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“Will you vote for Biden in the 2024 election?” [Y/N]

    1 year ago

    Does there have to be one for joe biden to be bad? I’m sure there’s a least a million individual people who could do the job better. At the end of the day I just don’t see any reason to defend the guy, he seemingly has no real passion or empathy and is leaving a lot in this country undone or worse for the wear whilst letting the right fearmonger incessantly

    • I mean, there has to be a President…and it’s nearly a statistical guarantee that it will be Trump or Biden unless one of them dies before November. So no, there doesn’t have to be a good candidate for Biden to be a bad one…but he’s the best option we have this time around. Like, if I had 2 options for a house for my kids to live in and 1 is rundown shithole and has lead paint and a busted up foundation and the other a cardboard box under an overpass I’ll take the lead paint while I work for something better…every time.

        01 year ago

        Well there has to come a point when the second option’s just not worth settling for. That analogy is so spot on it hurts that you can’t see my point.

        • Ok…since my analogy is so spot on. Where do your kids live in that scenario while you get back on your feet? In the box outside or the old house with lead paint?

            11 year ago

            Well I decided when I was like ten that this world is faaaaar too fucked up to bring children into so I can’t relate there but going to bat for career politicians online isn’t gonna make things any better. Biden has even called himself a capitalist before- I truly believe in my tired heart he’s standing in the way of progress a great deal more than he’s championing it. I don’t waste my time typing out a response here just for fun.