Instructions unclear, ate the puppy.
I think we’re supposed to name you now?
I suggest “Rover Cloxworth Van Puppyeater”
I had to jerk off before posting just to make this comment true.
Thank you for your snackrifice.
This ruins the edge.
All goon things must come to an end. 😌
You had to?
What was I supposed to do? Lie? I am a good boy, sir. 😤
I respect your commitment to telling the truth!
Did you aim it towards your face?
Cum, Come!
Fits pretty well if you ask me…
Cheese Stick ain’t a terrible name tho
Wood glue.
As long as it’s non-toxic.
Mmm. Tacky. Now with a new non-toxic formula.
Wood-fired pizza ?
All I do is crunch numbers and eat wood glue. No pizza.
Hush Puppy.
That’s not what you ate, that’s what you said when you ate it.
My left leg.
(If somebody could come get me off this desert island that’d be great)
Shuffle one letter over to dessert island and you’ll be good for a bit.
I don’t know why you went for the left. Plenty of meat left on the right one. We’ll send a team out in a month.
please be referring to dick
Puppy 🗿
Such a cute ham sandwich 🥹
Totino’s Pizza Rolls
Banh mi
Fuck I want a banh mi
Technically I drank it but it was thick so it was my meal