I prefer the Schrödinger’s immigrant. Both stole Your job and only collects benefits.
Not hard to believe some one had a full time, shit-paying job and benefits.
We need stop subsidizing corporations with welfare and make them pay actual wages
We need to take the top 100 corporations into public ownership
Why stop there?
We wouldn’t. But when making demands its useful to make them in such a way that they are theoretically possible within the logic of capitalism as an economic system, but functionally impossible within capitalism the system of class domination. This teaches the workers through struggle the true nature of the system, it removes all doubt. Its a transitional demand.
Overton Window.
Well, obviously, creating a localized hurricane wouldn’t change the entire climate one bit! /s
That’s what nukes ate for
Yum nukes
Probably don’t know how to use the three shells in the bathroom either
It’s so shameful to talk about what happens in the privy. Perhaps best to separate boys from girls until they are adults, at 25.
Except that girls clearly become adult enough to marry and have kids at whatever age gets them pregnant. It’s obviously what God intended. /s
Fuck, I have to be honest… I am neither a Republican or Democrat, but I haven’t figured it out either. I just look longingly at the 3 shells and think of the beach to assist the process, then turn the knob on the bidet. Best 27? Dollars I spent this year. While paper products are running scarce and another hurricane on the way, I’m glad I really don’t even have to care much about toilet paper anymore.
Hmm bad world building, makes sense.
Ha! What a bunch of maroons!
I wonder how many of those smug “you really beleive humans can affect the climate of the entire world 😏” types are now going on about the dems making hurricanes?
The root cause here is they will always blame anyone but themselves.
And it’s not an unusual belief, unfortunately.
Belief that weather control is possible is so common that states like Tennessee passed a law to ban geo-engineering / chemtrails. Meanwhile, another different conspiracy is that “the globalists” / “Bill Gates” / “The Rothchilds” / “George Soros” want to cram everyone into densely packed cities (15-minute cities) and they’re using the “climate change hoax” to make people give up their cars.
If anybody knows any actual, working way to deprogram these cultists, I’d very much like to have some relatives back.
I just recommend podcasts like knowledge fight, then disappear back in to the void
I’m not going to be able to get them to listen to a podcast, and I refuse to disappear into the void.
It is possible to seed clouds with silver iodide to get them to start raining.
Ok now make a hurricane
Thats impossible.
That’s my point
And if you seed open air with silver iodine nothing happens, which is why you can’t use that to, for example, make rain in the Sahara.
You need clouds already up there for it to work, which means water vapour getting up there in a high enough quantity that it has liquidified again (that’s what clouds are: lots and lots of tiny water dropplets).
So what exactly is the geoengineering process that’s put all that water up there in such quantity that there are clouds all the way to the horizon on all side, so thick that the sky becomes dark?
Our capabilities are about the equivalent of taking a bucket of water from a “creek” passing by in the sky whilst this hurricane would require us to be capable of putting an ocean of water up there, which is nowhere near our capabilities.
Yup, I said its possible to seed clouds to create rain. I didn’t say its possible to seed the sky to create rain.
Well, I felt it wasn’t clear from your post that seeding clouds to get them to drop their water is literally the most weather “control” we are capable of doing with current technology.
Yeah, with an unknown effectiveness. Like, maybe it will rain 5% more, maybe 5% earlier, but no guarantees. But, despite that, it’s widely deployed just in case in some places.
How can this homo habilis looking bitch not believe in science
You’ve categorized her under the wrong subspeices, she’s homo-hillbillieus
I don’t think Marjorie qualifies as a hillbilly. She’s rich and can’t operate a computer. But between Vance and the Deliverance and all the other media, got some sorry examples of hillbillies. Fuck all them stereotypes. But yeah don’t fly your freak flag (pride, fist emoji, represent) in rural Appalachia
Vance can us a computer, too.
(His search history included things likenAshley’s furniture and IKEA.)
I won’t mind when we move past the couchfucker meme. The only purpose it served was to annoy and confuse. That’s done, it’s over.
Get back to me when the MAGAts stop with “Tampon Tim”.
All the science points to humans are effecting the climate through, checks notes, 5g cell towers?
dont forget the lasers controlling the weather
That’s because Democrats aren’t human, they are demons.
Or something like that. I don’t know, trying to understand the insanity of her and her deranged ilk exhausts me.
from an anthropological standpoint, studying Homo Republicanensis is fascinating, but it is objectively horrifying that such creatures exist.
This same person is also always both demanding the end of social assistance programs while loudly demanding they are given more funds and faster!
Can we re-freeze her and put her back in the ice cave where she was found? This is not the unfrozen caveman lawyer reboot I was promised.
H.A.R.P. Scientist here - we use gravity waves to control the weather. The lasers are used to make the flies really aggressive. Hope that clears up the confusion
You see this sort of cognitive dissonance from tankies all. the. time.
They shame Americans for the faults of their government implying we have a functional and legitimate democracy that is at the behest of the people.
Then they say some shit like this;
“Americans are directly guilty of the genocide because POTUS supported Israel and Americans elected POTUS.”
Mfer, the ‘electoral college’ is who you’re mad at. And all those Americans you blame are mad at the same people.
To clarify, the people on the electoral college are not the issue. They generally follow rules set by their state. If enough states pass laws agreeing to the National Popular Vote Interstate Compact then the electoral college then just becomes an obfuscation of the popular vote, without the need to a constitutional amendment.
So, Dems are witches with weather controlling spells?
Makes more sense then every scientist who has observed climate change reasoning that adding carbon to the atmosphere will cause a green house effect.
I’m pretty sure she’s more of a Jewish space lasers believer
Shadow wizard money gang, we love casting spells.