Not OP, but British, seems you only really see them on house for football as previously stated and on the houses of people that tend to be ignorant and/or racist so they fly the Union Jack St George Cross Flag as a means to be patriotic to this shit hole.
Edit: Put the wrong flag, as evidently I’m a moron today.
Worse if it’s the St George Cross imo. I’ve never understood the “away with immigrants” argument from a nation of immigrants. Do they think life evolved in the UK?
I’ve seen it in just about every country I have visited physically and in Geoguessr. Maybe not quite as prevalent as the US but I wouldn’t actually say the difference is as big as people probably think.
What’s funny is that beyond knowing you’re in America, the flag doesn’t help a lot with location guessing. USA is one of the tougher countries to pinpoint within in GeoGuesser. It’s probably harder to distinguish Vermont from Ohio from Oregon (depending on the photo) than it is to tell Albania from Austria even with no flags or signs.
Complete opposite of my experience. While you do see flags in other countries they are usually only at governme t buildings, it’s rare to see people flying flags themselves. Whereas in America they are everywhere and also buildins will often have multiple. Like I went to a mall and the outside had at least a dozen flags on sides.
comparing american lat to european lat is a rather interesting exercise, the majority of europes latitude is covered by america. We’re quite the diverse climate region.
I went to a hardware store in the states during a trip. Turns out they had a patriotic corner there, full of flags and banners. I’ve never seen anything like that before in any country. In a lot of countries you have to search for even a tiny souvenir flag.
In Finland we have plenty of national “flag days” every year. I don’t see people putting up flags on their porch or anything but many has flag poles on their yard and flying a Finnish flag has no racist implications to it or anything like that. It’s a traditional thing to do and especially the elderly are pretty strict about it.
I make a lot of assumptions about people flying regular US flags in their yard, and I can’t really say any of them are positive. Could be a regional thing? I’m in a pretty heavily left-leaning area and the people that are that outwardly patriotic are typically far right. Not universally, but enough for the assumptions.
I am proud of my country and most of the ideals we stand for: that’s why I do what I can to help it live up to those ideals, to be even better. It is our patriotic duty to constructively criticize, to correct its mistakes, to rebel against the status quo, to invest in all citizens and a better tomorrow.
For example, look at all those immigrants fleeing into our country looking for a better life: it’s our duty to make this country work like the ideal they are coming for.
I think I’m probably less proud of the US than you, but I generally agree with your sentiment. Although I don’t think that sentiment necessitates a nationalistic action like flying a flag in a yard or on a car. Especially when that type of nationalism tends to be associated with a mindset that is anti-immigration.
It seems like it’s common in places that have an independence movement (Quebec, Ireland and Taiwan as others have mentioned), the USA is an exception to that.
Where is this common? I have family in Ontario, Saskatchewan, Alberta, and BC, and we rarely see flags on people’s lawns/whatever. I’m in Vancouver and there is ONE flag within a 20 minute walk in any direction. In fact, my kids refer to it as ‘the flag house’ it’s so out of place.
Every city/town/municipality I have traveled to has multiple. It’s not every yard, but there’s enough that it’s noticeable. About the same rate as most cities I’ve been everywhere really.
Lots of business in fact fly them, dealerships are one prominent one.
Do you travel by air instead of vehicle between places?
No, I’ve actually driven from Vancouver to Alberta quite a few times, a couple to Saskatchewan, and once to Manitoba.
Outside of very specific government buildings, I barely see them*. It’s so rare that, like I said, I very much noticed when one was suddenly in walking distance of my house. I’ve seen them super faded in windows of old buildings at times, but not a flag standing outside.
(*If I go to the extremely rural areas of BC or Alberta, I will see more in a single ‘town’, and I mean like ~100 people, than I will in Vancouver, say. But those in small areas stand out and are, frankly, not usually a great sign? One house that has it also has a confederate flag up, as well as a replica General Lee car from Dukes of Hazzard)
I spent 2 minutes going down a couple streets in abbostford before finding one……
Sounds like you just aren’t as perceptive as you thought, they are far more common than you’re thinking. Or you live downtown where there’s less individualism, but I’m sure there would be a few balconies that have them, provided condo board rules don’t disallow them….
We were there a couple of weeks ago. Seems different neighbourhoods had different flags. We elected not to fly a courtesy flag on our boat as all the alternatives were partisan one way or another.
As another example: In the context of 19th century “Germany”, the “nationalist movement” refers to the unification movement, so a “nationalist” was just a person who wanted the many german countries to become a single nation-state.
Depends on which part of the country. In Spain some places are full of Spanish flags, others have none, and others have regional flags (Catalonia, basque country).
My guess is they’re more common in rural areas, independent of the country.
Isn’t putting up flags an American thing too? Don’t really see this kind of nationalism in other coutnries.
In England we only really put them up for football and racism.
In the US, we have our own special flag just for racism.
A few, actually.
You mean the white one?
And the yellow one with the snake on it, I think it’s called the bootlicker flag or something idk
Then there’s the thin blue line flag, not to mention the regular flag, and more and more these the straight up nazi flag.
Don’t forget the Confederate rag. Especially in Kansas and Ohio and Wisconsin.
Trump flags too
Don’t forget the gay up nazi flag
deleted by creator
Hey it’s for hockey and racism in Canada, too!
If you see a truck in Canada with our flag on it, high probability it’s also got an ‘F Trudeau’ sticker and an asshole driver.
Signs of overcompensating for a small dick IMHO. I’ve never seen a woman driving a vehicle with either a flag or FucK Trudeau on it
Lol, yup generally true. Though I’ll say I’ve seen one or two driven by women out west here.
I saw a lady driving a big red Dodge Ram the other day covered in you know which stickers and there were 5 full sized flags on the truck bed.
As I saw it in the distance I said to my gf “oh, check it out, pp compensation truck ahead” and was shocked to see a woman driving.
She wants to have one badly, so the overcompensating is running full speed.
Good call, she’s possibly just looking for “Mr. Right”!
can you explain the racism part of it to a non brit? like I’m five /stupid american pls
The EDL often used the England St George Cross flag. The National Front used the British Union Jack flag.
I think the only other time you see our flags apart from sport, is for royal family related days off work, which about all they’re good for.
Not OP, but British, seems you only really see them on house for football as previously stated and on the houses of people that tend to be ignorant and/or racist so they fly the
Union JackSt George Cross Flag as a means to be patriotic to this shit hole.Edit: Put the wrong flag, as evidently I’m a moron today.
Worse if it’s the St George Cross imo. I’ve never understood the “away with immigrants” argument from a nation of immigrants. Do they think life evolved in the UK?
That’s the flag I meant. I’m just a moron today apparently.
They’ve just been conditioned to target their frustrations at the wrong people by the media they consume.
Yes - just like the American ones as well.
Being proud of the UK is racist because it’s mostly white.
So … every day?
So football?
I’ve seen it in just about every country I have visited physically and in Geoguessr. Maybe not quite as prevalent as the US but I wouldn’t actually say the difference is as big as people probably think.
What’s funny is that beyond knowing you’re in America, the flag doesn’t help a lot with location guessing. USA is one of the tougher countries to pinpoint within in GeoGuesser. It’s probably harder to distinguish Vermont from Ohio from Oregon (depending on the photo) than it is to tell Albania from Austria even with no flags or signs.
Complete opposite of my experience. While you do see flags in other countries they are usually only at governme t buildings, it’s rare to see people flying flags themselves. Whereas in America they are everywhere and also buildins will often have multiple. Like I went to a mall and the outside had at least a dozen flags on sides.
Unless there’s a football match on, then they’re literally fucking everywhere
And there’s always a football match on…
Turkey also has lots of flags everywhere.
It probably only happens in some types of countries… Turkey, Russia, Hungary… USA…
DPRK also geta their dick super hard from their flag.
No kink shaming!
Mexico… they have those really big ones
american geography is also aggressively diverse as well, it varies from ice in alaska, to the literal desert
Or ice in Minnesota to the literal desert, or ice in Massachusetts to the literal desert, or ice in the literal desert to the literal desert
comparing american lat to european lat is a rather interesting exercise, the majority of europes latitude is covered by america. We’re quite the diverse climate region.
I went to a hardware store in the states during a trip. Turns out they had a patriotic corner there, full of flags and banners. I’ve never seen anything like that before in any country. In a lot of countries you have to search for even a tiny souvenir flag.
I live in Taiwan and plenty of people put flags up.
In Europe, mostly during soccer championships because you get them with a crate of beer during that time.
In Finland we have plenty of national “flag days” every year. I don’t see people putting up flags on their porch or anything but many has flag poles on their yard and flying a Finnish flag has no racist implications to it or anything like that. It’s a traditional thing to do and especially the elderly are pretty strict about it.
That was what the US used to be, but now flying a flag has too many negative connotations. Don’t let your nationalist nut-jobs ruin it for you too
If it doesn’t have a blue stripe, you can absolutely still fly the flag at your house. It’s when you have it on your shirt and car that it gets weird.
I make a lot of assumptions about people flying regular US flags in their yard, and I can’t really say any of them are positive. Could be a regional thing? I’m in a pretty heavily left-leaning area and the people that are that outwardly patriotic are typically far right. Not universally, but enough for the assumptions.
I am proud of my country and most of the ideals we stand for: that’s why I do what I can to help it live up to those ideals, to be even better. It is our patriotic duty to constructively criticize, to correct its mistakes, to rebel against the status quo, to invest in all citizens and a better tomorrow.
For example, look at all those immigrants fleeing into our country looking for a better life: it’s our duty to make this country work like the ideal they are coming for.
I think I’m probably less proud of the US than you, but I generally agree with your sentiment. Although I don’t think that sentiment necessitates a nationalistic action like flying a flag in a yard or on a car. Especially when that type of nationalism tends to be associated with a mindset that is anti-immigration.
Fyi as an outsider, “patriotic duty” has to be one of the most american phrases I’ve ever heard
It seems like it’s common in places that have an independence movement (Quebec, Ireland and Taiwan as others have mentioned), the USA is an exception to that.
Catalonia. Catalan flags are everywhere.
A fair few Australians fly the flag in front of their house all year round.
And they without fail put up the coalition corflutes during elections, and had the ‘if you don’t know, vote no’ signs during the referendum.
The Venn diagram is a perfect circle.
Oh don’t fucking get me started on the referendum. It was defeated by weaponised ignorance. An absolute disgrace.
Half my family is indigenous; I hear you.
Common in Canada.
Where do you get the notion that it’s an American thing from?
Where is this common? I have family in Ontario, Saskatchewan, Alberta, and BC, and we rarely see flags on people’s lawns/whatever. I’m in Vancouver and there is ONE flag within a 20 minute walk in any direction. In fact, my kids refer to it as ‘the flag house’ it’s so out of place.
Hell our Prime Minister had to ask us to be more patriotic for the olympics in 2010.
It’s somewhat common in Ontario. Not every street, but I’d probably see a few while driving around the city.
Every city/town/municipality I have traveled to has multiple. It’s not every yard, but there’s enough that it’s noticeable. About the same rate as most cities I’ve been everywhere really.
Lots of business in fact fly them, dealerships are one prominent one.
Do you travel by air instead of vehicle between places?
No, I’ve actually driven from Vancouver to Alberta quite a few times, a couple to Saskatchewan, and once to Manitoba.
Outside of very specific government buildings, I barely see them*. It’s so rare that, like I said, I very much noticed when one was suddenly in walking distance of my house. I’ve seen them super faded in windows of old buildings at times, but not a flag standing outside.
(*If I go to the extremely rural areas of BC or Alberta, I will see more in a single ‘town’, and I mean like ~100 people, than I will in Vancouver, say. But those in small areas stand out and are, frankly, not usually a great sign? One house that has it also has a confederate flag up, as well as a replica General Lee car from Dukes of Hazzard)
I spent 2 minutes going down a couple streets in abbostford before finding one……
Sounds like you just aren’t as perceptive as you thought, they are far more common than you’re thinking. Or you live downtown where there’s less individualism, but I’m sure there would be a few balconies that have them, provided condo board rules don’t disallow them….
Northern Ireland, plenty of flags over here.
We were there a couple of weeks ago. Seems different neighbourhoods had different flags. We elected not to fly a courtesy flag on our boat as all the alternatives were partisan one way or another.
It’s one of the more obvious signs that you’re in either an unionist or republican area. Kerb painting, murals, street names in Irish.
I would call that fanaticism over nationalism.
deleted by creator
As another example: In the context of 19th century “Germany”, the “nationalist movement” refers to the unification movement, so a “nationalist” was just a person who wanted the many german countries to become a single nation-state.
Depends on which part of the country. In Spain some places are full of Spanish flags, others have none, and others have regional flags (Catalonia, basque country).
My guess is they’re more common in rural areas, independent of the country.
Canada. Not as many as in the US but the Canadian flag is flown in many households.
In austria, the only flags that i have seen are pride flags. And even that is very rare.
Uncommon in Swiss, flagpoles have fallen out of fashion. More common on 1. August.
Some people in Japan put them out occasionally on holidays.
Common in other places too
Ah yes, because no where but America and Europe exist.