This post comes up every so often, and every time either I, or someone else, reminds people that one of the Bible’s biggest stories is that of Jesus washing Mary Magdalene’s feet. Mary Magdalene was a “street walker” at the time, which is old times speak for hooker, thus making him a feet guy
He washed all the disciples feet ;)
Maybe it was like a Tarentino thing. You work with this guy for years and feet keep coming up so one day you ask him and he’s like “yeah ok, I’ve got a foot thing but it’s a personal thing” and you leave it at that but then you remember at the start of your career doing foot photos with him and you’re too embarrassed to ask but you always wonder…
No, washing feet was a common thing - they wore sandals or walked barefoot most of the time, it was a common hygiene practice. It was just a task for “submissive”-classed people - the wife would wash the husband’s feet, and so on.
Jesus was subverting social norms in multiple ways.
So what you’re saying is… Jesus was a bottom.
Service sub
Jesus seemed like a great dude. Shame that none of his followers pay attention to the lessons he taught.
I know I just thought it was funny
Agreed he had an obsession with washing peoples feet. As I see it, as an evolved and enlightened human he was probably a pan sexual with a feet washing fetish
There are claims that the translation of the bible is wrong on this though.
In short, feet might mean genitalia. I really have no opinion on it, but it makes a lot of sense. The purpose of even describing the submissive act of washing feet aligns well with the old Greek teacher and pupil relationships to present Jesus as a stand up guy who will go down on anybody, men or women, regardless of their status. He took your sins and such.
The message is the same anyway, so I suppose it has been whitewashed a bit throughout the years.
The reason why I want to believe it is that it would also explain why he was so popular that contemporary writers would bother writing anything about him.
He didn’t really break it down much, did he? Basically just spent 4 minutes saying that people who study the bible don’t agree on it.
Unless I linked the wrong breakdown, he goes into examples in the Bible of when feet are euphemistically, and compares those to the descriptions of Jesus washing feet - that they had dissimilar language and don’t match. I don’t think you can gloss what he said as “people who study the Bible don’t agree on it” - he’s an academic, and academics couch their language. I thought it was clear that he was mildly entertaining the idea more out of amusement and to give some context as an educator.
Like, so ridiculous a suggestion that you would need substantial evidence for it be reasonable. The symbolism behind the act of service seems fairly clear - washing feet is placing yourself in submission to someone. Aligns with more explicit textual things: “turn the other cheek” etc.
I was just hoping he’d explain more about the actual words and their translations.
This sounds heretic as fuck so I’m gonna roll with it
You gotta be careful though, because the Bible basically called every woman that is featured in it a whore. A lot of this is actually more modern translation stuff, clerics of the dark ages loved adding whore to ever female description
clerics when they see a woman:
clerics of the dark ages loved adding whore to ever female description
Holy shit they were based in 500 AD?
There’s nothing that points to Mary Magdalene being a prostitute. She’s conflated with another character who was, but they aren’t directly connected in the text.
Well there are several stories in the Bible about Jesus riding an ass, but none about Jesus riding boobs. So I think it’s safe to say Jesus was an ass man.
This logic is sound. Concur.
Granted, you’d have to find some way to harness together quite a few boobies in order for them to be able to pull anything much, since they’re not huge birds. But if you get enough of them, maybe you could fly.
It’s a simple matter of weight ratios.
Are we taking about an African or European booby?
As the WORD of God he’s the source of Proverbs and Song of Solomon so…
Her: Dark am I, yet lovely, because I am darkened by the sun - Song of Solomon 1
so… tanned
works with eager hands… her arms are strong for her tasks - Proverbs 31
… toned forearms …
Her: Like an apple[c] tree among the trees of the forest is my beloved among the young men. I delight to sit in his shade, and his fruit is sweet to my taste - Song of Solomon 2
… not opposed to oblique references to pre-marital fellatio …
Her: strengthen me with raisins
… … … nutrition aware(?) …
Her: I am … a lily of the valley … My beloved … browses among the lilies
… not opposed to oblique references to pre-marital cunnilingus … (see also 4:16)
Him: Oh, how beautiful! Your eyes behind your veil are doves. Your hair is like a flock of goats descending from the hills of Gilead. 2 Your teeth are like a flock of sheep just shorn, coming up from the washing. Each has its twin; not one of them is alone. 3 Your lips are like a scarlet ribbon; your mouth is lovely - Song of Solomon 4
… mysterious eyes … flowing hair … no missing teeth (lol) … red lips …
Him: Your breasts are like two fawns
… young(?), pert, nimble breasts …
Him: You are a garden fountain, a well of flowing water
… looks at camera …
Her: Blow on my garden, that its fragrance may spread everywhere
… … my bro was definitely into some sensory stuff …
Her: My beloved thrust his hand through the latch-opening; my heart began to pound for him. I arose to open for my beloved, and my hands dripped with myrrh, my fingers with flowing myrrh, on the handles of the bolt. - Song of Solomon 5
(authors of erotic lit take note, this is your lord and god speaking)
Him: I went down to the grove of nut trees to look at the new growth in the valley, to see if the vines had budded or the pomegranates were in bloom. - Song of Solomon 6
… so … pubescent? hey, could be worse …
Him: Your graceful legs are like jewels - Song of Solomon 7
… legs guy! …
Him: Your breasts are like two fawns
… breasts again! …
Him: your breasts like clusters of fruit
… breasts mention number 3 …
Him: May your breasts be like clusters of grapes on the vine
… #4 …
breasts … like towers - Song of Solomon 8
… #5 …
I think you can draw your own conclusions.
Thank you for coming to my TED talk
I want to commend you for some sort of prize. I can’t upvote twice but I would if I could. Nice!
I’m going to take a risk and say the comparison to fawns implies not very big breast but well defined and not very much parted.
By my very fundamentalist upbringing, this was all supposedly a metaphor for God’s love of the nation of Israel. Which is exactly the sort of “reading between the lines” that they said you weren’t supposed to do.
It’s not that complicated. Solomon was horny, someone a long time ago decided his hornyness should be canon, and now biblical literalists have to deal with it and don’t know how.
no missing teeth (lol)
More remarkable than you think without modern dental care.
It’s not that complicated. Solomon was horny, someone a long time ago decided his hornyness should be canon, and now biblical literalists have to deal with it and don’t know how.
hans landa: that’s a bingo
also, not even necessarily horny, just far far less prudish, all the sensory stuff associated with sex was just far more normal
I’m 51 and haven’t had any dental care as an adult. I still have all of my teeth, and no pain etc. They could use a cleaning but a lot is genetics and diet. Not all of my genetics are great though, I’ve had autoimmune issues since I was a kid.
You probably grew up brushing your teeth with modern toothpaste, and had fluoride in the water.
This isn’t universally true, even today, in the United States. So says the diner in Indianapolis I went to where almost all the staff were missing teeth.
Your hair is like a flock of goats descending from the hills of Gilead.
Guess that was considered beautiful, millennia ago.
Your teeth are like a flock of sheep just shorn, coming up from the washing. Each has its twin; not one of them is alone.
Cares for personal hygiene, i guess?
Your hair is like a flock of goats descending from the hills of Gilead.
Guess that was considered beautiful, millennia ago.
This is probably the imagery… (except dark mountain goats)
Your teeth are like a flock of sheep just shorn, coming up from the washing. Each has its twin; not one of them is alone.
Cares for personal hygiene, i guess?
More likely good health and youth to be honest, elsewhere he says her breath smells of apples (in a good way lol)…
Well, in those times they didn’t really have dentists, so having all one’s pearly whites in a adulthood was not common.
He was homosexual based on all his male buddies he liked to have dinner with. So, definitely an ass lover.
Well, Christ came riding upon an ass, so I think this is an easy question to answer
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Unsurprising, he was hung too.
His best buddy was super hung. You can’t tell me the J-man didn’t know about his fellow J’s swinging.
More resigned to it. Has to close his eyes and think of England.
He did carry around some pretty large wood.
He was a fisher of men, after all. 😏
He seemed like the kind of guy who’d be into thighs tbh
Definitely a member of the thighdeology sect
We call it thighentology around these parts
TIL ace people aren’t “fully human”
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Unless they’re clergy
They’re cyborgs.
Arguably better
Long hair, glamorous face, skinny ripped body? Jesus was a twink.
Not Korean Jesus. He’s swole af. Turns water into pre-workout.
This is aphobic. Asexuals are human too.
Considering this is the middle east were talking about, he’d be an ankle/feet man
That’s why he always wanted to wash them
The Bible doesn’t say anything about Jesus’ sexuality, let alone preferences. In fact what it does say could lead you to virtually any conclusion.
First, there is zero evidence that Mary was a prostitute as mentioned elsewhere. She was just a follower of Jesus. Biblical scholar Bart Ehrman tells about a fragment of a manuscript of an apocryphal gospel that says “Jesus loved Mary and used to kiss her on the…” and that’s where the fragment is broken off. Our dirty little imaginations could come up with anything to finish that sentence but the lost part probably says something stupid like “forehead.”
There was “the diciple that Jesus loved” who is once mentioned sleeping on Jesus’ busom. The diciple isn’t identified but the disciples were supposedly all men.
When he was arrested in the Garden of Gethsemane, a naked boy was seen running away.
So, we can draw any conclusion we want. The clear answer is probably boobs because he was really into missionary stuff.
I second the boob analysis (ass myself). The whole having his feet washed and with their hair means he was probably looking down the shirt. An ass man would have them washing their own feet. Of course, it could be neither and just a foot fetish thing instead.
The last sentence got me.
tells about a fragment of a manuscript of an apocryphal gospel that says
Aren’t those Gnostic texts and therefore not Christian cannon?
Probably. I don’t remember what that exact fragment came from. I was using apocryphal, maybe wrongly, to mean non-canonical
Obviously a feet man. Further evidence that Tarantino is Jesus.
Was there not a passage about how he washed feet or something?