there’s more than shown here and it’s more than just these users too 😭

if you find the thread don’t piss in the popcorn (brigade) but also please maybe don’t bring it back here i don’t want 400 notifications of entry level “is almond milk milk” vegan discourse

    3 months ago

    politely raises hand

    While I think factory farming is abhorrent, I find the most compelling reasons to eat plant-based to be the environmental ones. Therefore, I think “I only eat a little bit of meat” is actually a huge positive step someone can take. If your primary concern regarding meat is the cruelty of taking the life of another animal, that’s completely valid, but compared to the others, that square just feels out of place.

      11 month ago

      depends on the context, on the bingo, i interpret it as “i don’t want to go vegan, i only eat a little meat anyways”