And you have a terrible list of reasons all separated out into single comments for some reason :)
you keep conflating cryptocurrency and blockchain and bitcoin. are we talking about bitcoin here?
Any cryptocurrency because it works off the blockchain. You have the transactions committed on a wallet that exists on the blockchain, which is how you get the public transactions in the first place.
what backs turquoise?
Literally any fiat currency, or you could even barter with it if somebody wanted it. It has tangible value because it has a physical demand.
have you tried mining any other money? you can’t mine dollars at all, and proof of stake is a great way of explaining the compound interest system.
Actually, if you work a job, you get paid in money. Crazy, I know - you don’t have to speculate and hype on a fake currency :)
that has nothing to do with bitcoin.
But we’re talking about cryptocurrency, no? Unless you’re saying BitCoin is not a crypto?
In practice it’s happening multiple times a day. All it takes for one is to snoop the private key to get full control over a wallet.
True, and there’s also that 51% majority control thing too. Nothing can get rid of social engineering either, but perhaps there’s a chance to develop better security for blockchain-based tech.
there are a lot of vendors that do or have in the past accepted bitcoin. where can you spend turquoise? or confederate dollars?
Physically or online? Because you can spend crypto at like Microsoft online, for example, but could you go to a bar or a restaurant and pay with crypto?
Any cryptocurrency because it works off the blockchain. You have the transactions committed on a wallet that exists on the blockchain, which is how you get the public transactions in the first place.
you don’t seem to understand that most cryptos don’t work on the bitcoin blockchain. bitcoin has its own blockchain.
Actually, if you work a job, you get paid in money. Crazy, I know - you don’t have to speculate and hype on a fake currency :)
this is distinct from mining, the process by which new bitcoins are actually put into circulation. you can’t MAKE dollars: the cia are the only people allowed to do that.
Literally any fiat currency, or you could even barter with it if somebody wanted it. It has tangible value because it has a physical demand.
you don’t seem to know this, so i’m going to explain it to you: turquoise was the currency of indigenous people in the northeast of the so-called united states. it’s not money now. what backed turquoise? nothing. the point was its ubiquity.
this is a terrible list of attributes to use to establish whether any currency is “fake money”
And you have a terrible list of reasons all separated out into single comments for some reason :)
Any cryptocurrency because it works off the blockchain. You have the transactions committed on a wallet that exists on the blockchain, which is how you get the public transactions in the first place.
Literally any fiat currency, or you could even barter with it if somebody wanted it. It has tangible value because it has a physical demand.
Actually, if you work a job, you get paid in money. Crazy, I know - you don’t have to speculate and hype on a fake currency :)
But we’re talking about cryptocurrency, no? Unless you’re saying BitCoin is not a crypto?
True, and there’s also that 51% majority control thing too. Nothing can get rid of social engineering either, but perhaps there’s a chance to develop better security for blockchain-based tech.
Physically or online? Because you can spend crypto at like Microsoft online, for example, but could you go to a bar or a restaurant and pay with crypto?
to keep ideas separate. it helps prevent a gish gallop and walls of text.
the comment i responded to said bitcoin.
you don’t seem to understand that most cryptos don’t work on the bitcoin blockchain. bitcoin has its own blockchain.
your other issues with crypto have nothing to do with bitcoin.
you should respond to the person who actually left this comment. i’m not a part of that conversation.
this is distinct from mining, the process by which new bitcoins are actually put into circulation. you can’t MAKE dollars: the cia are the only people allowed to do that.
you don’t seem to know this, so i’m going to explain it to you: turquoise was the currency of indigenous people in the northeast of the so-called united states. it’s not money now. what backed turquoise? nothing. the point was its ubiquity.
you’re moving teh goalposts.