Ive been getting a bug where typing in the app, like a comment or something, if I repeatedly press backsapce to fix a typo or something, it will delete the spaces before words.
Also saving an image crashes the app every time.
And sometimes the names of communities in feed get their last word removed. So I would see post from ‘you should’ rather than ‘you should know’
And also, the app constantly goes back to the top of ‘Subscribed - Active’. So if ive been browsing ‘All - Top day’ for an hour, sometimes clicking on a post and then backing out again will jump straight back to top of ‘Subscribed - Active’.
Edit: a one that comes up for me too is getting messages appear on screen for a couple of seconds. Sometimes they say ‘Timeout’ but other times its ‘Value <html’> of type java.lang.String cannot be converted to JSONObject’
Not sure what that means but just thought I’d mention it here in case anyone else is experienceing similar
For the ppl experiencing the typing bug, can you report it on GitHub along with a video of it. It hasn’t been reported yet and I can’t reproduce it.
I made a screen recording and uploaded it to Streamable, then added the link to a big report I added on Github. Hopefully that helps, I have never made a bug report before lol. Link is here -> (https://github.com/dessalines/jerboa/issues/748 )
deleted by creator
“value of type java. String cannot be converted to JSON object” is basically every 1/3 post.
Heard from folks the app crashes the instant they opened it.
Reuses comments section from previous posts.
Can’t differentiate search by content vs search for communities,
Can’t just paste a community URL, or paste a post URL into search
can’t follow links in comments to communities and can only join them after finding a post and clicking the link.
also searching communities doesn’t seem to work.
Thanks everyone for these reports! Please don’t hesitate to report them to GitHub so the devs see them and prioritize them.
I’ll try to sift through these and get them added, but I’m probably not going to get everything.
I also have the typing bug, so it’s not specific to you. In fact, it happened now, while writing this comment.
What device and android version are you using? Do you have a custom version of android installed by any chance?
I’ve been noticing that when I try to paste something on mobile, like a link, into my comment it will move the cursor to the beginning of my comment instead of where I want the pasted link to go
The app doesnt seem to like images in the comments very much. When I try to scroll while one of those images is on the screen, the comment section jumps up and down.
What android version and phone do you have?
Not a bug specifically but the lack of pull to refresh, especially after timeouts, is super frustrating.
Also, how any submitted content is lost if an error happens after posting, eg a timeout or invalid language. It should be saved as a draft.
There’s already a feature request for a drafts feature, and it’s reasonably high priority, so it’ll probably get worked on soonish.
And pull to refresh works for me. Try updating.
Cool, thanks.
Weird that pull to refresh is working, I’m on the latest version and it isn’t for me. I’ll see if I can work out any consistent repo steps.
If i remove the check to the checkbox “view read posts” it works, i can’t see the post that i already read. Unfortunately this includes also the post that i created or commented. I need to re-check that checkbox to br able to see those.
Sometimes when I look at a thread, it will show the comments from the previous thread I viewed.
There’s also another error I’m getting: Value <html> of type java.lang.String cannot be conver…
This usually ends up in the wrong comments bug, no comments, no post, can’t make comment, etc.
Yeah, it looks like Jerboa will reuse the comment section, so you’ll see the previous thread’s comments until the new ones load.