I love collecting CDs
Wired headphones
Apparently trains for some people
…how are trains obsolete to anybody?
Hundred of billions of tonnes of freight are moved by rail each year globally, and people travel hundreds of billions of kilometers by rail.
This is what annoys me too. Freight is so crucial and it still moves plenty of people in many countries both in the north and global south. I guess they will think of steam era trains.
You might think of them as this old mouse that you had 20 years ago, but actually the technology is still being used for all kinds of things, including ergonomic mouse
I can actually game with one, and I’ve outright worn out 3. They last longer than traditional mice too.
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Handtools in woodworking. There are some people who refuse use a tool without a cord.
Ota analog signals.
Darcs VCS
RSS feeds
I started self hosting my own RSS feed a few years ago, and I couldn’t live without it. It’s the best way to get timely info.
And then you can be the first one to post it on lemmy.
Came here to say this
I setup tinyrss a month or so ago, I just can’t get into it. Any tips?
Into your instance or into RSS in general?
Generally what are you using it for? I’ve had trouble finding uses outside of youtube and a handful of news sites.
I follow some blogs, news sites, and GitHub project releases so I’m up to date to what I’m interested in.
github is a good one, I didn’t think of that. Thank you
I loved netvibes to get daily comics and blog posts. Unfortunately people stopped writing blogs and netvibes is also gone
Blogs are having a timid resurgence I would say. Also not everyone stopped writing blogs, I have been following some since 2008 or so… When Google Reader was a thing lol
I think they are a lot more obscure because we prioritise social networks over blogs, so do search indexers. But they are still there!
Comics are now mostly on Instagram, but you can make Instagram RSS feeds with things like rss-bridge
Friends stopped writing their blogs. I slowly stopped reading most comics, now only Questionable Content and the occasional xkcd remains
He really should bring back blogging and that shit was awesome
Your caveman brain. People think they’re educated an enlightened and everything they do now is so well thought out. Nope, the caveman is in the driving seat for all of us. Even your most high level meetings and interviews are influenced by how hungry, horny, or hurt you are by a teasing comment yesterday. Everyone is looking to establish dominance at any cost, when you don’t really need to.
Everyone is looking to establish dominance at any cost, when you don’t really need to.
You know, I see the rest, but I don’t see this. A lot of people are straight-up doormats.
Caring about your employees as if they were humans.
Caring about other people in general really
Hi, number! It’s your colleague: Another number!
So how about that SPORTING EVENT last weekend?
Something something ludicrous display.
That implies it was ever the norm. At best it’s had moments.
As if! 😂
Buttons, knobs, plastic bezels.
At least according to the industry those are all in the past. The future is screens that go to the very edge of the device and absolutely nothing tactile.
And it is bullshit. It is less reliable, less convenient, less cool – To say nothing of the safety disaster that nailing a tablet computer to the dashboard of every car has been.
Absolutely hate cars with those stupid big screens on the console. Give me buttons and knobs any day.
Edit: sorry. Not less knobs and buttons. More knobs and buttons, less touchscreen bs.
One of my problems with phones over the last few years is touchscreens that go all the way to the edge combined with UX elements that require swiping from the very edge. It basically becomes impossible to use if you have a case.
I used to be able to send my girlfriend a T9 text just by feel, without taking my eyes off the road. Probably had a 95% accuracy rate, but “I like your bombs” still makes sense.
Eliminating an entire sense (touch) from being used to control things seems to be foolish.
I’m just waiting for tactile screens to show up in this role.
OP doesn’t like them, but screens have the huge advantage they can display an unlimited amount of widgets organised any way you like.
Paper; Notebooks. Key only physical door locks. Manual transmission cars. Not having any IoT appliances, and not connecting everything you own to WiFi. Hard drive full of MP3s. Cash. Not being available for a call if you’re not at home.
Source: work tangential enough to cybersecurity.
I heard of some drug dealers not accepting cash where I live
What are they taking? Monero? Gift cards?
Cashapp I’d assume.
Lol, might as well hang a sign out front that says “I share data with cops.”
\_( ツ )_/
It’s almost like they didn’t get any training before they became drug dealers. /s
I’m sure they have a group chat, right?
“Guys, how much are you selling your yay for these days? I’ve had negative feedback from three people now about prices. I can handle these bad Yelp reviews.”
Now hold on, maybe they’re onto something. The highest levels of drug dealers most likely aren’t accepting cash, they’re laundering their money through legitimate fronts. Small time dealers setting up some simple LLC or something for a relatively small fee and funneling money through that could actually shield you better from local law enforcement. I’m pretty sure Cashapp and their ilk offer business accounts nowadays, haven’t checked myself.
Block, the company that owns Cash App, lost a court case and had to pay an $80m fine for failing to adhere to anti-money laundering laws. The Feds have been all over it for a year. Maybe 3 years ago it was possible to fake the KYC, but not a much so anymore.
The only truly non-tracable financial system is Monero, and many exchanges won’t touch it because it has such a close connection to crime.
Marijuana is legal here. Dispensaries can ONLY accept cash, because they’re locked out of the federal banking system.
I think some states are offering workarounds for that dilemma now, but I really do wish the US federal would just legalize it already. We have 24 states that have already legalized it, as well as 3 territories and D.C… Around 33 states have for medical purposes.
When 2/3 of a country has legalized something in some form, it should become the de facto law of the land at the federal level. Those other states can continue keeping it illegal if their citizens so choose, but the Federal government should be forced to at least decriminalize it if it’s something that isn’t directly harming people against their will.
Hard drive full of MP3s is love, hard drive full of MP3s is life.
Although ATM my folder is just 1.1GB including the music videos, so I could probably store it on a thumb drive or carefully-chosen dishwasher; it doesn’t have to be a hard drive.
Safty razors! Why would anyone spend 20$ on the new fangled 30 million blade razor that mighy last one shave? When you can spend pennies even if you change blades every shave.
Switched to a safety razor recently after years of using Gillette’s… It’s life changing! No more bumps or breaking out. Also it’s cheap!
I recently switched to a Leaf one and love it. It’s about the same as my Harry’s razor, but a hell of a lot less expensive when even Costco is selling their reloads at $27. The leaf blades are way less expensive, and they aren’t even proprietary.
Every single leaf I or my wife has had broke. Very good when they worked though. I still use the twig on occasion.
Uh oh, what broke on it?
The thumb screw bit.I still have one of the broken ones I can take a picture of. They did replace it without complaint the first time but just felt not worth it going forward.
Hmm, good to know. I’ll be sure to not overtorque it. Thank you!
Oh that is a BEAUTY
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I got two of these security razors back in 2017 for less than $50 bucks altogether. Best investment ever. Then, last year I got a Philip razor but I have since just stopped shaving at home. I ask the barber from time to time
That leaf one appears to be $120 lol
But I suppose if you find yourself on the Harry’s marketing train, jumping off for anything that’s actually recyclable is good.
Yeah, expensive up front, but the blades are cheap. I got on the Harry’s train before they got bought up and were cheap. Now, whoever bought them has been jacking up prices, which had me looking for a cheaper alternative.
Harry’s also gave me plastic guilt. There is a lot of waste. :p
electric razors are just straight up superior though
Electric and safety razors don’t necessarily serve the same purpose. An electric razor can never cut as close to to the skin as a safety razor. I use both
fair, I don’t care about having a close shave so electric does the job for me
At some point about a decade ago I realized I’m much happier just paying the extra $8 every couple months when I go to get a haircut and otherwise just letting it grow out.
Safety* $20* newfangled* might*
It’s like you consciously added misspellings and bad grammar.
I don not know of no 30 million blad razor to.