Because we haven’t figured out how to make it cost $251 yet.
They have actually, you just don’t know it, and you’re late on your payment. The late fee? $1/day. Congrats, its now $251/day.
Aren’t you forgetting the $1 convenience fee for electronic payments? Also, they don’t take checks or cash. $252!
Go to the cafe and have hot chocolate with friends: £30
Go on a group bike ride and sit on the beach watching the sun rise across the harbour with some hot chocolate made on a camping stove: Less than £1
Bike, camping stove, rack, bag, pot, cups. Somehow less than £1?
I already own those things. Unless you want to adjust the price of every activity to include the cost of showering and getting dressed in the morning as well?
$250 per day is $91,250 per year. What the hell are you buying??
$250 per day, 5 days a week, 50 weeks a year.
$62.5k a year. That’s just enough to pay the average rent in America if you follow the 30% thing that gets taught
If you’re getting 250/day and making $62.5k/yr and paying taxes, you’re left with about $50k. Average rent is 1550/month in the US ($18600/yr). 30% of $50k is only $15000.
Working 8hrs a day at $31.25 per hr. (that’s 4.3 times the minimum wage) still doesn’t cover the 30% rule.
The 30% rule is based off AGI (adjusted gross income) which accounts for some taxes but I don’t remember which.
That’s not to say you’re wrong, by any means. Our economy is literally failing. The average person cannot meet their basic needs to survive
Ah agi makes more sense, since that’s before tax but after alimony and student loan interest payments.
I have always heard that the 30% rule is based on your gross income with no account for taxes included.
I believe I’ve actually heard both, but most recently I was taught it via AGI
Ahh, must be American
That may be so, but don’t come crying to us when the solutions to your biggest social problems require widespread gun ownership for some reason, which could happen any day now. Yes, sir, any day now. /s
As we all know, America has no problems at all because everyone has a gun.
Rent, groceries.
Living in certain cities is very expensive.
Ok, other guy got downvoted for this very same thought, but really, $250 a day seems like kinda a lot. I guess it you count taxes, maybe? Or maybe savings? Its weirdly too low for hyperbole but too high to sound right.
My expenses with a morgage in a major city, utils, gas, daycare, transportation, insurance, food for four, and a little to savings… and even I don’t think we hit $250/day. Even without doing the math, that’s $7500 every 30 days, we definitely don’t make that much even before taxes.
Oh wait, now I see, I spend jack shit on entertainment. A perk of being addicted to playing 20 year old games on emulators, I guess. If I had normal hobbies, yeah ok I can see how that’d probably be around $250 a day on average.
Tl;dr, moral of my thought experiment, pirate the mother loving shit out of your entertainment. Arr!
Tl;dr, moral of my thought experiment, pirate the mother loving shit out of your entertainment. Arr!
What 20 year-old games would there be to emulate in 2045?! 😉
You know, at that point it’s not even emulation, just good ol’ abandonware. That, or real patient gamer discounts… which I would make fun of except it took me like 15 years to try and love Portal. Lol
Even with taxes, that means the guy is earning 91k.
Maybe it is hyperbole because to them, 91k might as well be 9.1 million.
Fuck it. I’mma stop paying. Come repo this shit.
2025 financial advice:
- Buy a gun and you can stop your monthly payments.
Until the SWAT squad comes around.
No that’s just called the SWAT technique. It’s the cowards way out.
If you just cut out a half dozen eggs per day from your budget, you’ll be fine. And if that’s not enough. then make coffee at home and stop ordering avocado toast, too. Did you know you can also sell your plasma for money and I think they even take gay people’s blood now, too.
Adding to this, I’d also recommend overnight oats so one can “rise and grind” immediately. Getting a second job helps, too. I mean, if we’re not working 80-hour weeks, are we even trying? Downgrade to the cheapest insurance. Cash in sick days and vacation days. One could have a good chunk of money doing these things for about 40 years. Oh, yeah, I almost forgot, sew straps onto your boots.
In the US, maybe x)
It doesn’t
I don’t think they mean they’re spending $250. Like they feel the need to earn $250 every working day, otherwise they can’t pay rent or whatever. Equates to an income of $65k.
If you have dependents and live in a city, each day might be more like $500.
Those are rookie numbers if you smoke crack and shoot heroin.
This is an “I still live in my mom’s basement” comment.
Let’s tally up all your expenses, daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly, and what it costs you then Mr. Knowitall.
Less than $250 a day hence why I made the comment then deleted it knowing I’d get smartass comments like this
That makes you incredibly lucky, and doesn’t change that your comment is the smartass comment. Why would you assume your situation is normal or that you represent the average experience?
I make significantly less than that and make more money than the median in both my own country (a decent bit more) and the US (a lot more). It is mathematically impossible for expenses that high to be the norm.
If you have kids or other dependents like elderly or disabled family members in need of support, I’m sure it can get very expensive very fast, and it’s quite obvious the average american does not make enough money. But $250 a day is an insane number for an “average” person. Even if you pay 3k a month in rent idk how you would get to that number.
Fwiw my own recurring daily expenses (disregarding things like saving for holidays and such bc otherwise it’s just my income) including saving up money as a safety net/for retirement are around 70€. More than triple that seems pretty unfathomable to me for a single person even in a country with even higher cost of living.
What makes you think that I think that? Most people live on less than that. The average income in the US is way less than that. Stop posting nonsense.
My napkin math says I’m closer to $212~ per day for my household… That’s still WAY higher than I would have expected. And we try to be pretty frugal in some areas. That includes taxes though. Just shelter costs ballparks to $90-ish per day. Start adding in food, transportation costs, communication costs, taxes… It all adds up REALLY fast. Close to $200/day in just bare essentials to exist and operate within the modern world in my area of the US.
That’s 91k a year. That is ballpark reasonable for household income depending on where you live.