so this happened to me yesterday, i was hanging out with a few of my relatives and we were doing a lot of stuff and we were having fun but i realized that when my relatives talk to each other they talk like proper adults because well, they are, like, they can swear and stuff, but when i talk to them they are like “yea buddy sure!!” or talk to me like as if i was some sort of young person, and even my friends do that same thing, all of them!!! it feels like i’m not part of anyone’s conversation which sucks but well it’s fine!!!

  • Björn Tantau
    703 months ago

    If you want to appear older online you should write properly. Proper capitalisation and sentences make your text easier to read. As it is they look like an uninterrupted stream of consciousness.

    This might also help you offline. Try to structure your thoughts before giving them to the world. This takes time but should go a long way on making you seem like you got your shit together.

    • WastedJobe
      363 months ago

      I subconsciously skipped the entire text after a few words and didn’t even realize or think about why until I saw this comment. OPs style of writing is exhausting. If they talk like that in person, that would explain a lot.

  • Uncle
    523 months ago

    ok, being honest here.

    i remember you from a while back (old posts) and being straight up, you do seem kinda young and childlike. I do not know how old you really are, but if i was guessing, 14-16.

      313 months ago

      The way the post is written reads like something written by someone in that age range too.

        3 months ago

        I have a master II equivalent in material science and a specialization in nuclear reactors, 33 years.

        The difference between being* a child or not, as I learned, is the facial hair.

        Jokes aside, people perception of you depends strongly on the way you interact with them.

        53 months ago

        It’s really hard to give you any advice if we don’t know you. It’d really require a longer conversation talking about you and your life, the situations you’ve been in, and so on.

        If you’d like, we could have that conversation, just tell me.

    • fmstrat
      73 months ago

      I’m leaning towards a thought experiment bot at this point.

      • Uncle
        43 months ago

        While I cant rule it out with chat GPT and AI the way it is today, I remember some of the posts they have made in other communities I’m in and I’m leaning to human. I recognize the writing style on multiple accounts, its unique for sure

    433 months ago

    If you talk at all like you’ve written, I would treat you like a child too.

    Maturity has nothing to do with your calendar age.

  • Your use of punctuation reminds people of when they’ve seen posts by 11-14 year olds. Do you not notice that adults in general don’t do that?

    I expect if you’re unaware of something like that so immediately apparent to everyone in this thread that you may have other quirks and behaviours that strike people as childish.

    If you sincerely want to change that you’re going to need to ask the frank opinion of someone who knows you in person…

    353 months ago

    You are one of the very few users here on Lemmy I recognize, and it is not because you’ve been posting very intelligent things. In fact you posted this exact question once already (but seem to have deleted it by now).

    I remember being 21 and I was more mature at 21 than you appear to be based on your post and comment history here, in fact I think I was more mature than you are now at around 14.

      73 months ago

      I don’t know how it happens, but I agree with you. I don’t know how I’m able to recognize more users on Lemmy than on Reddit by how spammy their genuine posts and comments are.

      I’ve blocked more people on Lemmy than on Reddit.

    • @adrianhooves@lemmy.todayOP
      -253 months ago

      yes, i posted it again but that’s because i feel like i deleted it too soon, also really?? more mature at 14?? woa!! yea!! that seems like a very cool thing

        253 months ago

        You speak and act like a 13 year old trying to be a “mature adult”.

        Also the idea of deleting a post then going oh whoops I wanted more feedback on that let me make another just seems odd. Like just make a post once and leave it, delete it if you get harrasedd about it I guess but don’t go making a new one in that case.

    273 months ago

    I don’t know your situation, but I’ve noticed that people tend to do this to people who act immaturely. Your writing style, especially the use of 3 exclamation marks per sentence seems quite childish. If you talk in a similar way, that might have something to do with it.

    163 months ago

    Did the answers you got the last time(s?) you posted this question not tell you what you wanted to hear?

  • Rhynoplaz
    113 months ago

    My oldest daughter is 21, but she’s still “one of the kids”.

    I know she’s an adult now and will be finishing college next year, and out loving her own life very soon, but she’s still my child. Even though you can go do anything an adult can do, you are still the same “child” that you’re family has known since you were born. It’s going to take time for them to get used to that.

    Legally, turning 18 instantly makes you an adult, but it’s going to take a lot longer than that for other people to realize it.

    Also, early twenty something’s ARE still kids. Very few people that age have actually “grown up”.

      73 months ago

      41 year old here. Can confirm. I remember being 18 in my first apartment. I also remember doing a ton of stupid kid shit. My dad gave us a cucumber on our first night. Despite having no food in the house and a combined $6 between my girlfriend and I, we instead took that cucumber and hit it over my friends back so it broke in 2. Don’t worry, he was part of it. It’s not like I just randomly attacked my friend with vegitables. It was like the christening of a ship. Where they break a bottle of champaigne over the front. And then we all cheered…and then laughed, as my friend was still in deep pain.

      41 now. 18 year old me was a stupid kid.

    113 months ago

    Do the RAADS-R test. In case it’s more than 120 (I think that’s the number, but it has a description), you may want to read what autism is and whether you may have seen some of the traits in you, and then may visit a psychiatrist.

    I say that because autistic people often imitate some style of speech in circumstances not quite fitting.

    • y0kai
      13 months ago

      Did this along with a few others earlier in the year and I’m getting evaluated next week!

        13 months ago

        I got my diagnosis less than a week ago.

        I’ve stumbled upon description of something called “Asperger’s syndrome” on a printed A4 sheet, being like 12 years old, but that description was somewhat enigmatic and I couldn’t tell how different it is from normalcy. I’ve also read about Carrie Fisher’s life after Star Wars and that she had BAD.

        So since that time I suspected that I might be autistic and have bipolar, but thought that condition names are for doctors, while for laymen it’s better to say that people are different. So only when I reach a doctor and get a diagnosis, it’ll be certain. The approach itself is kinda autistic.

        Then somewhere around year 2018 I’ve, eh, remembered\imagined a lot of things connected to emotional trauma, and came with these idiosyncrasies to a state medical institution (it’s Russia) where they just assumed it’s simple type schizophrenia (typical Russia again).

        Now, being 28 years old, I finally have a normal diagnosis of ASD and BAD and no ADHD. I was certain I have ADHD, but paying attention to my own behavior - I see things architecturally wrong which I still have to work with, or meaningless things, and may seem like an ADHD person, but an ADHD person can’t focus, while I can’t start due to disgust of something.

    103 months ago

    Probably because you’re a child.

    Sorry but I work with college students, if you’re not 25+ you’re another one of those children to me. Your writing style is very similar to theirs; it’s very stream-of-consciousness with overuse of punctuation to try and accentuate your “points.”

    Grow up, get your spirit destroyed by the world, realize you can keep living without it, and I’m sure other adults will start to treat you like one.

    3 months ago

    There are various reasons people may treat you as if you’re younger. I would bet the primary reason is no matter how much you think you’ve grown up, those changes have to be seen outwardly for a while before people that knew you as a kid will accept it. It took until 24 or 25 before I felt people had stopped treating me with kid hands. Keep in mind as well that as people get older, younger people start blending together a bit and a 20 year old does not seem as mature from a 30-40’s perspective. It’s similar to how younger people often have a hard time telling apart old people’s ages and they all seem “old”. The final point I’d make is that swearing isn’t something all adults do and is not related to maturity. It can be a sign of familiarity between certain people though. Swearing around family members is either something that comes with time or never, really depends on your parents/relatives.

    Trying to push these issues in an “I’m a big boy now!” manner will generally backfire and get you treated young for longer, because it’s a very childish thing to do. I am not all-knowing so I don’t like giving absolute advice, but personally I think the best thing you can do is not worry so much about it and continue acting in a responsible manner. If you show yourself to be mature, others will realise and treat you as such. If they don’t then either you’re not as mature as you think or you should find someone who you can have a more level conversation with. It’s not so bad being young, anyway, “the grass is always greener” and you will miss it when people always look at you like an adult!

    63 months ago

    ikr, like fr, sometimes i think it’s because maybe i’m just, like, short, but wtf no joke, one of my closest friends rn is shorter than me and with my other friends, i still get treated like i was less mature?? one time one of my coworkers actually said that, not cool wth, and i feel a bit outcast when they all act like that, like, this is just how I talk, so why can’t they respect that i’m pretty much the same generation as you guys, i slouch just like they do, and sometimes they have even worse posture, but then like why do they have to low key drop these bad vibes on me, cause ong, it’s so demeaning when they say something slow like they think they’re being thoughtful, and maybe sometimes the nice people really are, but mostly they come across sarcastic and fake!!! but i can deal with, most of the time, idk

    Back into the spirit of c/NoStupidQuestions – follow up question! What do you think they believe Proper Adults act and speak like?

      03 months ago

      Wow, based on how you write, you and the OP both seem very young. Do you also talk in a stream-of-consciousness manner?

        93 months ago

        Firstly, * woosh *? Or am I being wooshed? Haha. Happy new year!

        Also, nah, my dude. I’m incredibly grateful to’ve had great English/English comp teachers since 7th grade. You make me blush; it’s not an exact copy of op’s writing style here, but I tried :3

        This dude hit the nail on the head, imo
        Speaking and writing in a human-readable way does take practice and time.

        • Victor
          13 months ago

          Oh boy, that “to’ve” seemed so pretentious given the context of what you’re saying. 😆