• Twitches
    119 months ago

    Interestingly how my dad taught me was by not talking about it. He didn’t talk about race, nationality, gender, sexual orientation, nothing. I watched him interact with all walks of life and watched him treat everyone with the same basic level of respect. Now that I’m older I treat it just like my dad taught it, everyone is a person and unless shown otherwise deserves basic respect.

    • Maple Engineer
      9 months ago

      Exactly. We did the same thing with our kids. They saw us interacting with a wide range of people. When our son came home from a friend’s house and said, “Mommy, what she’s the word n----r mean? What does the word f----t mean?” we had a conversation about loaded words and how we don’t use them. I’ve been working to eliminate gendered insults like b**ch and p—y from my speech. My son called a friend a b–ch while gaming today and I told him not to use gendered insults and explained why. We teach our kids how to deal with people. If you teach them right they will be good human beings.