I do this for a few things, movies in particular. For me most recently, I’m planning on watching Bo Burnham’s Inside this weekend, for the first time since I watched it shortly post-release. I wasn’t really intending to wait *checks watch* nearly 3 years on that one, but I definitely felt it needed some space before a rewatch.
Anyone else treat certain pieces of media similarly?
No, I go full throttle until I’m sick of it.
Yes, then you can forget about it for a decade or two and rediscover, rinse, and repeat.
- [game] Donkey Kong Country 1/2/3
- [anime] Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood
- [anime] Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann
The games are part of my childhood, and they aged really well, so if I don’t stop myself from playing them all the time the muscle memory kills all the joy from playing.
Same thing with the two anime series - I love both but it has been a few years since I watched either.
I have rewatched Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann twice since I originally watched it in 2014, and it held up.
I also occasionally watch the final fight of the Lagann-hen movie on YouTube and it still holds up.
Yup, it aged really well, too. FMA:B too.
One TTGL episode that I occasionally watch (even if avoiding the rest of the series) is ep11, when Simon snaps off his grief and guilt. It’s amazing how the right context makes even something as silly as “ore wa ore da!” (I’m me!) sound awesome.
Love both those anime!
Sometimes I feel like I should rewatch FMA B but then I’m like, nah I still remember it perfectly. To me it’s just a perfect execution of what a story should be.
Bojack Horseman
What are you doing here?
Say that again!
Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind. Love it, but i can’t watch it too often because it’s so exhausting.
Now I wait until Christmas before allowing myself to watch Die Hard.
I’m not even a WoW fan, but as a gamer I appreciate the sentiment.
Most comedy specials, the George Carlin post today reminded me of that. If you listen too frequently they’ll lose their punch, and you’ll stop listening to what they’re saying. Every few years I’ll listen to him (and a few other comedians) and it reminds me of everything
Gotta do a Bill Hicks listen through every few years myself.
Add Mitch Hedberg to the pile, while you’re at it.
Dodgeball: A True Underdog Story
If you can dodge a wrench, you can dodge a ball!
Some have this one as a guilty pleasure, I say fuck that, this is a masterpiece.
Oh another one I just thought of. The Mass Effect trilogy.
Used to do it every year and got burned out, now every 3 years or so I jump back in and save the galaxy. Wait - this might be three years this summer!
I still haven’t started ME3 for this reason.
How do the sequels compare to the original?
For me it’s books. I try not to read The Discworld series too often. Same thing with a few of my favourite books: Jane Eyre, Ivanhoe, Villette, etc. I also try to ensure a long enough gap (few years) between each read so that details of the books become a bit hazy in my mind and I can enjoy my read almost like the first time.
lol I can’t. I have favorite series I go back to a couple times a year on audiobook.
I’m pretty sure I read everything Karen Rose has written at least 3 times last year, I read CJ Archer’s Glass and Steele twice, and there are a bunch of others. Most TV shows I space out a bit though. (Except the Good Place. It’s just so forking delightful.)
Cowboy Bebop (the anime series, not the live action), sadly only one season exists.
Definitely the band “Heilung.”
I refuse to listen to them outside of live at a concert. It’s old Nordic style viking goodness and the live shows are more of a ritual than a concert. When I go, I want a full immersive experience and I feel listening to them in between the concerts takes away from the experience.
I do this with music… if one of my favourite nostalgia songs comes on and I’m not driving with the windows down in summer, it’s for sure getting skipped!
That’s some good discipline – good for you!
Some books and mangas, but mostly the Ghibli movies. Specially because when I watch one of them, I immediately want to go on a full Ghibli marathon.
They’re beautiful.
They’re beautiful.
In which aspects are you finding them beautiful?
Don’t get me wrong I am not a hater whatsoever, but I started watching them with my girlfriend recently and I’m not feeling it completely, I only watched Spirited Away before and I have the same feeling.
We have watched so far (in this order):
The Boy and The Heron
Princess Mononoke (this one was my favorite)
How’s Castle
My Neighbor Totoro
The art design is top notch I can agree with that.
Goodfellas, it’s my favorite movie ever and I want to keep the wonder of the first time I saw it alive as long as possible