He’s got a jaw like Quagmire
And he left more people fucked.
Because he crept into their houses at night and wrecked up the place.
Those are jowls
No outrage over the tan suit?
Ah you noticed that every president since WWII has worn tan suits. Very good.
Richard Nixon always looked like he was born with extra face.
Charlie kirk is his arch nemesis.
He looks like Jimmy Carr with a bigger jaw.
Jimmy’s older, shittier brother.
Look Billy Carter was a drunk but no one was ever as drunk as Nixon in the White House
“My gravest secret is that I really did fake the moon landing. On Venus!” ―Richard M. Nixon
He got one in his hand, one in his mouth
Is that a bible in front of him?
Well he was a republican, so probably
It’s one of their starter pack accessories
It wasn’t really unique before him. He is the reason for the identity of modern Republicans as the party of the bible thumping, bigoted southerners. Before Nixon, neither party really tried to court that demographic. Nixon changed the game and is responsible for most of the modern political tribalism.
They use it for both blocking criticism and to beat people with.
I remember my body. Flabby, pasty skin, riddled with phlebitis. A good republican body.
Richard Nixon always looks less polished than JFK of his era, because Slicky Dick refused to wear makeup for TV and pictures, thinking it was woman’s stuff.
And then popped those two beetles in his mouth one in each cheek.
Before his jowels grew in
He looks like he has ultramumps
“No mom I swear I’m making them… uh… fight”
It’s funny, I’ve seen so many caricatures of Nixon that I forgot what he actually looked like.
Is there a game of Thrones reference there?