Melania Trump made an extraordinary declaration in an eagerly awaited memoir to be published a month from election day: she is a passionate supporter of a woman’s right to control her own body – including the right to abortion.

“It is imperative to guarantee that women have autonomy in deciding their preference of having children, based on their own convictions, free from any intervention or pressure from the government,” the Republican nominee’s wife writes, amid a campaign in which Donald Trump’s threats to women’s reproductive rights have played a central role.

“Why should anyone other than the woman herself have the power to determine what she does with her own body? A woman’s fundamental right of individual liberty, to her own life, grants her the authority to terminate her pregnancy if she wishes.

“Restricting a woman’s right to choose whether to terminate an unwanted pregnancy is the same as denying her control over her own body. I have carried this belief with me throughout my entire adult life.”

  • FuglyDuck
    856 months ago

    And yet, she married a rapist. Probably knowingly.

    596 months ago

    Remember when she wore a jacket with the words “I really don’t care. Do U?” when visiting a migrant child detention facility in Texas?

      6 months ago

      Do you really think she chose that shirt specifically to signal her disregard for those children, despite knowing exactly how the media would react? Or perhaps it was just an unfortunate coincidence? Does everyone close to Donald need to be equally terrible?

      For all I know, while Donald was threatening North Korea with nuclear holocaust, Melania was campaigning against online bullying. She seems quite reasonable person to me.

        296 months ago

        As Catherine Ryan put it: “She’s just an innocent gold digger who got in way over her head”.

        236 months ago

        The jacket makes a pretty shitty statement on the face of it, no matter how you could present it, and the message is completely wrong to wear to a children’s detention facility. I honestly believe she didn’t think about any aspect of it except as a fashion statement, which is a good indication she shouldn’t be a public representative.

        136 months ago

        At very minimum, if you assume it’s an innocent mistake, wearing that jacket in that context shows shockingly bad judgment. But she had handlers that surely would’ve noticed this and advised her to change. So that means she wore it intentionally with complete disregard for the context. It shows she’s a cold and cruel person, which isn’t a surprise but does mean that she’s not the reasonable person you think she is.

        116 months ago

        Do you really think she chose that shirt specifically to signal her disregard for those children…?

        Yes. Absolutely. She is a conservative.

  • Optional
    386 months ago

    Well . . . Jeez I hate to be the one to tell her this but

    366 months ago

    Melania is a self-admitted trophy wife (when asked if she would have married Donald if he wasn’t rich, she responded that he would not have married her if she wasn’t beautiful). Trump’s base, especially the mysoginists, probably wouldn’t care what she says anyway.

      176 months ago

      Trump’s base in a few days: Melania? Isn’t she an immigrant? She only married Trump to get citizenship! Deport her!

        26 months ago

        Absolutely this as soon as she starts to divorce him. And I think she will right after the election, whether he wins or not.

  • WrenM
    5 months ago

    I honestly don’t understand anything about that woman. Like, it seems like she’d stare you right in the eye while eating your children, but then compliment you on your wonderful family and beautiful house on the way out.

    Pick a lane!

    • Let’s not look too deeply.

      Someone’s contacted her saying they’ll give her a few million if she let’s them write some bullshit memoirs.

      No one has cared about the insignificant experiences of this vapid bimbo since she progressed from lamb to mutton, so the book needs some controversial opinions or it just won’t sell.

      I suspect that someone thinks this will make Trump seem more balanced on women’s rights which is why they’ve leaked this prior to the book release.

      6 months ago

      Pick a lane!

      Why? I don’t think she ever wanted to be in the spotlight and having to pick a lane; she is pretty close for Donny hitting the bucket and her finally getting a slice of the grift pie.

        16 months ago

        I don’t think she ever wanted to be in the spotlight

        Marrying trump seems like an odd choice then. Sure, he wasn’t president at the time, but he was a big public figure.

  • Gumby
    276 months ago

    Maybe she should endorse Kamala then.

      126 months ago

      If this happened it probably wouldn’t affect much of anything, but it would definitely get a chuckle out of me.

      • Nah the campaign has released this prior to the book release because they think it makes trump look more balanced on women’s rights.

        Remember, they’re not trying to win your vote, but “low information” swing voters who will decide who to vote for based on whatever meme they happen to remember.

          6 months ago

          I agree… the fact that you have people arguing about it instead of talking about Trump wanting to literally shit on democracy is a good thing for him. He believes in all publicity being good.

        • Flying Squid
          -26 months ago

          I don’t see how this makes Donald Trump look more balanced on women’s right’s. Not when it’s already well-known that there’s a rift between him and her.

    • Octospider
      86 months ago

      You forgot something. She paid someone to ghostwrite a memoir for her.

      26 months ago

      You are missing her major in sociology from Princeton, her degree from Harvard law school, her time as the assistant to the mayor of Chicago and her role as associate dean of student services at the University of Chicago.

          • prole
            6 months ago

            Well she did get a “genius visa” or whatever it’s called, so she’s obviously brilliant.

            /s not needed hopefully.

            Just to lay it all out, because I was thinking about this earlier… About how far we’ve fallen (even including Clinton’s BJ, and JFK’s dalliances) with regards to what we are collectively willing to accept as character traits in our leaders. These are people that are supposed to be role models for our kids. Literal, unrepentant racists. Literal, unrepentant rapists.

            The former (and possibly future) First Lady is a mail order bride/sex worker that a rich, gross old man (the President, btw) basically bought for all intents and purposes, by providing the means for her to fraudulently come to, and stay in, the US… Why should we give a shit what she has to say (unless it’s on a witness stand)?

            No judgement for the sex work specifically (though the Republican hypocrisy is on full display as always). Her trashiness is independent of her past sex work.

              • prole
                16 months ago

                As long as people don’t think the part about the visa was sarcasm, because that’s definitely real.

    126 months ago

    You see, Melania, unlike most women that haven’t whored themselves out to a mushroom dicked mango with more money than brains, you can choose where you want to live at will, and even if that place doesn’t let you do what you want, you could be on a private jet to anywhere else that would.

    You ridiculous clown.

  • FundMECFS
    96 months ago

    And I, Oil Executive, say it is an imperative climate change does not destroy nature.

    56 months ago

    I actually have more respect for her now than in 2016, and it’s not cause of this headline.

    She honestly stayed out of things waaay more than I thought, still a shitty person but better than ivanka.

    46 months ago

    She also apparently asked for $250k to agree to a CNN interview. I wonder if she’s trying to stab Donald in the back in exchange for a golden parachute.