Because this needs to be a regular thing, come forward warriors and announce the feats you have achieved! For the glory of the Empire!
Weeeeeeeell… I’m not lying on this now: Taking a shit for the glory of the empire!
Empty bowels are strong bowels! Glory to you!
You should indeed not be lying on your shit. You would look like 2 weeks old Rokeg!
I held our cat while my wife trimmed its nails FOR THE GLORY OF THE EMPIRE
Glory to your name! You stood strong to make tame the most dangerous of beasts that share the warriors house and helped tending for its well being!
Damn, dude. We were just looking for minor tales of valor and not harrowing survival accounts. I assume you’re okay, because you’re at least able to type. Imagine clipping the nails of one of the deadliest predators of all time as a domestic routine because it lives in your home. I have no words, except, GLORY TO YOU AND YOUR HOUSE!
I salute your bravery and the blood you spilled, FOR THE GLORY OF THE EMPIRE!
As a fellow cat-holder while your spouse trims their claws, Glory to you and your House!
Glory to you and your house! The Empire grows stronger through your feat! FOR THE GLORY OF THE EMPIRE!
you got married then directly after you got on Lemmy?! that’s dedication
ps cong rats!
Congratulations!! FOR THE GLORY OF THE EMPIRE!!!
You have joined two honorable houses together, qapla!
I exported the Bill of Materials spreadsheets to PDF and emailed them to the contract suppler, for the Glory of the Empire!
The logistics of an army is hard to tend. Your contribution is noted, for the glory of the Empire!Glory to your name!
May your PDF bring honor to your house!
I got eight and a half hours of sleep FOR THE GLORY OF THE EMPIRE!
The rested warrior is to be feared, as the mind is made sharp and the body fresh and ready for another battle! Glory to you and your house!
I confirmed an X-Ray tech was on the way to the Newborn ICU, for the glory of the empire!
Caring for the next generation of warriors is caring for the glory of the Empire! Glory to you and your house!
Glory to the newborn bones! A warrior’s bones must be strong, yet flexible!
You communicated the necessary with valor. Glory to you and your house!
I took my medicine, FOR THE GLORY OF THE EMPIRE!
The wounded warrior is the warrior that fought valiantly. There is no shame in caring for ones health. More battles will come! For the glory of the Empire! Glory to you and your house!
You bring honor to your house for promoting self care for one’s health and wellness. Qapla’!
The empire rests on the health of it’s warriors. Glory to your house!
I played Animal Crossing, for the glory of the empire!
Keeping spirits high is important to ready ourselves for battle. Glory to you and your house!
Even the mightiest of warriors needs to find respite for the mind. Glory to you!
I’ve not played it, but may you finally slay that cursed rent seeking small masked bear, FOR THE GLORY OF THE EMPIRE!!!
Is it wise to allow access to caffeine to Klingons?
Definitely not… but glorious nonetheless!
The enemies of the empire will meet their doom in novel ways!
Been scrolling on Lemmy, FOR THE GLORY OF THE EMPIRE!
Me too! Doomscrolling for THE GLORY OF THE EMPIRE!
The Empire marches at your call! Glory to your name!
i caught the bus for the glory of the empire
Public transportation makes the core of the Empire’s strength, for an Empire uncapable of moving its warriors swiflty is a weak one! Glory to you name!
Bought fiber gummies, FOR THE GLORY OF THE EMPIRE!
Ah, yes, may your gut be strong and regular, like the stride of the mighty warrior of the Empire! Glory to you and your house!
Preparing for the battle has it’s own valor. Glory to your house.
No quarter for the dishonorable!
May your battles be long and hard and your enemies strong! FOR THE GLORY OF THE EMPIRE!
Compared color swatches against a painted wall for the glory of the empire. I concluded it fell somewhere between the colors of the two swatches for the glory of the empire.
A well tended house is a strong house! Glory to your house and your name.