I am happy with the result. There is a black line accross the badge due to the head going through it, but I removed it by sanding it. Maybe I should play with the z-hop setting.
I have “stolen” this picture : https://starbase16.com/products/spy-x-family-pin-bond-1
It needed raster cleaning (paint.net), vectorization (inkscape), expand (inkscape) and extrusion (openSCAD).
Looks to me like you swapped at the end. Try printing it face down first the black lines and then the white around it. You get a really cool flat surface.
You need to subtract the lines from the white form. Make sure your z hop is higher than 2 layers.
Also keep the bed heated while switching filaments and KEEP THE MOTORS RUNNING.
I’m curious what the process is for modeling/slicing this approach.
For OP, because the colour change is the top layer(s), the slicer putting in a pause at a given layer height is straightforward.
For something where you are doing colour changes in a single layer… How do you tell the slicer which part of the layer to print first, and then pause?
Different files! You can arrange everything in your slicer, then delete>slice>save>undo and repeat until you have all the colors. If you really want to go for it, you can edit the gcode so the bed doesn’t cool down between the prints, just in case you get distracted.
I watched CHEP’s video on this method but I’ve yet to try it. I’ve been perfecting OP’s method but now that I have a color laser printer and transparency film, I’m keen to attempt the toner transfer method. Thoughts on the toner transfer method?
Did you put a pause on a layer to complete the switch over?
I tried many things but most of the gcode instructions are not compatible with my printer. Nowadays, with modern firmwares, you only have to add a M600 instruction (“change filament” instruction). After some attempts, the “pause at height” script in Cura, with the M25 instruction, is what worked.
Thank you!
Did you catch what it was doing when it made the error? I almost wonder if it was a slicer error and it was tryinf to travel through the mesh
About the black line ? It’s not an “error”. After the filament being changed and purged, the nozzle traveled on the surface of the white part. By travelling, ot wiped itself on the surface of the white part. It’s not a traced line. It’s a thin line of wiped black.
However I could correct this by setting the park location near the seem or by adding a non null zhop (having the head to jump instead of wiping itself).
You might also add a manual purge tower, that helps with repressuring the nozzle after filament change.
Thanks @CapillaryUpgrade@lemmy.sdf.org
I love this technique. I’ve used it to make many signs.
Can you provide the STL for this?
Congrats! You can do the Lemmy logo next!