Add bread crumbs. Saved you a click.
It’s breadcrumbs BTW.
And I don’t disagree with him either
Nothing makes a carbonara ‘pop’ as much as grating some stale bread into it.
I do this all the time when I make an authentic carbonara.
I actually like to use banana bread for the hint of sweetness it brings.
And, of course, guancale is difficult to get here so I use cut-up hot dogs instead. And as a time-saver, instead of eggs, I use mayonnaise which also brings some creaminess (in addition to the heavy cream I like to add). Plus fresh eggs are super expensive right now. On the subject of expensive, Parmigiana Regiano costs a bomb so I sub in a dozen slices of American cheese to get that indulgent mouth feel. Also, it’s important to get some veggies into the kids, so I also like to throw in some peas, carrots, yam, and broccoli. And sweet chilli sauce, just enough to make it taste interesting.
I love a proper carbonara.
Jamie Oliver, is that you?
Man reads like most american recepies for authentic foods.
Man, you should see my take on an authentic Valencian Paella!
You might be interested to know that carbonara dates back to the 1940s & 50s and the story goes that after the capture of Rome, American rations were used to create the dish. So powdered eggs and bacon are the most “authentic” carbonara. The people who run all over town for guancale and the tattooed cheese are the foolish ones by my sensibilities.
Or maybe fresh herbs…
Breadcrumbs are a lazy visual effect, and they certainly don’t work well on tomato-based sauces because they’ll just make it all gummy.
Why is Bobby Flat a thing? All of these TV chefs have terrible ideas, and this guy is high on the list. All of them have awful restaurants which have failed spectacularly in most markets (Flay, Ramsay, Oliver, Ray…etc), and I don’t understand why people pay attention to them.
On the other side of this spectrum, you have legit research and tips by people who care about food from Kenji, Choi, Gritz, BA staff…it’s just night and day. The people who care about the science of food happen to be the people who really want to offer good ideas to elevate it.
I can’t think of a single useful tip from the FN chefs.
I don’t know about Flay and Ray but Ramsey was, at least a proper ‘Michelin starred’ chef before he became a TV cartoon.
Yeah, but he wasn’t using whatever knowledge made that happen on his TV shows 😂
You’re saying this wasn’t about cooking? Shocked, I tell you, shocked!
What in the…I’ve honestly never seen this. Gross on many levels.
The magic of marketing
The Ramsay grilled cheese is legendary
Legendary in its abject horror you mean, right?
Saved you a click: Plate the pasta, put the plate on a scissor lift.
MSG is my secret
I like to use panko and grated Parmesan and /or Asiago cheese mixed with melted butter, salt, pepper, and dried herbs as a topping for pasta casseroles.
So…not maglev plates then?