of decent vegans who are afraid to even open their mouths and make gentle suggestions.
You have to talk about it when ordering food or buying items.
Oh yeah, getting told that you rape cows
I was once told that I was participating in “bee slavery” by consuming honey.
Because, you know, bees wouldn’t make honey unless we enslaved them to do so.
Trade offer: I provide you with housing in exchange for some of your honey
Hell, as a human I’ll take that deal. When can I move in?
My partner keeps saying we can’t get a beehive, I think a humanhive would be asking for too much.
People furniture their house if you rob them or not. Nature is crazy.
I treat the militant vegans exactly like I treat MAGAs. i.e. I completely ignore them when they start their bullshit.
true enough of many of bullshit. Its like when you have to start writing paragraphs because of the stupidity of the arguments. I had that this morning where someone wanted to bring actions in war as an example of a lack of dignity. Well duh. Name me a dignified war. So I was like. Ok. Yeah not taking this bait.
Try instead asking innocent probing questions that lead them to question their world view. They’ll never agree with you if they feel like they’re under attack, but if you seem curious and interested, and ask difficult questions they could come around over time.
Or you know, fuck em they made their bed. Either way.
I get where you’re going, but it’s simply not worth my time. Normal people just don’t change their minds easily.
Wait what? What would make a vegan change their worldview? Uhm bacon actually good, ever thought about that?
I actually kind of like it when someone on here goes out of their way to be a dick, because then I can find the users I want to slap user tags on easier.
Squids are carnivores, and you’re an anthromorphic squid. I can see why a vegan would be upset.
Its funny. No one criticized me for owning cows. At all. The woodwork was empty. I get that there are militant assholes here, but every time i bring up my profession, things have been cordial.
We can all disagree on a lot of things, but the average vegan is not my enemy. Ive even given some tours of my facilities. Its just someone that thinks different thsn i do. Thats perfectly fine.
Good discourse and an open mind is all it takes. I eat vegan meals frequently. I also eat steaks and eggs and fish. I will never be the one to shut down sincere discourse. We all have to live in this world together. May as well learn from other perspectives.
I’m honestly surprised by that. Those types of vegans give me shit because I do not eat meat but I will have dairy. I am under a dietician’s care and she has it as part of my nutritional regimen but it doesn’t even matter to them when I tell them that I could literally starve if I don’t follow her instructions since that’s exactly what was happening before I met with her.
Waiting for the next pandemic to really turn this year into a real shit fiesta.
Silver lining though is more work from home for most people!
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yuppers and all transit funding comes with the rider of no mask mandates allowed. They want more babies and less adults. Somehow too many of the current adults were educated and they want to fix that societal mistake.
Good luck even hearing about it with all forms of social media being controlled by the administration and that’s where most people get their news. You’ll just hear “oh yeah, theres a bug going around” I’m prettu sure that Tiburculoses is a lot worse than we think.
Another pandemic is pretty much inevitable.
Cute that you think corporate Amerika will let people work from home again. If there is a pandemic you will never know about it because that will make red line go down.
There will be no lockdown, there will be no mandate, there will only be you continuing to go to work at usual with no protection or workers rights. Your only defense will be your immune system. If you get sick then it’s Gods will it for you to die since you were “too weak to survive.” An AZ senator put up a bill already to disband OSHA.
Remember, a smaller population is easier to control
Why the fuck do you think he pulled the US out of WHO and has practically dismantled and muzzled the CDC?
Is it too early to start boarding bleach? I ran out last time. Couldn’t keep up with my daily injections.
Never been happier to be a vegetarian incapable of processing milk.
Edit: to be clear, I’m poking fun at your upcoming bankruptcy over a simple dinner of milk steak and jellybeans.
Pasteurization is done for a reason.
That won’t make it any cheaper when it follows the price of eggs
There is a paper out about reactivation after pasteurization sadly.
I’d be interested in the specifics of that - as far as I’ve seen it’s been shown to be very effective.
im confused. I thought this was a joke but is this conversation about pasteurization stopping lactose intolerance???
Well, it started with my misunderstanding of the original post talking about “not being able to drink milk” and thinking they perceived the benefit being that they wouldn’t catch bird flu from milk (which has been a concern). They later clarified they were thinking about the cost involved.
Being able to eat meat doesn’t mean you have to. Something that (perhaps slightly irrationally) annoys me about some people. They act as if a meal requires meat and then complain at how expensive food is to buy. Laughs in omnivore £15/week each diet. But by not being actually vegetarian I can still have things like Worcestershire sauce too.
Yeah and its annoying the vegans that are so militant they discourage meat reduction in diets. Beef is so much worse (both health and environment) than most other meats that getting a large amount of folks to give up or massively reduce beef consumption is way better than a much smaller number becoming vegan.
Just look at /r/vegan, even if you don’t eat/use animal products you are still not a vegan unless its for their specific reasons. If you do it for environmental reasons they decide you don’t count as a vegan.
It’s also on reddit, what do you expect?
Beef is so much worse (both health and environment) than most other meats
why do you think that?
because of data. water usage and calorie conversion ratio on environment and fatty foods for diet. Im not going to do a web search for you as these things are well known and don’t go into places are only good for grazing or such as im talking reduction and not elimination. Just note Im only going to give so much effort toward any questions you want to pose as again this is not super controversial or hard to find information.
because of data
what data?
water usage and calorie conversion ratio on environment and fatty foods for diet.
but where did you get those? because i’ve found some LCA meta “studies” that i don’t trust which are usually the ones trotted out. i was hoping you had good data sources.
Why would you think that beef is good for the environment?
I didn’t say that
It’s tragic that people have already killed their cats with raw milk (and some cat food), apparently. I’m sure Brainworms will be looking out for everyone’s pets, too…
Shame that’s not how this virus works with it’s concern of jumping from avians and mammals, including humans.
That is one concern, if it’s also resulting in a lot of livestock being killed off that will now impact food prices of more than just eggs.
Yup. Its to late now but for a week or few chicken meat prices were down and given the timing im almost sure if was from flocks being culled.
I would absolutely make use of that with my freezer. And complain to my partner that we don’t have a chest freezer in the place one should obviously go.
we have two so that we can clean and thaw one once a year and of course also to store more.
Umm … when chickens are killed because of an outbreak the carcasses are buried. It is illegal to butcher or sell any type of meat that’s part of a disease outbreak, whether it’s BSE in cattle or bird flu in poultry.
what happens is farms inside a certain area area that exactly is what happens but farms just outside the area that don’t have to kill their flocks realize that area may increase. Basically that they are in a danger zone. So you can slaughter and get the meat price right away or just thin your heard to reduce the chance of spreadage. Im not really sure the details but this is generally what I have been lead to believe happens and the chicken prices we saw for a week or few (can’t remember how long but it was at least two weeks) was 99 cent a pound breast which we have not seen for years around here. An interesting thing about it to is that it was not fraken chicken which also made me suspect its from egg layers. I know we had farms get nuked in the area.
Depression diet is coming and meat won’t be on the menu.
I have to have whole milk and other dairy as part of my nutritional regimen as worked out by a professional dietician, so I’m glad I’m not in America right now.
It’s ok. I still got my emergency rum ham.
You won’t be laughing when it crosses over to the soybeans!
Don’t worry folks! Trumps and Muskie are putting the best people in charge. Just the best. We’re all going to be fine.
These are woke DEI cows! We’re going to put a stop to regulations and vaccines! Bird flu is far left radical fake news. We’re gonna put tariffs on the farmers, and force white women to marry incels and have babies in response. This will surely fix things.
Nothing to worry about here, folks!
I’m sure donvict has things well in hand with the likes of Brainworms running things. And I’m sure whoever Kamala would have put in would have been just as bad, because I keep hearing they are the same.
Good thing beef was already so cheap
We need to figure out a way to turn beef into eggs so all the culled cows can make egg prices lower… 🤔
Haha, we’re fucked. Can I get a George Bush second plane meme?
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Please stop animal agriculture.
This strain has a reservoir in wild birds
Caused by animal agriculture. It jumps to wild humans too…because of animal agriculture
But I really hate sitting in a tree stand in the winter