I just re-watched TNG “In Theory” (S04E25) and Data says that the door to his quarters is set to only allow humanoids to enter or leave when Geordie finds Spot in the hall.

Whilst I get that it would be dangerous for Spot to wander the ship freely I think it’s kind of mean to keep him locked in a small room like that forever. There doesn’t seem to be any cat toys in the room but maybe the computer is capable of some sort of environmental enrichment we can’t immediately see.

  • @weariedfae@lemmy.world
    698 months ago

    Not really. His quarters seem spacious enough and as long as he has plenty of engagement - which we can assume he did because of his study of having a pet, indoor cats are perfectly happy lazy balls of frustrating love.

    I mean, there are trucker cats who are happy.

    • dohpaz42
      348 months ago

      Plus, cats are nocturnal and are most active at night. Data does not always sleep, so on nights where he’s not on the bridge, he could be spending quality time with Spot.

      • @pjwestin@lemmy.world
        208 months ago

        Cats are actually crepuscular, meaning they’re most active at dawn and dusk, but they can be trained to keep to a mostly human sleep schedule (by which I mean sleeping 8 of their 15 daily hours at the same time you do).

        • @Moneo@lemmy.world
          28 months ago

          Thanks for this. Cats being nocturnal never made much sense to me. They’re definitely active a lot at night but its not like they just have an inverted sleep schedule from humans.

    • @pjwestin@lemmy.world
      88 months ago

      Yeah, I get the impression TNG quarters are about the size of a studio apartment, which isn’t amazing for cats, but it can work if you keep them entertained.

    • Sundray
      228 months ago

      That program? An almost completely empty holodeck, with a single cardboard box in a corner.

      • BubbleMonkey
        8 months ago

        And a little light ball, like a reflection off a watch face, that sometimes appears that just randomly moves around and, importantly, can be “caught” (as in has a physical presence, sometimes).

    • @Aggravationstation@feddit.ukOP
      128 months ago

      Totally. I started thinking that as I was posting. Or you could have like a motorised laser pen. Thinking about it, you could easily hide something like that in the walls of the TNG style starship quarters.

    • @elephantium@lemmy.world
      108 months ago

      My cat was the opposite. He longed for adventure! Excitement! The great outdoors.

      I’d take him on walks on a little cat harness. He was perfectly happy to roam. I think we got 4 blocks away one time before I finally had to say “Look, cat, it’s getting late. Time to go home again.”

      He was a very good cat.

  • @Olgratin_Magmatoe@lemmy.world
    298 months ago

    It seems like the upper staff on the ship get quarters that are roughly the size of a 1 or 2 bedroom apartment. Not great, but not worse than what lots of people do IRL.

    Plus maybe he sometimes takes spot to a cargohold for more active play. There would be plenty of space, lots of height, etc. And that’s all before even considering the holodeck.

  • Flying SquidM
    278 months ago

    I think it’s more messed up that Spot changed breeds and genders more than ones.

    Data kept killing Spots.

  • @Sanctus@lemmy.world
    228 months ago

    I’m sure Data had Spot out at one point and they spent six hours climbing through Jeffrey’s Tubes to find him.

  • Punkie
    178 months ago

    Wait, didn’t spot become pregnant with an unknown other ship cat? This would imply at least some kind of free roaming.


    In 2370, Spot became pregnant by one of the twelve male cats aboard the Enterprise-D at that time. Data paid attention to her health, including bringing her to sickbay for a check-up just before giving birth. (TNG: “Genesis”)

    I checked a transcript, and saw this line between him an Barclay, implying not only that Spot “escaped,” but that there are other cats also loose:

    BARCLAY: I’m curious, sir. Who’s the father?

    DATA: I am not certain. Spot has escaped from my quarters on several occasions and there are twelve male felines on board. I intend to run a full DNA analysis on the kittens once they [he is interrupted by Picard on speaker]

  • Toes♀
    178 months ago

    To be fair, you can’t treat Spot like an outdoor cat on a space ship. Unlike kids there’s no one assigned to Spot to keep track of them in an emergency.

    And before you say well Data is responsible for that, keep in mind data will pretty always have his attention monopolized by an emergency on this ship. So the best thing for Spot is to be in a known location.

  • Vaggumon
    178 months ago

    So you think that no one living in an apartment should own a cat?

  • @elephantium@lemmy.world
    178 months ago

    Now I’m wondering if Data ever brought Spot to the Holodeck. “Computer, run program Spot #7” (looks like a farm setting with space-squirrels and such)

  • @Etterra@lemmy.world
    118 months ago

    Are you kidding? Spot got out whenever she damn well felt like it. There’s no way that Data didn’t figure out how to keep the cat from unlocking the door; I’m pretty sure that spot came and went whenever she felt like it. Especially when you remember that all of the toughest guys on the ship were terrified of that cat lol

  • Sundray
    108 months ago

    I feel like TNG missed a trick by not have a Feline Ops department.

    “Ensign Spot, what is your report on the feline habitability of Eridani 3?”
