Former federal prosecutor Sara Levine, fired by Trump, warned on 60 Minutes that the Justice Department is “under attack.”
Levine, who prosecuted January 6 rioters, said she was fired for upholding the law.
Legal expert Peter Keisler criticized Trump’s pardons of Capitol rioters, arguing they signal that crimes committed in support of Trump’s agenda may go unpunished.
These actions undermine the rule of law and discouraging accountability for political violence.
Legal expert Peter Keisler criticized Trump’s pardons of Capitol rioters, arguing they signal that crimes committed in support of Trump’s agenda may go unpunished.
Um, isn’t that the main point why Trump did it?
It’s like the entire liberal world has been conditioned to act like the things that are very obviously happening may happen … not right now though … at some future unknown date … so you don’t need to worry about it really. Don’t rock the boat and certainly don’t miss work tomorrow… just continue consuming and hold tight while someone else presumably sorts it out.
It’s like a civilization-wide bystander effect.
I must make two honest confessions to you, my Christian and Jewish brothers. First, I must confess that over the past few years I have been gravely disappointed with the white moderate. I have almost reached the regrettable conclusion that the Negro’s great stumbling block in his stride toward freedom is not the White Citizen’s Counciler or the Ku Klux Klanner, but the white moderate, who is more devoted to “order” than to justice; who prefers a negative peace which is the absence of tension to a positive peace which is the presence of justice
This is what pisses me off about all the people who kept talking about how the Democrats were failing to get voters engaged in 2024.
If the Dems weren’t doing the job, what was keeping you from stepping up?
Its like there was a fire going on and people were complaining the firemen weren’t doing enough instead of jumping in and helping.
The Harris campaign spent a billion and a half dollars on “getting voters engaged” and she still lost anyway. All the phone-banking and door-knocking in the world can’t overcome the fundamental problem of refusing to adopt policies the people actually want!
So please, explain to me exactly what the fuck kind of “stepping up” you expect randos from the Internet, who had no ability to affect the campaign’s platform, to actually fucking do?!
Idk, maybe voting against the dude who straight up said he would be a dictator and you’d never vote again?
That wasn’t enough for the grandparent commenter, who was trying to shame people for not getting other people to vote too.
I’m not a politician. I developed an entirely different set of skills. Throwing away my career at the potential of reskilling is absurd.
And Dems weren’t doing their job. I’m tired of people pretending like that’s acceptable. I canvass. I get people ready to vote. I do my part.
I can’t even tell you the last time a Dem policy benefitted me directly. What I have in common with them really just boils down to them being the only opposition right now. I pushed Harris like we had to and I’ll never forgive them for running such an unlovable candidate. They knew what they were doing. The second there’s another serious option I’m gone. Dems complete lack of opposition makes them complicit in everything that’s happening.
AOC and Omar have entered the chat.
If you don’t like the Dems that are in power now, you can primary them. If we get another election.
How long until the dems have effective leadership putting people like AOC and Omar in the spotlight and building around them rather than keeping them on the fringes?
Gee, almost as if you should be out there helping folks win the next set of primaries.
Hard to do, when local Dem committees fight you too, while helping the GOP win seats.
You didn’t answer my question.
Lmao if you get a primary. Trump wasnt the one who took that away from you last time, and he wasnt the one who screwed over bernie before that. Good job pointing to the two token progressives as if that doesnt prove the other guy’s point.
Keep saying both sides are the same enough, maybe you can convince yourself.
Thats literally not what im saying. Im saying you all should have demanded the democrats be better, not just pledged your undying devotion because they arent as bad. But keep blaming everyone except the politicians who fucked you, thats turning out great.
We haven’t had a real primary in a long time.
AOC is a joke. I will actually not support that in any way. Dems are just as capable for what’s happening. They’re actively complicit.
So, what’s your plan?
Just roll over and let Trump do what he wants?
Create a viable 3rd party in 24 months?
Give me some options.
Just roll over and let Trump do what he wants
That’s exactly what Dems are doing right now. Voting Dem won’t save you because they’re on the same team. They have the same sponsors and they’re both more beholden to them, than you or I.
Probably the part where I didn’t receive over a billion dollars in donations to actually get media attention. A lot of people have been campaigning to get people to ditch the Democrats because they’re controlled corporate stooges for the last few decades, I think you were shouting at them for supporting third parties at the time.
And they should have been shouted at. The current system does not allow for third party viability as disappointing as that is.
Uh-huh, and how is constantly voting for the lesser evil going for you? What did you seriously expect to happen? We’d just keep slipping towards fascism but never actually reach it?
It’s possible for you guys to both be right.
The thing about our system only ever allowing two viable parties is true. And once you’re at the general election, you can vote however you like but you ARE getting one of two choices, no matter how good or evil they are.
To fix things from within that system, it’s important to work to put a good choice on the ballot well before the election arrives.
…but since corporations are people and money is speech, that didn’t work very well. And now fair elections are probably a thing of the past. This shit might not get fixed until the greater evil burns it down.
You and people like you are the problem, and you’re blaming the people who are being directly affected by the poor decisions you yourself are choosing to make.
The fact that this is constantly the response from libs being called out is honestly the reason I have given up. I’ve spent the last decade being politically active, trying to motivate Americans to vote in their own self-interest for things that will actually improve their lives, and I’ve received nothing but insults and assumptions from centrists who’ve never done a damn thing to prevent the collapse we’re witnessing now.
So yeah, fuck it. My informed opinion after campaigning for third parties and leftists for years is that Americans deserve everything that is going to happen to us. You didn’t want a democracy, and now you don’t have one. Congrats!
How exactly, is Chuck Fucking Schumer being most impacted?
Is it the lesser evil if it’s on the same team as the greater evil?
BoTh siDes ARe thE Same?
How is that working out for you?
Read up on how Hitler took power in the first place.
A lot of people hated him, but they hated other politicians more and decided that letting him have a go at it wouldn’t be a bad thing.
If you thought a third party was going to come to the rescue in 2024 you have my abject sympathy.
The problem?
Neither party was ever going to save us.
Assuming Harris won, she would just keep riding Bidens policy, and chant “I’m not Trump” and pretend it was good enough.
Until Trump ran again, and again… Dems never changing, except keep moving to the right.
I mean… Dick Fucking Cheney and her teaming up? Fucking christ.
So, you’re saying that Dick Cheney was willing to change a lifetime habit and stand up against fascism but you are going to let Trump keep rolling instead of doing something useful?
Or do you have a credible 3rd Party that’s on the ballot in all fifty states?
Was he, though?
A third party had no chance of coming to the rescue in 2024 because everyone has attacked third parties in the U.S. for at least the three decades I’ve been alive, and I’m pretty sure for another few decades before that.
Also, you’re conveniently ignoring the economic conditions of the Weimar Republic that made the rise of Nazism in Germany an inevitability. Just like all the libs ignoring the economic conditions in the U.S. that led to the rise of Trumpism.
So, we agree. There was no other option except Harris and people didn’t vote for Harris because they decided it was more important to blame the Dems then fight the actual fascist.
But yes, I’m sure that the same folks who couldn’t get Bernie nominated in 2016, 2020, and 2024 will become political savants now and organize a powerful third party in less than 24 months.
I think you’re looking at it from the wrong angle. The problem is that the moderate libs have consistently shut down third party and leftist options for the last few decades. Since the Democrats haven’t had any competition, they have abandoned their constituency, and now work exclusively for corporate interests. By constantly voting for the “lesser evil”, you have allowed them to blossom into an evil that the average American cannot distinguish from fascism.
I’m not expecting anyone to organize anything. At this point, I’m just pulling up a chair to watch the collapse. But good job insulting the Bernie Bros who tried to pull you out of this downward spiral, it’s good to know that the center will punch left no matter what.
The Dems rightfully got blamed for being genociders.
They also were rightfully blamed by ignoring the working class demands.
My analogy is that it was like someone threw a molotov cocktail through your window, but you let the house burn down because the window didn’t stop the bottle.
That’ll teach that window.
Why should we fight for democrats when they don’t fight for us?
The Democrats were never going to meet this moment.
So, what’s your plan?
Just roll over and let Trump do what he wants?
Create a viable 3rd party in 24 months?
Give me some options.
a capitalist society will always inevitably devolve into fascism, as short-term profit-driven thinking dominates decision making
the DNC is right up there with the GOP in terms of causing this clusterfuck. decades of neoliberal policies have left Americans financially insecure which has caused a total loss of faith in institutions over the last few decades.
in a good decade, a little crisis here and there is maintainable. but when you have dramatic knock-off effects of new technologies combined with global economic shockwaves like COVID and the Ukraine war, all of a sudden the establishment hold on power starts to slip. the corporate world doesn’t care about democracy. they’re more than happy to switch over to a fascist government- there’s a very high potential ROI in bending the knee.
Trump took advantage of this and beat them. We saw the corporate world switch sides during the inauguration. He is now purging the federal government of any elements that may oppose his further renovations.
This problem did not start last year in November. This problem started decades ago and spans generations.
It’s unfortunate but it’s the reality. We as a society are sick. We are fundamentally sick and getting worse. We ignored it and persevered, but it can only be ignored for so long. We are now starting to see serious symptoms, like a person who gets a fever and starts shivering.
Trust me, it’s going to get a hell of a lot worse before it ever gets better. We’re in for a rough decade.
So, your solution is to quote Marx and hope the revolution will materialize.
Meanwhile you don’t have anything like a plan to deal with the world as it is.
I wish I had the privilege of letting things get worse, but, silly me, I actually care about people and see them as something besides pawns of history.
So, your solution is to quote Marx and hope the revolution will materialize.
it’s actually not quoting Marx. Marx believed that a capitalist society will over time always result in a worker’s revolution. I’m more pessimistic about human nature. I think a capitalist society will always result in fascist authoritarianism
I wish I had the privilege of letting things get worse
do it then. make things better, I’m rooting for you.
The plan is to fight on a local level, call your elected reps and make them fight or catalog all the not fighting they are doing so we can primary their asses with receipts.
I don’t think change is possible until after the boomers are gone, so until then Ill just show up to the midterms and do my part.
But this party has to go, and I think they need to keep losing until people lose all hopes in them and then we can form a new grassroots party.
Above all do not donate, if the elites own the party then the elites can pay for it too
I think at this point, the Boomers have gone all in on “We brought you into this world, and we can take you out of it.”
As a generation, they have never cared about anyone but themselves. They seized financial and political power early, and they won’t let go until we pry it out of their cold, dead hands.
But their numbers are dwindling now, and I think we might finally be at a point where – if the other generations band together – we can finally take their political power for ourselves.
This is my hope, and also why im just not letting myself get angry this time around.
There was never going to be any change or growth with this deadweight generation.
This isn’t over and time is on our side.
That’s the biggest pile of double talk I’ve ever seen.
You’re going to show up at the midterms and vote, but no one should donate?
And the boomers are going to be around for another ten years at least. But I’m sure that Trump and his MAGoos will hold off on any radical changes.
There’s no easy solution either way.
I vote in every election so I’ll continue to do my part, but the Dnc failed us and I’ll never give them a cent.
There will be plenty of time to rebuild after the boomers are gone.
I realize people have difficulty parsing language sometimes, but she did not say “may signal” she said “signals”. She said he is doing exactly what you both are saying he is doing. Basically: You appear to be in violent agreement with her.
The “may” only comes in that if you commit acts of treason, etc. on behalf of dear leader, you may or may not show up on his radar.
I realize people have difficulty parsing language sometimes, but she did not say “may signal” she said “signals”. She said he is doing exactly what you both are saying he is doing. Basically: You appear to be in violent agreement with her.
“Glass houses,” buddy. Check the sentence again:
Legal expert Peter Keisler criticized Trump’s pardons of Capitol rioters, arguing they signal that crimes committed in support of Trump’s agenda may go unpunished.
The future/hypothetical part of it that the person you replied to was complaining about wasn’t the “signals” part, it was the “may go unpunished” part. In other words, the legal expert in question isn’t in denial of what Trump’s pardons “signal;” he (not “she,” BTW – you misread that, too) is in denial of the fact that the effect being signaled is already currently happening.
You cannot replace “may” with “will” or “shall” in that sentence and be correct 100% of the time.
Further, your admitted problem is you are trying to assess past actions to invalidate a forward looking statement, and it makes you wrong. The sentence is correct (and correctly parsed) as “crimes [which have not been adjudicated] may go unpunished.”
Note the tense of the word “may” is future, not past. Which is why you are wrong.
Someone’s gonna be killed by one of these J6 yoyos. Could be a SC justice after a ruling that goes against Trump, could be one of those key people from the last administration that Trump quite openly dropped security details for.
Will Trump go the extra mile and pardon them? Will his party full of Christian Conservatives ignore their God’s commandment “Thou Shall Not Kill” when the victim is a political opponent who they don’t like? Of course they will.
At least three of them have already been re-arrested for other crimes.
One was killed by the cops, too
To be fair, that may be one of the ones I was thinking of.
I need more than Half the states to declare that Trump is a national emergency, and then set legislation to limit all Federal Authority in state level Justice Matters AND mark federal government actions, laws, and executive orders as null/void or something like that. We have to take power away from the Federal Government if it can’t be checked and balanced.
That path is dangerous, too. It’s currently what’s allowing states to deny abortions and I bet it would eventually be used to re-legalize slavery.
Slavery is already legal in the US.
Why do you think we have 1/4 of the global prisoner population? Like, 1.9 million slaves are currently held in prisons in the US.
I knew I’d get this comment. And you’re not wrong, that is the case. But I’m referring to it being fully legal and accepted. Like open-air slave market level.
I don’t know how much more close we need to get to open air slave markets here, really… Have you seen a prison yard?
Ah yes, the famous prison yards where I can go participate in the slave auctions and literally purchase people as property. I get your point, but they’re really not the same.
The state of the prison system is awful but this comparison really feels like it minimizes the horrors of chattel slavery.
Ah yes, the famous prison yards where I can go participate in the slave auctions and literally purchase people as property.
YOU can’t, but privateers certainly can. How do you think we lease out humans from prison to private corporations?
At that point, civil war 3. Probably with non-south allies on the other side.
In no universe would a Democrat President even be allowed to joke about the things that Trump is doing in plain sight.
How long are you guys going to wait until doing something?
Remember when Barack Obama wore a tan suit? Remember when he ordered a hamburger with spicy mustard?
If he had ignored federal judges’ orders, the entire staff of Fox News would have had a stroke.
It’s pretty wild when you think about government “scandals”.
Democrat and Liberal “scandals” are often trivial shit that would only work in tabloid magazines (blow jobs, tan coloured suites, the fact that they are a woman or black, what’s on the laptop of their kid, etc.)
Meanwhile, Conservative and Republican scandals are more like treason, deals resulting in mass destruction of the environment, wars, threats to the free press, the stripping of civil liberties, institutionalized oppression against various minority groups (and women), felonies, rape or child molestation.
Publically supporting dictators, publically supporting Nazis, firing of staff designed to protect the country from government oversight or corruption, etc…
What the fuck happened in the world for both sides to receive equal outrage?
We won’t do a thing beyond ball-less protests because we’re either too afraid of the repercussions, too lazy to give up any sort of comfort or too in denial about the severity of what’s happening. No one views themselves as complacent, but there are complacent people out there.
Always rules for thee, not for me
We did something already. It didn’t work.
I’m sure if they just occupied the right sidewalk that oligarchs never walk on, or write just the right sensational slogan on a picket sign, that’ll be enough to fix things. Nothing wrong with attempting to try, but it might actually do something if they occupied, i don’t maybe gated communities for millionaires/billionaires. Outside just one of their mansions, just one. Imagine if BLM or Occupy could happen at a billionaires mansion, even if they weren’t home.
The terrifying part happened at the election.
This was the expected part.
The next terrifying part is that we might not kick them out.
I’ve been terrified since early November
Me too
Lots of warnings and recommendations to be scared.
Very few saying what to do.
The only way to take on a bully is to bloody his nose.
French would argue that the guillotine is the more civilized way to do it… 
This 100%
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The clear thing was “vote for Harris”. It was just that a lot of people wanted to punish Democrats for the Palestinian genocide.
We sure showed them by electing double genocide for Palestine
We did?
Eh… fewer Palestinians are dying each day than were under Biden…
And soon there won’t be any Palestinians left. On the bright side, you’ll be able to stay at a Trump hotel in the Gaza Strip! Is it too early to congratulate ourselves?
And soon there won’t be any Palestinians left.
That was the course under Biden too… So, no course change there.
On the bright side, you’ll be able to stay at a Trump hotel at the Gaza Strip!
You know, we can still stop this right? Its time to start doing things that make you uncomfortable.
Is it too salty to congratulate ourselves?
What is amazing, is you somehow think Harris would have stopped any of this…
Ah! I see! What’s happening now to the Palestinians would have happened either way. In that case, thank goodness we decided to make everything else demonstrably much worse as a means of not changing this outcome?
Sounds like the US is getting to experience the US…
Temporary lull, only
Probably, but the point being made was “Oh no! The genocide is WORSE under Trump”, and it’s objectively false.
Trump is mostly worse for people in the US, which is what your problem is. You likely don’t care until it impacts you, personally. Which is the same problem with MAGAts. Whole leopards and faces thing.
Trump is mostly worse for people in the US
I wonder what the Ukrainians, Canadians, et al. would have to say about this…
I wonder what the Ukrainians, Canadians, et al. would have to say about this…
Learning a lesson they needed to learn much sooner: Its very dangerous to be an ally of the US. Ask the Kurds. Or the Vietnamese.
That was only clear to those who think the USA is a working democracy, where the purple states have fair elections. It was clear to idealists or uninformed.
To those who understand why computer ballots should not be used, or just plain cynical, it was clear the choice was out of our hands
I find it very telling when someone gets mad at the people who couldn’t stomach voting for a genocide, rather than getting mad at the party for running on a pro-genocide platform
When idiots vote for a felon, they should expect that felon to destroy the system that might hold him accountable some day.
Like I said elsewhere, everyone is really just waiting for him to come after the federal judges who have been holding back his EOs. The DOJ is currently being torn apart, but he’ll get there eventually.
Another warning? I’ll get right on that.
The DOJ has been under attack since Jan 2018.
I never deliver a blunt warning cuz I always pass that shit after two puffs.