• @Hacksaw@lemmy.ca
    24 months ago

    The fighting ensures we all stay intellectually honest. It’s a competitive market of ideas that creates positive, progressive ideology. The fighting is also internal, when one of us is fighting the systems that oppress us we all line up to help in solidarity.

    Miss my with your pseudosuperiority and go crawl into whatever hateful right wing hole you call home.

      • @BeardedGingerWonder@feddit.uk
        24 months ago

        Just to understand, you support the right because you think the left are your enemy and actual policy or what they do doesn’t factor into your thinking on who you support?

        • Captain Aggravated
          04 months ago

          I don’t support the right nor do I intend to vote Republican. I’m not sure if there’ll be another election, or if the next election held on this soil will be conducted under the same constitution. I don’t know if I’m going to finish this decade living on this continent.

          I’ve voted for Democrats since I registered to vote ~20 years ago. Support for the Democrats among young white men has been waning and this is why. More and more of us have been made to feel unwelcome and unwanted and have just…gone elsewhere or stayed home, with the attitude that neither one of these groups is building a future I can live in so fuck it turn on the Xbox. That’s about where I’m at right now.

          “The Left” is full of people who like to say words like equality and inclusion while really they’re dreaming of their turn to be the subjugators. Basically none of whom are in any kind of actual office; the Democrats are a center-right party who have been apathetic and accepting of everything the Republicans have done.

          As for the people on The Left, the feminists and the queers and the “It’s not racist if it’s against white people,” I don’t have to kill you but I don’t have to save you. I didn’t lose this election for the Democrats; the people who heard “Hey let’s actually talk to young white men on their level and encourage them to vote for us” and said “I’ve got a better idea, let’s spit in their face and demand they vote for us anyway” are the ones who implemented their own defeat. Congratulations. You’re on your own.

      • @Hacksaw@lemmy.ca
        04 months ago

        Man you’re gonna make a great right wing snowflake with all that whining and victim complex you’ve got going on! A+ you were born for this.