2 pizzas, a small order of breadsticks, and wanted to splurge and get cinnamon sticks.
Pizzas are a “Buy one get one deal!” at 13 bucks a pizza. Figured what the hell, I’ll splurge on desert then with the deal. Get to checkout… hold on a minute… 50 dollars for pizza?! Wait a minute 80 dollars after fees and taxes?!
Usually I only use Doordash for finding something, then I order direct from the store. I just saw the sweet “buy one get one” deal and thought eh, fine I’m here. Right, that’s why I stopped using door dash. I’m not spending 80 dollars on freaking pizza. I’ll just go pick it up and spend a quarter of that price.
At least I would have saved the $3 dollar delivery fee. Phew. Thanks DoorDash.
Stop using it. It’s that simple.
Gig economy work is horrible for the workers, and incredibly exploitative. The workers frequently make less than minimum wage.
I refuse to order from any restaurant that doesn’t do their own delivery. If enough other people do the same, these places will curl up and die very quickly.
They said they don’t use it and only use it to browse the menu.
I don’t disagree, but jobs are already hard to come by, pushing people out of the only jobs they can find is a rough solution
The jobs won’t disappear. They’ll just change. The need is obviously there.
Here in Colorado a bunch of drivers just formed a employee owned co-op, both to give the middle finger to Uber and Lyft, and so the drivers can actually earn a living. We need more of that.
This is the way. This gig worker industry is in need of disruption. It’s ultimately a matchmaking service. There is no other broker than can charge 100% markup.
Professional job placement company, realtors, etc do more for a much smaller percentage.
what’s the coop called?
Here’s the first thing I found when I went looking. https://www.shareable.net/driving-change-the-story-of-the-drivers-cooperative-colorado/
That’s the one! I’m really rooting for them.
A fediverse app to empower coops and smaller taxi companies and allow them to reach users could actually be a pretty good idea and a great way to reduce Uber’s power
well that sounds like unemployment insurance with more steps. rather than people buying stuff they don’t need so that it can be delivered to keep someone in a job, and paying the apps the fees, remove the middleman.
Your driver would have been paid a total of
$6.50$5.00 on that order.Thank you for canceling.
Part of that fee is the “Seattle drivers fee”, which is supposed to go to the drivers, but they’ve been very shady about that, and the tipping algorithm was not adjusted at all when they rolled it out. They were also really shitty at the time blaming greedy drivers and the mean old city for forcing them to pay their drivers… and that’s when I stopped using them for good.
I will always get a good laugh at people who are shocked that private courier services are expensive.
I mean, it shouldn’t be that expensive. Where I live basically every pizza and fast food place used to offer free delivery. Nowadays because of delivery services this has died out a bit, but it still exits, yet ordering through the delivery services is way more expensive.
I honestly don’t even get it, because for a long time the delivery services were operating at a loss, not even sure if most of them are in the plus even now, yet they should be more efficient than every fast food place having its own drivers.
The pizza place has free delivery because the cost is built into the pizza and people who pick up at the store pay that even though they don’t get delivery. Using a private delivery service they charge more because they don’t get a piece of the ‘pie’ so you’re basically paying twice for delivery.
Except there’s a local market price for that pizza. If your pizza is on par with a pizzeria two minutes away and doesn’t do free delivery, you can’t charge more. You’ll lose all your pickups to them.
Except that other pizzeria two minutes away isn’t only pricing it’s pizza for walk-ins either, it’s offering free delivery to steal the customers further away from the other pizzeria. They both would have the charge built into their pizza, so it’s irrelevant. Unless that pizzeria doesn’t do any delivery at all, in which case the first pizzeria doesn’t have to worry much as it has all the business for people who don’t want to come in and pick up pizza.
This only makes sense if they are trying to grow and customers are rational actors at every purchase point. Neither is true in this situation. And it’s obvious because there pizzerias that have delivery fees in the same marketplace as ones with free deliveries.
Your pizza/chinese food that have in house delivery dont give 10% discount for picking it up? Thats weird
I use delivery services because restaurants have terrible phone service. It’s always their cousin Mumbles who answers the phone, surrounded by people banging on pots and pans. He doesn’t read my order back to me to make sure it’s correct. He doesn’t tell me how much it’s going to be. He doesn’t tell me how long it’s going to take. So I have no idea if I’m going to get the right food, if it will be the right temperature, and if I have enough cash to pay the driver.
And there’s no way I’m going to give out my credit card info to some guy I don’t know.
I don’t order delivery, but I do order pickup, and I like when restaurants have online ordering using the same system they use in the restaurant. It’s common with restaurants that use modern PoS systems like Toasttab. Prices are the same as if you order in person, since they don’t have to also pay another third-party (DoorDash, etc).
It would be awesome if ordering systems had a standard API, so I could order delivery directly from any app
2 pizzas from lieferando in my country cost 30€
They too are a private Courier.
Actually no. Lieferando just offers digital menus and orders. The drivers themselves are employed by the restaurants. And the Lieferando fees are hidden (paid by the restaurants).
Luckily my favourite pizza place now has their own website that works better than Lieferando’s and all the proceeds go to them.
And the Lieferando fees are hidden (paid by the restaurants).
Restaurants pay DoorDash, Uber Eats, etc. too - it costs them 30% of the order price. So the restaurant pays a lot, and the customer also pays a lot. I don’t understand how people are comfortable with this business model.
If you can make multiple deliveries each trip then home delivery could be more efficient, but it’s hard to see how it could be cheaper than picking the meal up yourself.
When I delivered pizza and BBQ(different places) that’s what we did. Load up 2-4 orders and delivery range was like 15 miles. The pizza place was always busy but the BBQ only did delivery during lunch and dinner. Now you can order a coffee from Pete’s 20 miles away at 7am. Some things don’t make sense to deliver and no one wins.
They do make multiple deliveries per trip…
Occasionally. I regularly see uber eats drivers picking up single orders from restaurants.
I had a friend who did this for a living, he had two phones so he would run Uber Eats and Doordash at the same time in order to try and optimize, and even then he spent a lot of time just sitting around because these apps are extremely inefficient (and later they started cracking down on people trying to increase their pay by doing both, dunno if it’s still doable now).
It feels like a problem that needs to be solved by a centralised entity, but whoever that is will most likely monopolise the situation.
I think this problem will disappear once drones delivery is common. Flying twice as much food uses about 2.5x more energy.
Where I am you’re almost never the only delivery.
I will always get a good laugh of corporate bootlickers that can’t distinguish expensive from robbery.
Are you on drugs? Please share.
“Oh shit I forgot my passport at home and my flight leaves in an hour!” “I’ll uber it over!”
Is the only time I’ve used Uber and felt like it as worth it and necessary, not for food. Just bite the bullet and eat crackers and ramen for the night or walk to a nearby place
I don’t understand how all of these delivery services are so popular when everyone is saying how high the cost of living is. People have money to blow on delivery fees?
Just fools and their money being parted.
deleted by creator
Yes. Those people consider things like this part of the “cost of living”, not the luxury that it is.
On average, people have more of an issue overspending than they do underearning. That’s why even among people making six figures, 1 in 4 of them live “paycheck to paycheck”, which people assume to mean ‘barely make enough to make ends meet’, but what more commonly means ‘deliberately chooses not to save/spends every dollar earned’.
FWIW my teen does. For him it’s a combination of things not available on campus and he’s always sent money as soon as he gets it. But he doesn’t have any expenses so …
…so bad parenting?
Easy really. The shop has one parking space which is occupied by their delivery driver. The next nearest parking space is half a mile away through a dark alley and you have to pay, but it takes so long to pay that you get fined. The shop itself is freezing because the door doesn’t shut properly. It’s also a ten mile drive away, down wide fast roads, or at least roads that would be fast if they weren’t infested by ridiculously low average speed cameras which mean you have to crawl all the way there and back or risk getting fined again. Then when you get home you discover you’ve been fined for the last time you parked somewhere and overstayed by a whole nanosecond.
That’s how it is in the UK anyway. And politicians wonder why town centres are dying.
It is your opinion town centres are dying from not enough parking space?
This used to be the mainstream opinion back in the sixties, but nowadays basically any “revitalisation” programme will be removing asphalt, because small business health has been shown to be correlated with how well connected the area is to public transport, and how pleasant it is to loiter in.
Most of the people that I know that make decent money don’t use the service, but the people that work at restaurants or do gig work occasionally do… I don’t understand
Yeah, every time I think about getting Doordash, they sucker me in with promises of $1 delivery fees, etc. Then I take the time to find out what I want, put it in my cart, get excited, and…then I see the final price.
That’s when I close out of my browser and go preheat my oven so that I can put in a frozen pizza.
We created a rule, if you want to eat out, you have to be willing to get up and go get it. If you’re not willing to do that, you obviously don’t want it that badly and you can make something at home or do something else. It’s saved me probably thousands of dollars now. However DD is great at showing me what restaurants are around me, I just have to weed out the fake ones. Google has gotten worse and worse about showing me the small places around me.
That’s a great tip for finding new restaurants! I get to waste the middleman’s resources, too! Win win.
It’s even better when you realize they have a ton of metrics, and they are you clicking around to only end up not buying anything. I like to add stuff to my cart, only to walk away so they see that I saw the price and then left
To me, going and picking up food IS the lazy option. I refuse to be lazier than that. I mean, that’s not true. If delivery was free, I’d use it.
Ordered CFA with a friend a few weeks ago, an hour and a half later and it still hadn’t arrived. My friend canceled their order and we drove out to CFA and ordered it in person, it was less than $30 USD. That’s when they mentioned that the new order was less than half of what they were charged on DoorDash.
It blew my mind, they said it was close to $80 for two large chicken nuggets (whatever count that is) with two large fries, an OJ and a large fountain drink. The place was literally under 10 minutes away, they charged more than 2.5x for it, and it hadn’t even arrived in an hour and a half. DoorDash is terrible.
So, you’re a homophobe? Transphobe?
I ask that of everyone who says they spend money at CFA.
Do you buy any product from any corporation that has done anything negative or supported any negative agenda? Don’t be exhausting.
Am I missing something? If these are the prices for the service, who is using this?
People that just pay and don’t pay attention
They really do hide the final price until the last second when you’re most committed. They’re banking on your hunger, seeing everything in your cart, and either being so excited you’ll just click the buttons to make food come, or you’ll justify it away.
They really do hide the final price until the last second when you’re most committed.
This was going to be made illegal in California, but restaurants got an exception added to the law at the last minute. It’s illegal in other industries now though - for example, Ticketmaster’s listed/advertised prices in California have to include all fees.
Or I’m sick and don’t want to go out or cook. Sucks. But they don’t get a tip when their “fees” are the same cost as the food.
the driver isnt the person making the fees. they are getting screwed just as much as you are
The driver has zero say in what you’re charged and taking away their tip makes you the asshole. Don’t get delivery instead
Ok. I’m an asshole.
Doordash fucks over its drivers. The gig economy shifts the responsibility for wear and tear on the vehicle, insurance… It’s also algorithmically driven to fuck them over, to offer them as little pay as they think will get them to take the deal (eg, we know Uber profiles people - people who are poor and desperate get the worse jobs) If you’re going to use the service, tip well. It’s not the drivers fault that it’s expensive.
There’s a $10 monthly subscription to remove delivery fees and most of the “service fee”, which is much cheaper than paying “full” price on just one order, so tricks people into thinking they’re saving money by subscribing.
🤣 Just one more subscription, bro! Come one just one more I promise!
People with more money than sense lol, there’s never really a great reason to get Doordash or Uber Eats
“Everybody is drunk, but hungry” is a great reason for food delivery.
It’s to push you into paying for the membership. But yeah they totally rip off lazy people.
I have a GrubHub membership but only because Amazon was offering a 3 year deal last year. I think they may have bought GrubHub…
Some places also charge more on the services to make up for the cut the online service gets.
Seeing things like this make me happy that I
- live in a state that banned junk fees.
- live just far enough outside of a metro area that these services don’t deliver to me so I don’t have to worry about being tempted to order from them.
Hear hear for living too far away from DD to be tempted by it. I used to waste a lot of money on it back in like 2021/22, but I moved to a town whose only “fast food” is a burger grill that’s attached to the gas station and run by exactly one guy and if he’s on break when you show up then you can either wait until he’s done or leave and go to the grocery store.
My sister uses doordash and there’s always something wrong. Yet she insists on trying again and again, and I can’t understand why.
I have never used them or Uber or others like this, and refuse to do so. They exploit their workers, they charge exorbitant fees, and when something’s wrong, it’s nobody’s fault.
If I want food, I go get it myself. I’m my own delivery boy! And contrary to a lot of people delivering food, I will not park on a sidewalk or in a bike lane.
I have a friend who hates grocery shopping, so they get their food delivered, but then constantly complains about nonsensical substitutions. They’re not wrong that the substitutions don’t make sense, but there’s a really easy way to ensure you get exactly what you want…
The one thing I will say positively about DoorDash is that when something is wrong with the order, it is really easy to report it and receive fair credit in the app instantly.
I’ve been trying to order directly more often, to avoid fees and tips, and if something is wrong it’s almost always a hassle to get any kind of credit without going back to the store in person. I barely want to go in the first place, so having to go back just to get $3 doesn’t really make sense.
That’s their model, they make everything easy and take the loss. But after everyone started using them, they can do whatever they want.
I remember 10 years ago a collegue is telling me that that Amazon was great. You order something, it arrives and if there is an issue with the order, you can order a replacement by yourself and it will arrive before even you returned the first item. Few weeks ago I had an issue with an order and you need to contact the customer service for a solution. Chat was not working, you can request a call back but it wasn’t working either, they give you a number to call but it isn’t working. 4 years ago it was much easier to contact them.
Agreed. At some point in your life, time becomes the biggest luxury, so I very much prefer spending a couple of extra bucks on higher quality stuff to the hassle of returning cheaply made junk.
From what I have seen when she orders doordash, it’s also a hassle to get something fixed (because it happens often), and half the people will not eat at the same time than others, because the order is half wrong and they will deliver the rest, eventually.
I guess if you’re always ordering alone it’s not a big issue, but she’s always ordering multiple meals and I can’t recall one time where it all went smoothly. There is always something wrong that has to be fixed, gotta contact them, get it fixed, it takes time and not everyone has their food at the same time.
From my perspective, it just sucks to order for a group with doordash. It would be better to just have one or a few people of the group to go get the food directly at the restaurant.
I really can’t understand people that live in a city with restaurants close to them, and still being unable to get off their ass and walk/cycle/drive to get their food.
The only time I order food directly from restaurants is when I’m in the countryside or a rural area with friends or family, and the to and fro time would be unacceptably long if I’d go grab it myself.
You did it! No delivery fee! You’re so lucky!
Oh hey… Unrelated, but let me get $20 in “fees” please.
Really though, congrats on that delivery discount though, you’re really coming out in top, putting me through the ringer, bud!
'Murica, the land of the fees!
Ive deleted all those apps. They really got greedy. And the crazy part is I think I remember the government giving them money for grocery delivery.
I dont get it.
The greed during covid exploded. especially where companies felt people were stuck/captured, like delivery services.
I wouldnt be surprised if they start dying soon from their short term profits from gouging running out.
Yeah, every few months we might get something delivered (sometimes on a rainy day for example), but we made a rule about picking up food once food prices started rising and it the delivery was adding $20 to the orders.
First they used venture capitalist’s money. It was just free mana from heaven during the period with near zero interest rates after the 2008 financial crisis. They used that money to get market share by making deliveries very cheap. Intrest rates went up, they went public to get more money, and then it was time to see how much that market could bear and rake in the profits.
OP. How is it 53?
13 for the two pizzas. How much are the breadsticks and dessert?
Many places raise the price of things ordered through door dash. So it might be $13 if you go through their own website, but not door dash.
Yeah the math doesn’t add up. Maybe they bought a bunch of toppings? Pizza places crush you for ordering individual toppings.
OP forgot to apply the buy one get one deal to the order
I think the deal was $13 per pizza when you buy two. Toppers around me has a similar deal that is always available. One large specialty pizza is $23, but they have a deal where you can get two large pizzas for $12 each instead. A small order of sticks is $10, and a large order is $15. So two large orders of sticks (which are the same size as a large pizza) with two large pizzas with the deal would be about right.
You know, for 26 bucks a delivery, why the hell isnt there local competition?
Probably because the real trick is getting recognition. In the fog of a million voices on the internet all vying for your attention it is hard to make yourself a brand name. When people think of delivery now they automatically think of doordash.
But I don’t need millions of voices I just need local. I’m thinking I could get a couple of cardboard signs and say I will pick up the food you order and deliver it do you for 15 bucks.
I sure as fuck don’t think doordash for delivery.
Network effect. People want to order online, and they don’t want to have to create a new account to do so. Doordash already exists, so it’s easy to go to the app to find food, rather than looking up your favorite pizza place and signing up through whatever weird 3rd party payment system they use
I’m just thinking that eventually people won’t be able to afford double the price for DoorDash and they be willing to call the restaurant order the food with their own credit card and pay somebody $15 to pick it up instead of 30
Where is whatever government agency is in charge of truth in labeling, not ripping off the consumer …. At the very least they are deliberately hiding some of their fees under “taxes and fees” in the hope that some pole won’t realize how high it is for a tax. Taxes should be itemized so everything else is fees
Assuming that agency still exists. Why are these “free market” types always seem to not want the transparency and fairness that makes a free market work well?
“Freedom” to “free market” types is the freedom to do whatever you want with no consequences regardless of the impact to others.
“Free market” means if you get duped or swindled then “you deserved it”.
“Free market” means if it really causes harm then “people just won’t buy it”.
“Free market” is way more what most people think anarchy is than what anarchists are advocating for.
Anarchy is “if I want to do cocaine and I die, that’s on me, the government shouldn’t be allowed to control what I do with my body”
Free market is “we should be allowed to add a little bit of cocaine to this baby formula so our brand beats out the competition and no one should be allowed to tell us we can’t”
I’m very happy I live in a country where all consumer prices must include taxes. It’s so much better knowing what the real price is when you buy something.
I’m missing something. If the two pizzas were 13, then the sticks + desert were 40? Then tax and service fee on top (40% lol)
Yeah I’m confused about this too.
When I went to the store, they honored the 2 for one and I walked out paying 30 dollars. Door dash said they honored the 2 for one, but their base price was 50. They also don’t show the itemized cost breakdown. Real sus.
You can tap on top where it says 4 items to see the itemized breakdown, right?
“Estimated taxes” what is that for bullshit? You can just calculate how much the tax should be.
I know it’s not how it works in the US, but if they advertise it for 13$ they should sell it for 13$ including tax.
“Estimated Taxes” is where they hide all the bullshit made up fees and imaginary taxes that are pure profit and increase profit margin, but if they listed it as “Customer Fuck-over Fee” people would obviously stop using it.
You can ask for an invoice. O wait companies in North America cannot make proper incoices for some weird fucking reason.
It should just all be included in the price (excluding shipping and the fee when paying with a creditcard or paypal instead of a bankcard) and people should make more trouble out of them not doing that.
Americans cant even agree that fascism=bad, what makes you think Americans can give enough of a fuck about something like hidden fees to get something done.
They lump it together. Estimated taxes AND fees. Usually the tax part is like 30% while the fee part is like 70%.a lot of hotel sites will do this for unpublished rates, and the tax part is $0.
They should show me the invoice, but North American companies generally fuck that up as well