Donald Trump is reportedly losing sleep, battling anxiety, and obsessing over his polling numbers as the GOP nominee hopes to hang his hat on any sign that he will return to the White House.

A campaign official told Axios that Trump is asking more questions and pushing his staff to work even more to ensure that he will come out ahead of Vice President Kamala Harris come Election Day.

“Trump’s anxiety is evident in his late-night and early morning calls to aides in which he peppers them with questions on how things are going—and whether they think he’ll win,” Axios reported.

    2905 months ago

    Well, I’ve been losing sleep and having anxiety attacks over the possibility that he might worm his way back into office again, so no sympathy

        455 months ago

        Yeah same tbh. But also I don’t expect this shit to really wrap up one way or another in anything less than a week, and then who knows what Johnson will try to pull at the electoral vote count in December…

          275 months ago

          This thing needs to be a blow out to keep it out of the SC.

          Kamala needs to end Tuesday dominantly. 5/7 swing states +Iowa. Its gotta be such that they can’t get one case alone to the SC that changes the results.

          5 months ago

          I guess the house goes up for sale and I’m back on duo lingo for my Spanish/ Portuguese?

          Unlike most lemmings, I have an actually target on my back, and have been doxxed for my political organizing. I know for a fact I’m in some databases used by fascists/ right-wingers to doxx left wing organizers. I’ve seen how weak Democrats and their voters are when it comes to standing up to power. And while I hated her with great vitriol, I realized how dependent we were on the acumen of players like Pelosi to just hold this shit together for the four years of Trump we already survived. I hold no hope for the weakness which has been demonstrated to be the 2024 Democratic party.

      185 months ago

      One thing that I’ve found with anxiety that can help is volunteering and other things that help dem turnout. It moves the needle a little and if nothing else it makes you feel productive and some more degree of agency besides just voting yourself

      Can find some phone banks, canvasing, and text banks near you

      Also another small thing that can also help is reminding and encourage any dem leaning friends, family, etc. to go out and vote. Helps more than you’d think

      -185 months ago

      Yep. And I think he will win too. I’ve been playing with the ABC/538 and Harris’ chances just seem so slim to me.

      I just want to see something reassuring at this point.

        5 months ago

        Reassurance is women are out-voting men by 10pts in early voting.

        Fully 35% of black voters say they plan to vote on election day alone.

        538 gave 59% odda GOP to take the Senate in 2022.

        Not only do these polls have a margin of error, but they are only predictive insofar as their likely voter models are accurate, and registration volatility and GOP crossover support for Harris means they likely aren’t.

        There is no evidence that the low propensity incel bro vote is churning out as hoped.

          195 months ago

          I happen to live in a Republican controlled district in one of the swing states. The people who are enthusiastic about Trump are extremely enthusiastic. As in, flying Trump-Vance flags in their truck down a major thoroughfare.

          And, the Muslim population here may very well not be bluffing and vote for Trump instead of Harris - or simply not vote at all. The Israel-Gaza issue is HUGE here.

          Unless our major city pulls through for us, Trump will win our state.

          The odds are also stacked against Harris based on how electoral votes are counted. If you ask me who I think will win the popular vote, I think Harris will win. It’s just that the game is so stacked, and Republican controlled regions are, well, making it hard to vote.

          Did I mention SCOTUS is not impartial?

            155 months ago

            Any Muslim voting for Trump fully deserves the shit that will rain down on their countrymen if Trump wins. That’s literally the dumbest thing they could be doing, even worse than not voting or voting for “Free Palestine”.

              -105 months ago

              “Any Muslim”? “Countrymen?” “Dumbest thing”?

              It feels like “Trust me I know what’s best for you, foreigner” vibes.

              And that seems to be a theme in the Democratic Party. “Vote for me, the other guy is worse” but then just maintain the status quo. But how are they representing interests of their voting bloc?

              Don’t get me wrong, I’d vote for a literal flaming pile of shit over Trump.

            175 months ago

            Republican early voting is up, yet early voting numbers split is in line with 2020. That’s not necessarily a good sign for Republicans.

            155 months ago
            • You’re going to see more registered Republicans crossing over to vote for Harris than perhaps any Democrat has previously received.

            • More are voting early, but that’s to be expected given Trump learned from the 2020 mistake of dissuading his voters from early voting. It doesn’t mean greater turnout; it just means the same voters Trump had before are voting earlier.

              25 months ago

              You’re going to see more registered Republicans crossing over to vote for Harris than perhaps any Democrat has previously received.

              I’m fully aware thats the assumption people are making. Its not clear how good or bad of an assumption that is. Its also not clear what damage Harris has done with Democrats relationship to the Arab/ Muslim/ Anti-genocide Democrats. Two weeks ago this thing was in the bag for Trump to the point he was just dancing on stage cus he knew he didn’t need to do anything else to win. Then he had a Nazi rally.

              Pretending like this thing is in anyway a shoe-in for Harris seems to be oblivious to the facts on the ground. She campaigned extremely poorly and made bad strategic choices that took her from heading towards a blue-wave the likes of which we’ve never seen to now, a blue whimper. Look at how Harris is doing relative to down-ballot Democrats (538) (D’s left, R’s right, senate where possible, house where not):


              Harris 47.6, Trump, 47.9: -0.3 to team D. Casey 49, McCormick 46: +3.0 to team D. Harris delta: -3.3


              Harris 47.9, Trump 47.1: +0.8 to team D. Slotkin 49, Rogers 47: +2.0 to team D. Harris delta: -1.2


              Harris 47, Trump 48.5: -1.5 to team D. Bishop 47, West 44: +3 to team D. Harris delta: -4.5


              Harris 46.5, Trump 49: -2.5 to team D. Kelly 48.6, Masters 47.1: +1.5 to team D. Harris delta: -3

              North Carolina:

              Harris 47, Trump 48.5: -1.5 to team D. Beasley 45.2, Budd 49.5: -4.3 to team D. Harris delta: 3.2


              Harris 47.1, Trump 47.9: -.9 to team D. Cortez Masto 45.9, Kaxakt 47.3: -1.4 to team D. Harris delta: 0.5


              Harris, 48.1, Trump 47.4: +0.6 to team D. Baldwin 49, Hovde 48: +1 to team D. Harris delta: -.4

              Averages out to about ~ -1.25

              So in general, Harris is under performing “the average Democrat” in the swing states by about 1.25 points. Keep in mind, Harris was leading or damn near leading at one point in most of those races, and was on track for more substantial gains going into the convention.

              She may win in-spite of those major mis-steps, but its not a forgone conclusion that she will win either. Also, it still has to get through all the states, the supreme court if that comes up, and then finally through the certification.

                5 months ago

                I think you’re giving Trump far too much credit that he was dancing on stage because he had nothing to do and coasting to victory and that wasn’t just an obvious sign of dementia. Let’s be honest, here, the polls have been pretty much tied and within the margin of error this entire time. So I find this to be a bit speculative and expecting more than Trump than he is really capable of.

                I’m nowhere saying this is a shoe-in. I am just explicitly responding and providing context to, “republican voting is up in places it matters”

                I also disagree that she campaigned poorly. I think she campaigned exceptionally given the time she had and the needle she needed to thread with both distancing from Biden but also citing that the economy is, in fact, improving phenomenally on the world stage and post pandemic. To pick up the mantle in three months and run as well as she had? The Democrats have honestly not been this united since 2008 maybe, and that speaks to the fact that she brought onboard 5 veteran Obama campaign staffers. Regardless of the outcome, this has been historic.

                Sounds like your main gripe is really her policy on Gaza, which unfortunately during election season you need to get the votes needed to cross the finish-line… Which means catering to the Jewish votes in Pennsylvania perhaps more so than the Uncommitted voters in Michigan by the nature of electoral votes. You saw that Elon Musk is spending millions in PA with attack ads with opposite messages targeting BOTH the (larger) Jewish community and the Muslim community in PA — yes? She literally has no choice but to toe the line between these two groups.

                Moreover, I want to know at what specific point in time in polling anyone had confidence we were heading for a blue wave when polls are all we know?

                The Iowa poll which has been dead-on in terms of gauging turnout in 2016 and 2020 compared to nearly any other pollster just gave Harris a +3 in Iowa. A +3 in Iowa. Keep that in mind.

                If we’re going to go into more speculation as you’re suggesting we do, then I can point to 2022 and show that the Red Wave turned into a Red Mirage. Why? Simply: Pollsters did not account for the over-performance of Democrats post-Roe Reversal. Polling volatility given registration numbers and cross-over from Republicans is very volatile right now. It is entirely possible we see that same over-performance again, and thus a red wave turns into a blue mist, wave, or tsunami even given that Platinum-tier Iowa poll. Don’t forget 538 had 59:41 odds of GOP getting the Senate.

                In the end who knows and I’ll hope for the best and expect the worst. But given the circumstances I think the Harris campaign has done great. I don’t think we as laypeople could do better. Easy to throw peanuts from the sidelines.

                  -35 months ago

                  just an obvious sign of dementia

                  Yeah we just don’t know. The whole campaign seemed to have gone into autopilot at that point, because they were doing quite well in the polls. My read was they went into “do no harm mode”. Then they did a Nazi rally which kind of blew up that notion.

                  “republican voting is up in places it matters”

                  Which it was on my last check in NC and GA. Republican receipts were up a couple percent points in NC and Harris canceled Ad buys. The tea leaf read was that the campaign was throwing in the towel to do damage control in MI.

                  I also disagree that she campaigned poorly.

                  That’s fine, but we’re not going to agree on this. Harris went from a 38 to 50 in a like, 4 weeks. That’s meteoric. Not good, not great, shocking. And that happened in the weeks prior to the DNC, when the assumptions we had about the candidate was her platform from 2020. At the DNC we saw her platform an anti-abortion Republican in the slot that was for a Palestinian Democrat from GA. She made no effort to fix this, and its probably going to have cost her MI. Since about a week after the convention, as she continued to step right, her polling started out and went into serious decline. It became clear she’ wasn’t going to be trying to gather the disaffected votes of Democrats to win this. She wanted “Cheney” Republicans (keeping in mind that Cheney lost her primary, as an incumbent, with only 27% of the vote.). Only in the past 3 days have we had any signal that Harris still has a chance in this race. She ran a teerrrrrrrrrible campaign post convention. Just straight up. Had she stepped to the left and worked off of the things she campaigned on in 2016, had she distanced herself from Israel Gaza, I think her numbers from before the convention would have continued to increase and that she’d be at about 54-56% nationally right now. The facts are on my side for this one. It does us no good to pretend that things were some other way than they actually were. We can just plot her polling over time and see she dropped the ball. Like you can-not pretend that a candidate who had been dropping in polling for the 8 weeks prior to an election is “crushing it”.

                  her policy on Gaza, which unfortunately during election season you need to get the votes needed to cross the finish-line… Which means catering to the Jewish votes in

                  What makes you think Harris would lose any Jewish voters with a stance against genocide? If you are going to make that claim, you need to back it up with evidence. All that the Arab and Muslim community has asked for is a seat at the table for the party that supposes to represent them, and they were refused. If Harris’ loses MI, this is why, and its on her head. There is no evidence to suggest there is any cost to holding Israel accountable when its already in violation of US law. You don’t get to just speculate that things were some way you wished they were. What we can defintivelty say is that Harris has lost the support of the Muslim community in Michigan and that very well may cost her the election.

                  Harris a +3 in Iowa. A +3 in Iowa. Keep that in mind.

                  +3 in Iowa is fucking wild. I generally go by aggregates not individual pollsters. The only way Harris does this is with a landslide of women voters who are not showing up in most polls. We are seeing women voting at an anomaly level, but we’re also seeing republican voting up. Nate silver says don’t read anything into early voting, but also, its a post-covid world.

        125 months ago

        Nate Silver left 538, but he is still hosting the Monte Carlo model at the Silver Bulletin. That model is putting it right around 50-50 for Trump win vs Harris win. That’s not a polling average… That’s the result of playing a few million elections where the results are based on the current polling average.

          65 months ago

          Wow, 50/50 split. Bold prediction, Nate!

          Nate has been wrapped up in the betting markets, and I’m afraid he’s not the same Nate Silver from 2008.

          -45 months ago

          Okay and on Election Day 2016 he had it at 60-70% Clinton when I went out to vote. He was very wrong

            165 months ago

            He was very wrong

            If everytimw you say something has a 30% chance of happening, it never happens, then your models are wrong because they should say zero percent. If you say something has a 30% chance of happening and it happens, that doesn’t mean you were wrong.

            It’s shocking how many people don’t understand percentages.

              55 months ago

              I do. At 60%, it’s drawing 3/5 cards. I wouldn’t take that chance. At 70%, it’s 3/4. There’s always a chance of the 1/4, sure. But I expect it to happen.

              That’s part of why I’m so uncomfortable right now. I wouldn’t take a coin flip.

                35 months ago

                I wouldn’t take that chance.

                Not taking the chance isn’t the same as it never happening. Speaking as a decently experienced poker player, you can understand your odds, and make the right call, and still lose because of it. It doesn’t mean you were wrong, it’s just statistics.

                  15 months ago

                  I mean, I played competitive LCG before. I completely understand that it’s possible. I have definitely taken and lost on a 60% chance. It’s just not a risk I would take.

                  And I maintain that he was wrong. I don’t think it was a 70% chance. By the time I got back from voting, he had revised it closer to 55-60%. That seems more accurate to me. I think he underestimated Trump.

            105 months ago

            Ugh for the billionth time, he wasn’t wrong. That is not how statistics works. He gave a percentage chance. That’s it. If I say there is a 70% chance Clinton wins, and she loses, that doesn’t mean I was wrong.

              05 months ago

              I think he was wrong. I think he underestimated Trump. I don’t think it was 70/30.

              • He had it at 70/30, when the poll/pundit environment was giving Hillary 95% chances.

                He gave much more realistic odds than most any pundit of that cycle.

                  15 months ago

                  I mean, at the time he had a lot of inputs for his model and I have almost none, but his are also just what he thinks.

                  15 months ago

                  I mean, at the time he had a lot of inputs for his model and I have almost none, but his are also just what he thinks.

            105 months ago

            I think it was right around 35% as you say. Unlikely, but not impossible for Trump to win. If Trump hit a one out of three lucky shot, that should be somewhat surprising, but not too very surprising.

            Anyhow, he’s saying this one is an even coin flip.

              105 months ago

              Yeah, all these people are acting like at 2:1 odds are some kind of impossible situation still to this day.

          5 months ago

          … isn’t the downvote button explicitly meant to voice your disagreement with something?

          I don’t understand why people complain about downvotes. If you don’t want to see them, join an instance where they’re disabled (like mine).

          • A lot of people try to say you should only down vote poor quality comments that don’t contribute to the discussion.

            If every one downvotes opinions they disagree with you just have a homogeneous echo chamber.

            Personally, I don’t think there’s any point complaining about it. You can’t hold back that tide.

            Honestly I think users on Lemmy are from a very narrow demographic, and to be blunt a lot of users just don’t have a very broad life experience. That being the case I think anyone should expect to have some opinions which are unpopular with other lemmy users.

            -15 months ago

            Its not that they “disagree” with it per se, its that they want it to not be the case.

            Down voting statements of fact because they make you feel uncomfortable is what is actually happening. If they were willing to step in and make or defend an argument; thats a separate case. Lemmy just knee-jerk downvotes things that it doesn’t want to be true.

      665 months ago

      I want his death to be so nonchalant that nobody even realizes he’s actually dead.

      like, he goes to take a shit and dies on the toilet and nobody notices for like a day.

      and when they find him hes all riggered up and covered in shit and piss.

      and the person to find him is a secretary he’s treated like shit for years. she takes pics of him, sells them for a huge amount of money, and everyone mocks him for the next two generations.

      and in every history book, the last line will be about how he died covered in his own urine and feces.

          5 months ago

          he is making a public statement about the results of the election, complaining about how it’s rigged against him. He makes the comment, “as god as my witness, I’m not lying!” when he suddenly grabs his chest and pleades into the camera, “me… save… me…”

          blood begins to run out his nose all over his face and suit as his face contorts in anguish.

          the cameras continue to roll as he falls off stage into an unmoving heap on the floor.

          footage cuts to eye witness testimony where a man with a deep southern drawl says, “We was lookin up at him and God struck him down! he fell right in front of me, and began to shit and piss himself. God as my witness!”

          the news will run it as his heart hemorrhaging, conservative media will say his heart was too full of love. but all anyone will remember is he died shitting and pissing his pants on national television.

      5 months ago

      My feeling is that he’ll never face any real tangible consequences for all the shit he’s put the world through. He’ll have his final Big Mac Attack and dodge justice for good. Permanent delay tactic.

          5 months ago

          I kind of think not. Bush/Cheney polarized the country but not to the extent Bonespurs has, and that’s what I think he will be known for. Once his political allies, who are just using him for their own gain, find that throwing him under the bus is better for their careers, I think he’ll end up on history’s scrap heap of epic fails.

      235 months ago

      As much as I’d love it for him to stop being a threat to all that is good on this planet in the most final of ways; We’re still in some deep shit even if he were to drop stone dead right this minute between his mob of dickhead supporters, and his running mate.

      …Actually I have to go look up what happens if the president elect dies right before he’s elected.

        35 months ago

        Depends on when the death occurs. I don’t know what would happen if the death occurred after the people vote, but before the electors cast their votes.

          25 months ago

          I’m thinking Nov 4th or something. Like, before a great deal of the votes have been cast, or today even.

          I know beyond a certain point his VP would probably just be it

            55 months ago

            "If the Republican candidate dies or is incapacitated after the convention and before Election Day, the Republican National Committee (RNC) will meet to select a presidential candidate and/or vice-presidential candidate under Rule 9 of party rules.

            The Democratic National Committee (DNC) is also authorized to select the party’s nominee in the event that the winner of the convention cannot run. This is spelled out in the charter of the Democrat Party. However, since DNC members are awarded to states according to the size of the states, there would be no adjustments.

            If the candidate dies or is incapacitated after Election Day, the Constitution kicks in. The first milestone will be the December 17, 2023, meetings of the electoral college. It may surprise many to know that the electoral college is composed of real flesh and blood electors who meet in their state capitols and sign documents (attestations) that are forwarded on to the president of the Senate (the vice president) for the purposes of counting only! We only hear about electors when someone decides to make a point and vote for someone whose slate they were not on. (During segregation some of these so-called “faithless electors” voted for segregationist candidates.1) Some states have laws binding electors to vote for the winner of the election, others do not. If the winner of the convention dies or is incapacitated it is likely that the legislature would quickly meet to amend the law so that their votes would count.

            Finally, what if the president-elect dies or is incapacitated after the electoral college meets and before the inauguration? The authors of the 20th Amendment to the Constitution, the one adopted to provide for a way to pick a new vice president, thought of this. If the president-elect dies or is incapacitated the vice president is inaugurated. Section 3 of the 20th Amendment reads:

            “If, at the time fixed for the beginning of the term of the President, the President elect shall have died, the Vice President elect shall become President.”"


    • andrew_bidlaw
      95 months ago

      I’d like him to get his mind corrupted to the point he can’t spell a word and panicing all the time. And live for another ten years in that screaming baby condition. Just a small puncture in his brains’ blood vessels to flood it all - is that too much to ask?

      • ddh
        105 months ago

        I’d like his mind to get corrupted by being able to feel what other people feel.

  • nifty
    825 months ago

    People need to go out and fucking vote, nothing is in the bag for Harris, especially since republicans want to legally contest every single fucking fair and free election. Traitorous losers

      275 months ago

      Kamala needs to go fire and brimgstone with her presidency so we don’t have to spend the next several decades years with every election being “maintain the status quo or become the fourth reich”

        165 months ago

        At bare minimum she needs to halt the genocide in Palestine, have Netanyahu and co sent to The Hague, deport Elon Musk, send Trump to prison, nationalise SpaceX for a start.

          85 months ago

          That is only going to have a chance in hell at happening if she and a democratic majority in senate and house addresses the republican issue first and goes after, prosecutes, and convicts the traitors, foreign agents, and the corrupt.

            35 months ago

            Yeah I don’t think it has any chance of actually happening. Democratic voters will go to brunch and they will all just move further to the right.

        65 months ago

        Dial back bush and Obama’s expansions of executive power. The office of the president isn’t supposed to be powerful enough that someone like trump can do so much damage.

          105 months ago

          Fuck no. The fuck is wrong with you.

          We are only in this mess to begin with cause of her stupidity and fucking arrogance.

          and no, this isnt some “omg u haet hilary cause u haet woman!” fucking lizard brain wanna be “alpha male” right wing bullshit.

          Shes genuinely a bad candidate, for any position, She threw away the last election cause she couldnt even be bothered to campaign in several states she considered safe, instead spending time having sneaky-hidey meetings behind closed doors (and behind white noise generators to deal with anyones pesky over hearing what shes saying) with money and corporations, and I guarantee you they were not meetings in any way that benefited the average american, else they wouldnt have felt the need to have them all hush hush and behind white noise generators. If a Republican had secret meetings with money behind white noise generators the internet would lose its goddamn mind over it ffs!

          and if that wasnt bad enough, shes a Republican. Sure, she calls herself a democrat, but shes a Republican. Shes not an openly racist, hate mongering, Putin dick sucking piece of shit like republicans today, shes a Republican from 30 years ago when they still hid behind flowery and coded language, and had the false appearance of amiable servants of the public good to anyone that didnt look too closely.

          Keep Hillary, and Bill, far the fuck away from the goddamn white house.

    • Ghostalmedia
      155 months ago

      And grab a 2 or 3 hour shift for virtual phone banking today and tomorrow.

      And if you live in or next to a swing state. Knock doors for an hour. It’s fun, and you’ll hate yourself if the fascists win and all you did was shit post on the internet.

  • BugKilla
    805 months ago

    He not anxious about the election, it’s the fact he goes to jail for all of his evil shitfuckery if he loses. No amount of microphone fellatio will alay his worry about atoning for his disgusting existence.

        145 months ago

        There is absolutely zero evidence that any of his actions will result in any jail time. There is evidence on the contrary though, that through 2 impeachments, however many court cases and legal battles, fines and fees that may not have been paid, that he’ll get away with it all.

          55 months ago

          not to mention the tendency of president’s either outright pardoning or at least refusing to go after previous administrations for small things like fucking watergate, or even better, war crimes.

            35 months ago

            It was just common because no president wanted themselves in a position of fighting court battles for poor decisions they made in office. Of course this set the standard both ways, by letting both bad decisions made by good and ill intent slide.

            And then the supreme court wanted to make it clear by setting it in ink that it’s ok.

          5 months ago

          Trump was convicted of 34 felonies. The judge is waiting til after the election to sentence him. I’m guessing he’ll do prison if Trump doesn’t win, some other punishment if he does.

    5 months ago

    Good. You orange fuck. You rapist. Racist fucking shit stain asshole. I hope the rest of your sleeps are troubled. May the tightness in your neck grip ever harder in your final days. I hope you’re too much of a coward to commit suicide and you have to live with your actions and see your narcissistic collapse bring the house of cards down.

    You’ve forced me to move my family to Germany because of the fascist movement you’ve brought to the US. You’ve had me doomscrolling since at least 2015. You’ve had me changing my travel plans checking flights out of Toronto in order to avoid flying from the US after your inauguration date so that my latino family will have no in-person interaction with any government agent from your regime despite their being citizens. You’ve fucking disrupted an entire world order due to your complicity with Duginism because of your insatiable greed and character flaws leading to Russian kompromat on you, or you’re just a piece of shit because you need the Russian money to keep coming.

    You should be in jail at best, and facing a similar fate to Mussolini at worst. So fuck off with your sleepless nights you fucking weak minded piss poor excuse for a person.

        5 months ago

        It is incredible isn’t it? The Germans have seen first hand that some speech should not be free and they understand that the intolerant cannot be tolerated. Which is why they have the Brandmauer and there are talks to ban AfD. Trump should have never been allowed to run this time around, and if AfD is found to be undemocratic, they will be banned as well. 15% of the country may not like it, but that’s tough shit.

        Their system is actually a modern parliamentary government where it’s not winner take all. Proportional representation with ranked choice voting is what the USA needs to move to. We need to get off the two party system, but the parties who benefit are the ones who make the change. Also our third parties are absolute dogshit. Green and Libertarian. So culturally the USA needs to field some better policies and candidates. The problem is the right wing is so powerful that the left cannot meaningfully put together a real competitive coalition. Even the democrats would be center right in most other developed countries. So yeah, fascism is coming to the USA, whether it comes in 2024, 2028, or 2032, it’s coming and hopefully it doesn’t take the rest of the world out with it. The EU needs to be prepared to lose the USA as a primary trading partner and as the head of NATO. This Russia problem we have doesn’t seem to be going away.

        I just don’t want my kids getting drafted into some dumb ass fascist conflict. My hope would be that blue states resist when red state national guard is knocking on people’s doors and performing their dragnet deportation operation on anyone too dark a shade of brown. I just don’t see any of this ending well.

        I would love to be wrong about all of this by the way. But I grew up in the south, and I’ve seen first hand how the majority feels and thinks about cities, immigrants, LGBTQIA+, marginalized groups, POC, etc.

        Got called a nazi kraut my whole school career just for expressing pride in Lebkuchen or Christmas traditions or knowing a little bit of German despite being culturally American and speaking English as my native tongue. The USA has some serious cultural issues to reconcile, and I’m not sure a milquetoast centrist former prosecutor has the right formula to do it.

        That’s assuming she wins. She loses, I guess I’m flying out of Canada in January prior to inauguration day.

        205 months ago

        Ah yes, a family man who wanted a quiet life backed into leaving his country for a place his children might stand a modicum of a chance of having a normal life is the violent one. Not the fascists touting project 2025, turning the military on American citizens, sending red state national guard to blue states to round people up for camps, etc., but I suppose “legal” political violence is okay with you.

        5 months ago

        Yes, let’s all hug and get along with fascist rapist wannabe despots. Maybe we can make gingerbread houses together and sing kumbah-fucking-ya. Go suck a Re-tard’s dick.

  • daikiki
    615 months ago

    New poll just dropped showing him down by 3 in Iowa(!) I hope he never gets another good night’s sleep as long as he lives.

    • socsa
      175 months ago

      Woah that’s that benchmark tracking poll everyone was hoping to see him “only” up 5

      65 months ago

      This is a BIG deal. Selzer was spot on in 2016, 2020, and 2022. The poll is the gold standard. Even if it’s off by 4 with Trump winning Iowa, which would be well outside Selzer’s typical margin of error, it would point to a huge herding and overestimation of other polls toward Trump in the Rust Belt. If this is spot on, this election would probably have Harris win with the biggest landslide since 1988.

      85 months ago

      If this story is true then that actually gives me some hope that it isn’t as solid of a plan as I was assuming. If he’s stressed about polling then apparently it won’t be as simple to steal as some people made it seem.

        85 months ago

        I think he’s mostly shook by how bad the polls look ATM. Complacency is death, of course, but a remarkablely accurate poll in Iowa (pollsters name escapes me atm) picked Harris to flip Iowa. With the gap clearing the margin of error iirc. With a +8 Harris swing since September. If projections like that play out and if that +8 holds nationally Flordia and Texas might become toss ups.

    405 months ago

    Florida voter here… I stood in line for about 45 minutes today for early voting. Women outnumbered men by at least 8 to 1 while I was there, which I found a bit encouraging. I enjoyed being able to vote against Matt Gaetz, and I only wish DeStains was on the ballot too so I coulda voted against his dumb-ass as well…