For God’s sake, liberals just want permission to enjoy something
Let them enjoy it, leave them alone about your ‘genocide’ or whatever
if it weren’t for “@hexbear” in your user name I would have thought this was a serious lib comment
That’s right, it’s brunch time.
💅 🍷 🌎
My favorite part about the liberals coming in here to muster a defense is how their only argument is “but Trump would be worse,” conveniently saying nothing about how they are literally advocating for genocide.
“But she called for ceasefire,” they cry, while simultaneously sending their daily billion dollars of bombs and ammo.
Also omitting how the DNC is clearly complicit with the GOP and will objectively not make things better, just worse at a slower pace. As shown by the last 50 years.
Their responses will get increasingly absurd and nonsensical the further this goes on. Behavior paralleling Israeli Zionists.
Oh look, it happened again, liberals aligned with fascists. Really weird how that just keeps happening over and over and over and over and over and over.
Who are the ones that want fascism again?
Bad Cop Worse Cop, and no matter how much you try to cooperate, Bad cop keeps doing all the things Worse Cop was threatening to do to you 20 minutes ago.
Tell me what you want me to do. Should I not vote? Who is defending Kamala or the Democratic party here? Just because I’m relatively happy that Kamala gives the US a better chance at avoiding another Trump presidency, that doesn’t mean I’m happy with Kamala being the nominee. Or happy with her being genocidist. How does that make me an apologist for genocide when I have a binary choice in front of me between two people who are going to continue sending weapons to an apartheid state committing genocide? I mean fuck, the US is the worlds largest terror organization – are you going to accuse me of supporting them because they take money out of my paycheck? There isn’t really anything I can do about it besides try to vote in the direction that leans away from that.
I don’t generally care how you vote. The idea that your vote, as an individual, matters at all, is a construct intended to disempower you. Turn you into an individualistic lever pull that can be counted on regardless of how many horrific things they do.
If you care how you vote, you should be getting organized with likeminded people to create a voting block that makes demands. “Move in our direction or we will vote for you, otherwise we won’t”. This is literally the only way you could ever have meaninfulg voting power. If you are a reliable voter for X party, literally nobody cares about your positions anymore, and certainly not as an individual. Political party X just tries to get you to turn out and to turn you into a donor. You could also try to take over the party from a grassroots level, but you will quickly find that they will ruthlessly oppose you and would rather lose forever than give up their party positions.
But the latter point leads to my actual suggestion, which is to understand that your voting power is incredibly limited and constrained under bourgeois electoralism (like the American system). They will never, ever let us win through their political system. We may make very slow gains in a few arenas, largely reflecting social changes that do not threaten the interests of those at the top of the core economic system. Those changes are valuable. But they hit a hard limit pretty quickly because everything is tied to the economic system. And backslides are also possible so long as the economic interests at the top aren’t threatened. So sure, vote, but don’t let electoralism dominate your political activity. It takes a few minutes to hours to vote per year. Spemn the rest of your political energy on building non-electoral power.
To build Non-Electoral power, we must spread political education (theory, history, geopolitics) and organizing skills (engaging in action, recruitment, support). To help with that process, you must become politically educated yourself - politically educated in mass political power and identifying the economic forces we are up against - and gain organizing skills yourself. Both are facilitated by joining a socialist organization, though it is also 100% A-Okay to just start reading and questioning and gaining skills in thought. I usually recommend that people start with media criticism and (re)learning history. For example, start perusing and read A People’s History of The United States.
Now, keeping in mind that I don’t care very much how you vote, to answer your question about what to do when the “Democratic” system gives you two options (chosen by the ruling class, not you, by the way)…
If you care about voting, work to form the aforementioned voting bloc and develop political discipline that lasts beyond single elections. If you succeed, your bloc will mean the “lesser evil” (try measuring the evil, is it even always lesser?) loses an election. But then you will have established power as a bloc, a set of votes that must be won. And you will learn something very important from the result. One option is that you will be cut off from the party you are most trying to influence. They will be declaring that they would rather lose than make the change(s) you care about. Like not doing genocide, Christ. Then you will know you cannot win through their system, or at least that party, and can change your effort. Try (and still probably fail) at a third party. Or focus your efforts on non-electoral political work. The other possible outcome is that they relent. Then congratulations! Keep making demands and start voting strategically for them until they inevitably balk, rinse and repeat until they consistently refuse (this will happen).
Or you can skip the process if realizing the bourgeous electoral system is an expression of the ruling class’s power and begin working against it. End the thought process of thinking you can somehow have a lesser evil genocider, mass murderer, country destroyer, child impoverished, Jim Crower. Engage in the political education and organization I mentioned before and give up agonizing over your meaningless solitary vote.
Nah it’s easy just rewire the whole government in your free time, that’s what I don’t understand about these people. They have all these great ideas about organizing and starting this and changing that. The suggestions they give are just not realistic in our society currently, but they act like you’re the problem for voting.
Y’all understand that your little suggestion of starting a whole ass movement with the only resource of “unified voters” in one of the most diverse countries in the world will take a ton of time right ?
I’ll even play let’s say we:
If you care how you vote, you should be getting organized with likeminded people to create a voting block that makes demands
Do you think this can be organized 1 before the election, 2 before the election with enough time to actually change things in it, 3 by people working full time jobs and probably living paycheck to paycheck 4 while being fought back against the entire time by media oligarchy? No it isn’t realistic
What is realistic is trying to save the country from a centralization of powers into the executive branch (project '25) that will almost surely lead into fascism, which will then in turn fuck the rest of the world even worse.
Nah it’s easy just rewire the whole government in your free time, that’s what I don’t understand about these people. They have all these great ideas about organizing and starting this and changing that. The suggestions they give are just not realistic in our society currently, but they act like you’re the problem for voting.
As an organizer in my free time it’s hardly unrealistic to suggest other people do the same. These are also well-demonstrated strategies, whereas individualistic lesser evil voting is not. You just disempower yourself.
And as you can see, this false logic also leads liberals to begin defending the lesser evils. Right now, they are defending genocide. My hope is that a few of them may break free of their propaganda and become true allies of people around the world and their own neighborhoods.
Y’all understand that your little suggestion of starting a whole ass movement with the only resource of “unified voters” in one of the most diverse countries in the world will take a ton of time right ?
God forbid political power take work and time. Better to be ineffectual and rhetorically entrench the sociopathic status quo, eh?
Do you think this can be organized 1 before the election, 2 before the election with enough time to actually change things in it
No. It requires shedding the political myopia that ensures your complacency. But you should begin building it now, and it is okay for its birth to be fitful. Begin having conversations now to see who would be interested. Join a left org that may be interested in this. Stop defending genocide.
3 by people working full time jobs and probably living paycheck to paycheck
Yes. This is how it has been for hundreds of years. People with less time and means did far more than this. You just have to actually believe that politics is important.
How much time do you spend on social media, for example? Why not spend that time organizing meetings?
4 while being fought back against the entire time by media oligarchy?
Our enemies include that but are even larger and more powerful.
No it isn’t realistic
Far more has been done before. You gave been taught complacency. And to defend the status quo.
What is realistic is trying to save the country from a centralization of powers into the executive branch (project '25) that will almost surely lead into fascism, which will then in turn fuck the rest of the world even worse.
You aren’t saving anything. Your strategy makes you a complacent individual that simply allows the same system chugging along into depravity, like open support for genocide. You aren’t even organized. How on earty could you ever take credit for anything? Pure fairy tales.
Do you even live in a swing state?
As an organizer in my free time it’s hardly unrealistic to suggest other people do the same.
Im sure as someone who does it everyday you do think that
God forbid political power take work and time. Better to be ineffectual and rhetorically entrench the sociopathic status quo, eh
This is the largest point I’m trying to make the time and effort it will take cannot be completed before the election. I mean you even agreed:
Do you think this can be organized 1 before the election, 2 before the election with enough time to actually change things in it
Your response was No.
Yes. This is how it has been for hundreds of years. People with less time and means did far more than this
Do you think every American agrees and will just jump on board?
And to defend the status quo.
No defending it I hate it but stop acting like it can change before the election, it is not enough time which is my point, not a defense.
How much time do you spend on social media, for example? Why not spend that time organizing meetings?
Couple hours after work, 10 mins before work, and while shitting. Drive times alone wouldn’t be meet with this time.
How on earty could you ever take credit for anything?
Don’t know what I took credit for but sure
Do you even live in a swing state?
Do you even live in America?
Im sure as someone who does it everyday you do think that
I don’t do it every day. But I do it often enough to be reliable and have good capacity.
But it’s not just me nor has it ever been. People from all nations have done this. People in far worse conditions. It is necessary and, historically, feasible so long as you can break false consciousness.
This is the largest point I’m trying to make the time and effort it will take cannot be completed before the election. I mean you even agreed
To begin building the necessary project you have to reject the political election myopia that our masters impose on us. Politics does not restart every 2-4 years. Only long-term engagement and the development and wielding of leverage will ever liberate us.
Do you think every American agrees and will just jump on board?
No, but why do they need to? Our task requires work and time. You keep acting like this makes it impossible. I suggest that this is a learned helplessness, of internalizing the false idea that there is no alternative. In fact, there has always been an alternative and others have blazed trails.
No defending it I hate it but stop acting like it can change before the election, it is not enough time which is my point, not a defense.
It is already a defense in that it is a form of apologetics for the genocidal status quo. It defends and entrenches the idea that your job, politically, is to decide who to cheerlead with a vote. It normalizes accepting and tolerating the genocide of Gaza, as even that us not enough for you to take sufficient pause. You are lost in propaganda, but you can free yourself through education.
Couple hours after work, 10 mins before work, and while shitting. Drive times alone wouldn’t be meet with this time.
A common dedicated organizing commitment is 1-2 meetings per week (often online) and around one action per month. Though there are often opportunities to do what works around anyone’s schedule.
Don’t know what I took credit for but sure
There is a tendency in bourgeois electoralism to dramatically exaggerate the impact of a given activity. Usually, but not always, voting. The purpose is to make the target audience feel like what they were told to do matters, was worthwhile, and to keep them doing it. This is what I am referring to by credit - of an exaggerated assignment of value to the activity I was responding to.
Do you even live in America?
Why would that matter? My question to you does matter: if you don’t live in a swing state your presidential vote is as worthless as it gets.
What would your point be if I were or were not American? Please don’t be xenophobic.
It’s absolutely wild seeing unhinged ranting posts get upvoted while posts like yours are getting downvotes. What the hell kind of community did I stumble into
Listen dude. Im in pretty much full agreement with both of your comments in this thread. But if you’re trying to get people converted, especially moderate liberals, don’t start off combatively telling them they’re supporting a genocide or that they’re wasting their time voting. Its just gonna entrench them even more because it’s so outside their realm of political understanding.
I mean, I’m anarchosyndicalist. I’m aware of how fucked up the voting system is and how little power I have as an individual, and it pisses me off to be scolded at like that. Ive read People’s History, and the manifesto, and Kropotkin (not to mention, a fair amount of chomsky and a lot of David Graeber). Imagine how moderate liberals feel when you slam them with a wall of text? They are not fucking initiated yet.
Like I said to the OP, you gotta meet people where they are. You’re right that the left is disorganized, and that most Democrats aren’t really leftist but socially progressive capitalists, but if you’re gonna convert them you need to ease them into it, not immediately shock them with walls of text and accusations of supporting a genocide. Because they’ll just recoil into their somewhat cozy capitalist shell.
If you want people to do something different, don’t tell them what they’re doing is wrong! I’ve read Chomsky! You have to work entirely within the political framework that you’re trying to tell people to move past!
Exactly. You joke, but you can’t bring someone to your side by immediately making an enemy of them.edit: Not to mention in Western media, socialism is taboo, communism is literally the devil (Trump recently said at one of his rallies he would deport all the communists, lol) and anarchism is synonymous with chaos.
In order to win these people over, I’m not gonna go up to each one and say “oh hey, by the way, you are a citizen of the worlds largest terrorist organization. the flag you salute is synonymous with an authoritarian empire that even today works to prevent any non-capitalistic democratic movement from occurring. It is a feudal state that extracts tribute from the rest of the world in the form of mass imports and few exports, incurring meaningless debt because at the end of the day it can print more money, lend it to the banks, and not worry about repercussions, because the rest of the world’s currency is backed by theirs instead of gold, and if any country step out of line, they can employ violence from any one of the 700+ military bases they control worldwide. Your country controls what money is, inherently, and monopolizes violence, and therefore holds the rest of the world in a headlock, and you are part of the problem” Even though all of that is true.
No, I’m probably gonna say “isn’t it kinda wild Obama bailed out the banks in 2008? Like, bankers actually offer nothing of value to society,” or “its so terrible that the US has been supporting Israel for so long, as they have continually decimated and oppressed the Palestinian people,” and have an interesting (albeit, often terribly sad) discussion from there.
Me not making concessions from my position for the sake of being underhanded with my political goals is not what makes me political enemies. It’s supporting a genocide that makes me political enemies.
You know what I have to say about civility? Fuck you.
I mean, just take a look at or reddit. Your guys’ aggressive attitude doesn’t work. It turns people off and gets defederation campaigns started. If people care about civility, use civility to help convince them.
Alright dude, in that case don’t vote, give Trump a better chance, but don’t come whining to me when he comes out in support of a single-state solution, and that state is not Palestine. Dunno what else to tell you.
Its just gonna entrench them even more because it’s so outside their realm of political understanding.
I disagree. You can’t soft-pedal someone fully embedded in the propaganda sphere. There are multitudinous ways for them to be recaptured and they will not be inoculated against it if you pretend their positions are valid.
Also your contributions in this thread only reinforce liberalism and the pro-genocide position. Why should I trust your advice?
I mean, I’m anarchosyndicalist.
So far, you appear to be a liberal. In what way are you furthering anarchosyndicalism here? Are you in an org? Do you believe that anarchosyndicalism is served by feeding into bourgeois electoral falsehoods? Your predecessors were burning down bosses’ houses.
I’m aware of how fucked up the voting system is and how little power I have as an individual, and it pisses me off to be scolded at like that.
These are inconsistent positions. If you already agreed and understood you would not be getting “scolded” at all. Though I would say I’m just politely correcting you despite your liberal actions.
Ive read People’s History, and the manifesto, and Kropotkin (not to mention, a fair amount of chomsky and a lot of David Graeber).
So about 2 months into a yearlong leftist onboarding reading group. I’m glad you are reading, but this still makes you very new to these topics.
Imagine how moderate liberals feel when you slam them with a wall of text? They are not fucking initiated yet.
They will respond in different ways. There is not just one way to push people into taking their first steps. Several strategies and roles should be employed.
My “wall of text” is something like four paragraphs in approachable language.
What does your defense of their pro-genocide electoral stance accomplish?
Like I said to the OP, you gotta meet people where they are.
That is incorrect. You need to know where people are and then dislodge them. There is no meeting. You must pull and agitate.
You’re right that the left is disorganized, and that most Democrats aren’t really leftist but socially progressive capitalists
Most Democrats are incoherent liberals that pick up their positions via exposure to various media outlets. I would not describe them as socially progressive, overall. Some of the most racist people I’ve met have been Democrats.
but if you’re gonna convert them you need to ease them into it, not immediately shock them with walls of text and accusations of supporting a genocide.
Ease them into it how? Your approach so far is not agitational whatsoever. Your rhetoric can only help them retreat to their former positions.
There is an actual genocide happening right now with Dem support. They are, in actuality, supporting a genocide by providing unconditionsl support. This is exactly the kind of topic where you must agitate, as you can motivate those who care about the genocide to seek out a better position. You will lose all of those people if you don’t agitate, or worse, help them resettle into the mainstream pro-genocide position.
Because they’ll just recoil into their somewhat cozy capitalist shell.
Some will, some won’t. This is always how agitation goes. Have you ever built an org IRL? Opportunism is always self-defeating.
My contributions to this thread have upheld a single liberal value and that’s voting, which I don’t even think has that much value when you look at the opinions of the majority of Americans on core domestic and international issues vs the actual policies that are implemented by those they vote in. The United States is not a democracy, and simply voting Democrats will not fix anything. Not once have I defended Democrats complicity in the genocide, or the so called free market, their role in maintaining American hegemony through force and the dollar, the immorality of rent and interest collection, etc – they perpetuate all of that! – unless you count my noting that the Republicans of the United States are more in support of Israel than Democrats, as they have nobody willing to call the genocide a genocide, whereas Democrats have few, and they (Republicans under Trumps presidency) would and have tried further legitimizing Israel’s actions against Palestinians – mainly by moving the US embassy to Jerusalem from Tel Aviv and calling West Bank settlements, which are obviously illegal, legal.
Multiple times I’ve said, yes, Democrats are complicit in genocide, and overall they exist to perpetuate the power of the state, which itself is, at the end of the day, a monopolization of violence through the police. But at the very least, they are less likely to go full privatization, full state authority over women’s bodies, and more likely to do something about the genocide other than urge Israel to “get the job done,” as Trump has said himself.
So while, ultimately, the Democratic party (along with all other political parties) needs to dissolve in order for individuals in the US to have full political and personal freedom, in the near term that is not going to happen, and even though my vote will almost certainly mean nothing in terms of policy, at least I can do that and try things outside the political system. Whereas not voting is not only symbolically useless, as they’ll just see me as another person on the couch, at least voting has a small amount of practicality.
And regarding methods of converting liberals to leftists, I guess we’ll just have to agree to disagree. Again, I’ll refer to the meaning associated with the terms socialism, communism, and anarchism in the US – they are demonized to the point where people simply dismiss you if you mention them, and then you’ve lost your opportunity.
Edit: Also, I appreciate your genuine response, but at the same time the gatekeeping of “well, what have you organized?” is pretty lame. The truth is, nothing. I’ve organized nothing. But I still believe that unjustified hierarchy is harmful and that at the end of the day what a state is is the ability to use force to uphold that hierarchy.
My contributions to this thread have upheld a single liberal value and that’s voting
Au contraire.
Lesser evil arguments against GOP:
“It’s just that one party also wants to use those structures to surveil women’s bodies, ban books, delegitimize science, push religion, and extract capital from natural resources and workers without restriction.”
Both sidesing genocide with a bonus suggestion that you have no idea how to oppise it (even while you left punch people actually fighting against it):
"We have a choice between one person publicly calling for a ceasefire and another who says Israel needs to finish the job.
I’m not sure what you want us to do here."
You then kept asking what else you’re supposed to do and I answered you in good faith. You don’t seem to like the answer, though. You clung to the rhetoric of bourgeous electoralism and ignored most of what I said while trying to tell me I was agitating incorrectly.
You declaring that you’re going to vote for a pro-genocide candidate with more lesser evil genocide (listen to yourself) logic:
“edit: Like idk who’s out here praising Kamala Harris and the rest of the Democratic party for their soft-as-shit stance on Israel, but I still gonna vote for her […]”
Here’s you pretending you can lecture others about what American leftists respond to, trying to push back against those calling out support for genocide:
“No offense dude, but I think you are pretty ignorant about American leftists.”
You’ve been a busy little beaver for reaction.
which I don’t even think has that much value when you look at the opinions of the majority of Americans on core domestic and international issues vs the actual policies that are implemented by those they vote in
If it doesn’t have much value why are you arguing with me and why are you telegraphing who you will vote for (genocide supporter)? Why do you act as if nothing else is posdible? This is just the typical liberal position that treats myopic lesser evil voting as the beginning and end of politics.
Not once have I defended Democrats complicity in the genocide
When people call it out you push back and declare your unconditional support for Kamala.
[rambling lesser evil claims]
Yes those are some if the claims that actually defend Democrats and try to make people feel okay with support for genocide.
at least I can do that and try things outside the political system.
If you’re doing something against empire you’re doing something political. And earlier you were acting like nothing else was possible, jncredulously asking what else you’re supposed to do aside from pretend to hand wring and then be the same pro-genocide lever pull as any imperialist. Make up your mind.
Whereas not voting is not only symbolically useless, as they’ll just see me as another person on the couch, at least voting has a small amount of practicality.
I cannot tell you how much I don’t care about your vote. Why are you still talking about it?
And regarding methods of converting liberals to leftists, I guess we’ll just have to agree to disagree.
You will learn that I am right when you actually try to build a left organization IRL and need to both recruit and maintain political lines against liberal tendencies.
Again, I’ll refer to the meaning associated with the terms socialism, communism, and anarchism in the US – they are demonized to the point where people simply dismiss you if you mention them, and then you’ve lost your opportunity.
This is completely at odds with the experience of anyone doing IRL agitation and recruitment. Younger people in particular are open to socialist positions if you aren’t trying to trick them into it or triangulate in the genocide they oppose. Your strategy is very old and always fails. It’s called opportunism.
Edit: Also, I appreciate your genuine response, but at the same time the gatekeeping of “well, what have you organized?” is pretty lame. The truth is, nothing. I’ve organized nothing.
Yes, that was obvious. This is why you have wrong ideas of how to agitate. You’ve never had to do it and see what works and what doesn’t.
You asked what else to do aside from voting and I tried to nudge you towards organizing and self-education. You should go join an org.
But I still believe that unjustified hierarchy is harmful and that at the end of the day what a state is is the ability to use force to uphold that hierarchy.
Of course unjust hierarchy is harmful. Otherwise it wouldn’t be unjust. But the question, inevitably, is how we will concretely do necessary work to defeat our enemies, and to identify who those enemies are and prioritize. To do that you need to be politically educated and you need to be organizing IRL so that you can see what fails and why it fails.
All that text essentially is summarised as “you arguing that Democrats are the lesser evil is defending them, and makes you a liberal.”
If calling Democrats evil, while also saying you should vote for them, AND work outside the political system to create meaningful widespread change, makes me a liberal, then I guess I’m a liberal. You can think that means I support genocide if you want, but I won’t be organizing with you if that’s the case. Hope you have a great day.
Tell me what you want me to do.
Read theory, join an organization, learn to shoot and care for firearms, build community, etc.
100% agree with all of that. Also, vote the furthest left you can every chance you get because it helps move the Overton window to the left.
The people voting for Biden in the primary didn’t move the Overton Window, the uncommitted movement did! Democrats went from being explicitly anti-ceasefire to support and Biden was forced out of the race. That is how you use the vote to get things done- organizing and strategy.
I fully agree and I believe that voting Uncommitted was the best leftist option so I think that is a great example of how voting the furthest left we can does actually make a difference.
You should vote for Jill Stein or Cornel West. Both very left-wing and very anti-genocide.
That’s just not voting but with extra steps.
Neither will win, and is one less vote against Trump. That’s actively making the situation worse.
I’m not voting “against Trump”. I’m voting for an end to the genocide (among other things).
They have no answer except that if you participate in voting for either candidate that can win, you’re pro-genocide
We have plenty of answers, you just don’t listen.
One being, threaten to not vote until a hard stance against the genocide of Palestinians is taken. We did it to get Biden out, we can fuckin’ do it again. It’s OUR party, they just represent us. And if that stance isn’t taken, then keep your promise. Democrats don’t deserve to win if they’re going to be spineless bought cowards.
We can do ANYTHING so long as Trump is the opponent.
Maybe they’re not from the US and don’t realize that we actually don’t have much of a choice? Or maybe they’re pro-Trump. Idk.
Yeah, I mean, It’s not like we actually live in a democracy or anything.
True, the US is far closer to a oligarchy than a democracy.
Exactly, and as turns out that any atrocity can be dismissed as long as there’s a threat of somebody worse. In this way, they’re admitting that the system is fundamentally broken since even a genocide can now be dismissed simply by pivoting to talking about Trump.
No offense dude, but I think you are pretty ignorant about American leftists. I mean, you’re completely right that we’re having to dismiss an atrocity and vote for a genocidist and that the system is fundamentally broken. But that’s common knowledge in the US lol, even across the aisle. Politicians are bought and sold, ask any semi-informed citizen in the US, right or left. It’s just that most people are too busy working to fucking LIVE to think there is anything we can about it, or they’ve been brainwashed to think that’s how it should be (top down something or other…)
Shit is fucked here. Nobody’s trying to hide it, like I didn’t just “say the quiet part out loud.” Obviously America is fucked, obviously the Democratic party is fucked. But I’m still gonna vote for Harris because America can still get worse and the Republican party isn’t just fucked, its absolutely fuckaroo’d.
Serfs and people working 13 hour days found the time to organize for revolution while working for depressed imperislist wages. Working without a doctor less than a day a way. Working without any transportation aside from their own two feet. Walking 10-20 miles per day when fighting militarily.
The US left us not weak because it faces long or harsh working conditions. It is weak because it has bought into liberalism. It is fully propagandized and is convinced of its own anemia. And, if anything, it fails to fight because it is comparatively overcompebsated, living off of cheap goods provided by the working poor of other countries. The US left does not riot over shortages because there usually are none and when there are they just take it. They are disorgsnized, so they have no voice. They are miseducated, so they parrot the logic the ruling class tells them to follow (such as your logic in voting).
Now that a larger, whiter proportion of the US working class is proletarianizing through high debt, high commodity prices, lower wages, and longer hours you are seeing forms of radicalization. We should be building on that, not carrying water for the genocide of Palestinians. Feel free to check whatever voting box you want, but don’t tell me you’re “leftist” for doing it, lmao.
So not even any consideration of voting 3rd party? The concept that voting 3rd party is throwing away your vote is perpetuated by the 2 parties that want to stay in power. It’s easier to focus on one opponent, but the more people become comfortable with other options, the harder it is for the 2 parties to bullshit their way into power.
I’m definitely not voting RFK Jr’s antivax ass. I mean he’s a Kennedy. Still an elite in power.
Anyways, 3rd party candidates historically never have a chance. Ultimately if it were really my choice, the only parties we’d have are idk street parties. Because there’d be no government at all, or temporary governments when the need arises, or something more creative than the dumbass shit we have now.
If you’re seriously suggesting voting third party you do not understand how voting works in the US. It is literally a wasted vote – even if 60% of the nation voted for a third party, the delegates are already pledged to one of the two main parties. The correct place to put that energy is in local elections and in a nationwide push for ranked choice or some other alternative to FPTP.
2 parties are the Nash Equilibrium of our system. We’d love to vote for other candidates, but we can’t beat the math.
What is the math on how much your political opinion needs to be accounted for when you are an automatic lever pull for a given party?
This sort of rationalizing by people who claim to be on the left is precisely what perpetuates the system.The dems know that when push comes to shove, you’ll all go and vote for them no matter what they do.
If you want to propose a real solution, we’re all ears.
A real solution is to do what the MAS movement in Bolivia did. It’s not like many examples don’t exist throughout the world.
Bolivia has proportional representation, not the 2 party FPTP we are stuck in in the US.
No third party will win in the US without election reform, which is only conceivably possible by voting against the right wing. Voting Democrat is the anti-genocide path. Again, unless there’s some real new ideas.
Remind me what party do Biden belong to? Whig?
Bolivia ha organized labour that’s able to coordinate things like general strikes across the country and massive protests. That’s how MAS got in power. Maybe go read up on how MAS actually achieved power sometime, you’ll learn something. Maybe even get some of them new ideas into that noggin of yours.
There you go, that’s good advice, organize! Notice that it has literally nothing to do with your vote for President.
I very much do note that it has nothing to do with voting for the president. In fact, my whole point is that voting does not actually matter, and disproportionate focus on voting is precisely why people in US find themselves in the situation they are in.
You gonna bother explaining the MAS movement and provide a reasonable road map for how to achieve it?
here you go
My favorite part about the liberals coming in here to muster a defense …
have you also noticed the sharp reduction in shitlib takes on and them increasing on the rest of the lemmyverse? they’re diversifying/spreading-out
conveniently saying nothing about how they are literally advocating for genocide.
You’re literally doing the thing in the post, just the other direction. Can you not understand the irony?
but do you condemn trump?!
right… more like that first line is: Genocide bad so don’t vote for democrats.
Many left voters agree genocide is bad, we can vote for Democrats while also protesting and reaching out to our reps to stop the genocide.And the reps will ignore you because what are you going to do, not vote for them? You already telegraphed that you will vote for them anyways.
In the party database, you show up as: Last Name, First Name, likely voter, donor yes/no. Literally, this is how much they think about you.
PS I thought genocide was an unconscionable, intolerable crime that required your specific action to ensure it “never again” happens. Now it’s just “bad”, like high housing costs? Do you see how your own soul is distorted by this naive partisanship?
If they ignore you and you keep voting for them, what’s their motivation to take you seriously? The only leverage the average voter has is their vote. If they know that they can count on your vote no matter what they do, then they don’t have to listen to you.
You’re right, we should vote for Trump who put the embassy in Israel and wants Israel to finish up the genocide quickly. 4d chess move, there can’t be a genocide if the people are genocided quickly.
That’s not how voting works, and it’s exactly what republicans want you to think.
That’s literally exactly how voting works. You can’t put an asterisk on your vote. An exuberant, wholehearted vote counts exactly the same as one where you feel dirty for a week after.
That’s like saying oh yeah my friend is a serial killer, but at least he doesn’t beat his family. Besides, I will tell him how upset I am about all the murdering he’s doing next time we go out for beers.
No offense, but that’s really goddamn stupid. Do you understand that voting is an exercise in constrained optimization.
The only thing that’s really goddamn stupid is pretending that voting for genocide is somehow moral. No better illustration of the fact that liberals are utterly morally bankrupt.
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“There’s actual work to be done”
(He means there are still children alive in Gaza)
Why are you working to get Democrats elected? Are they paying you? What’s the point?
We have a choice between one person publicly calling for a ceasefire and another who says Israel needs to finish the job.
I’m not sure what you want us to do here.
Stop supporting genocide. Stop pretending you don’t hear that.
I could attend every Free Palestine protest, boycott every Israel-affiliated company, volunteer at human-rights organizations, raise money for Palestinian relief, write a book about the genocide of the Palestinian people at the hands of Israel, and cast a vote for Harris rather than Trump, and you would still say I support genocide.
While doing what you would probably rather me do, all those things except not cast a vote at all, would be actively helping the opposition, who not only wants Israel to “finish the job,” but also moved the American embassy to Jerusalem, officially recognized Israeli settlements one the West Bank as legal, and has said he wants to deport communists and Free Palestine protesters.
So at the end of the day, yeah I’m gonna vote for Harris. Am I happy with the Democratic party? Of fucking course not, but I don’t really have a choice in the matter.
I could attend every Free Palestine protest, boycott every Israel-affiliated company, volunteer at human-rights organizations, raise money for Palestinian relief, write a book about the genocide of the Palestinian people at the hands of Israel, and cast a vote for Harris rather than Trump, and you would still say I support genocide.
Any list that contains X contains X. You’re giving material support to a political faction that’s carrying out genocide. The political analogy isn’t voting for Hindenburg, it’s reelecting Hitler in 1944.
What I want you to do is recognize that there are no solutions within the existing political order and that is not an excuse.
Are you easily fooled by someone saying one thing while doing the opposite? don’t you not care whether their actions align with their words or not?
So who should we vote for?
I’m going to either vote for Jill Stein or Claudia De la Cruz. Both are appealing for different reasons.
I want real options. Neither will have a positive affect in the election. If I vote for either of them, that’s basically helping Trump. Who supports genocide. I’d rather support the people that say genocide is bad.
The Democrats deny that there is a genocide. They are engaging in it, not saying it is bad.
it literally does not matter
Lol ok sure bud, Trump moving the embassy to Israel, and wanting Israel to hurry up with their genocide is the same as Kamala criticizing Israel.
Kamala did NOT call for a cease fire. She said for 3 weeks directly after it.
I want Kamala to call for an arms embargo on Israel if they refuse to negotiate a ceasefire.
Their “ceasefire” is a lie. They just want a pause.
They want us to magically fix all the problems overnight, while blaming us for everything in the meantime.
Ah yes, the person publicly calling for ceasefire while sending the weapons needed to conduct genocide. What’s more liberal than being unable to connect rhetoric to tangible action.
What lol? What a psychotic take
The psychotic take is saying, sure the party I’m going to vote for is committing crimes against humanity, but at least they’re might be less repressive at home.
Oh you don’t feel superior enough yet? Maybe you should be even more reductive. I think your throne might be too far up to see that us peons actually have to do something instead of just cry on the internet and then feel smug about it.
How dare you shame me for ignoring a genocide!
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Who’s ignoring it? You’re talking to people who are actually trying to do something about it.
People voting for the party currently conducting a genocide are not in fact trying to do something about it. Thank you for coming to my TED talk.
Except both political parties that have a chance of winning are pro genocide.
The point of red lines is to not cross them. If you consider supporting a genocide a red line, which is certainly what I was taught, that means the system has moved beyond the pale and you must now take a different approach to politics than the horse race lesser evil logic that you were taught by the ruling class.
Namely, start working on other ways to build political power. The other ways are actually stronger. The ruling class, logically, teaches you to only see politics through a lens that disempowers you. It gives you playdough when you need a knife.
What’s really funny, is that this is something both the ancient greeks knew (that voting is nothing more than a popularity contest / theatre piece, since the only people able to fund their campaigns come from the upper classes), and that Marxists in the 1800s rediscovered when they dealt their own theoretical death blows to liberalism.
Upper-class USonians love their reality TV show elections, but most people are smarter than them, and have realized that voting has never improved their lives, or taken war off the menu.
Makes sense why so many Germans supported the nazi party, there just wasn’t any other choice.
Yeah. I really don’t think that is it.
My point is that it doesn’t matter who you vote for, whoever it is is going to support genocide. You can choose not to vote. You can vote for someone who has no chance. Or you can choose to select a candidate based on other things they have said or have done.
Deep deep cynicism.
This is what happens to Democrats. They’re idealistic in their youth, but then become cynical and bitter as they see their candidates betray them one after the other.
Takes some pretty flexible morals to ignore a genocide and “focus on other things” instead.
It is easy, Gideon Levy explains how Israelis do it and I am starting to think it applies to liberals in the US as well. They simply don’t see Palestinians as people.
Who are you voting for?
I’m voting for Kamala Harris.
Not a single Grad or Hexbear user has given me a real answer. I really don’t know how you expect to persuade people of your beliefs when you’re this scared to have a serious conversation.
Im voting for Joseph ROBINETTE Biden because I have been assured he is the ONLY ONE who can SAVE US from TRUMP. I’m not going to be helping trump by voting for anyone else
So who are you voting for actually?
Im voting for Joseph ROBINETTE Biden because I have been assured he is the ONLY ONE who can SAVE US from TRUMP. I’m not going to be helping trump by voting for anyone else
So like do you want to have an actual conversation or nah? You guys spend all your time talking about how communism is so genius and then I talk to people who are voting for “Joseph ROBINETTE Biden”.
Who are you actually voting for?
Im voting for Joseph ROBINETTE Biden because I have been assured he is the ONLY ONE who can SAVE US from TRUMP. I’m not going to be helping trump by voting for anyone else
idk how else to say it buddy, the message has been received loud and clear. Anything other than full throated, vocal support of J.R. Biden is actually support for Trump. I’m not going to be tricked into voting for Trump by considering any other candidate (as, again, I have been assured ad infinitum by numerous Educated and Serious liberals that anything OTHER than a vote for Biden is, actually, a vote for Trump)
communism is so genius
p.s. actually I would argue that it is a prerequisite for actual, real democracy to exist. Speaking of genius… who’s that? Why, if it isn’t Albert Einstein!
Private capital tends to become concentrated in few hands, partly because of competition among the capitalists, and partly because technological development and the increasing division of labor encourage the formation of larger units of production at the expense of smaller ones. The result of these developments is an oligarchy of private capital the enormous power of which cannot be effectively checked even by a democratically organized political society. This is true since the members of legislative bodies are selected by political parties, largely financed or otherwise influenced by private capitalists who, for all practical purposes, separate the electorate from the legislature. The consequence is that the representatives of the people do not in fact sufficiently protect the interests of the underprivileged sections of the population. Moreover, under existing conditions, private capitalists inevitably control, directly or indirectly, the main sources of information (press, radio, education). It is thus extremely difficult, and indeed in most cases quite impossible, for the individual citizen to come to objective conclusions and to make intelligent use of his political rights.
Huh, wow, sounds to me like capitalism is an inherently authoritarian, anti-democratic system, by virtue of ownership of capital affording the capitalist class an inordinate amount of economic and political influence (as the major funders of political parties)
but idk I guess we should just go and vote in sham election propping up liberal bourgeois democracy despite the numerous indicators of its grievous failures everywhere, because that is Genius ™
but idk I guess we should just go and vote in sham election propping up liberal bourgeois democracy despite the numerous indicators of its grievous failures everywhere, because that is Genius ™
“I will fix the system by not participating in it.”
Bold plan, good luck with that.
good luck with doing the same thing that hasn’t worked! real brain shit
“I will fix the system by not participating in it.”
Bold plan, good luck with that.
“Sure the controller is unplugged, but I can still beat the game”
Good luck with that
Not a vote for Biden??? That’s a vote for Trump sweaty
It’s HER turn!
Jill Biden could still run!
Who are you voting for?
Im voting for Joseph ROBINETTE Biden because I have been assured he is the ONLY ONE who can SAVE US from TRUMP. I’m not going to be helping trump by voting for anyone else
If you aren’t still in line to
for her, its a vote for Trump
Who are you voting for?
My state hasn’t approved De la Cruz for the ballot, I could write her in. I’m not sure how busy I’ll be that day though so it’s hard to predict what I’ll have time for.
As a fellow nonbinary person, I’m disappointed you’re willing to step aside and let fascists strip away rights of LGBTQIA minorities.
I hope that De la Cruz vote works out for you.
As a fellow nonbinary person, I’m disappointed you’re willing to step aside and let fascists strip away rights of LGBTQIA minorities.
you mean the ones which have been eroded significantly with Biden in the white house?? huh, wow, let me think about that for half a second…
I hope that De la Cruz vote works out for you.
hope voting for Hindenburg works out for you, Weimar German Liberal!
Also why do you think I’m stepping aside and letting the fascists hurt minorities? You said nothing to substantiate that. You just said I was doing that. Care to explain?
I won’t, because you know why I said it.
Go to a local queer munch and share these ideas with your fellow minorities, interested to hear your results.
Meanwhile I’m voting for the party that doesn’t want me dead.
Good luck with that De la Cruz vote, I’m actually laughing super hard at that one, it’s very clever.
What is your line, what would Kamala have to do or promise for you not to vote for her?
For me it’s promise to keep committing a genocide.
For me , it’s promise to step aside and let Trump commit the genocide instead.
If you’re trans and not a communist you need to spend more time engaging with your fellow queers who are poor and working class. And read more Marx.
Anyways who are you voting for?
I’m staying in the race!
This is why nobody takes Hexbear seriously.
the past hundred plus years of electoral politics really beg for the concept to be taken seriously, imagine voting in the most important election of your lifetime every 2-4 years for your entire life only to watch things get progressively worse anyway even when the “good” guys win, because even their best and wildest pipe dream policies if enacted amounted to about jack and shit
can’t wait for the hope and joy Harris/Walz administration to finally forgive student loan debt for a small subset of borrowers who open and run a business in a disadvantaged community for 3 years! can you imagine being one of the three dozen people that amazing legislation would help??
oh, wait, I’m sorry, the parliamentarian is probably going to tell them ‘no you can’t do that’ again and we will just have to grin and bear it, for the sake of civility
I take the concept seriously, but not you clowns.
If you cared about leftism as much as you cared about proper communication maybe people would listen to what you have to say.
But unfortunately you spam memes and reaction images instead of having a proper discussion and everybody tunes you out.
When a head and a book collide, is it always the book that’s hollow?
The quote you’re looking for is:
When a book and a head collide and a hollow sound is heard, must it always have come from the book?
― Georg Christoph Lichtenberg
blublhulbuhlulbl muh civility
eat me, liberal
So genuinely, do you think you’ve changed anyone’s mind today? If not, why are you wasting this energy?
If you want to vote for someone who supports genocide, you do you pal. Maybe someday you’ll realize that democracy in America is a sham and voting doesn’t matter. But that requires doing the bare minimum amount of your own research, which you seem to be vehemently opposed to.
I recommend reading Noam Chomsky’s manufacturing consent. Once you understand how you’re manipulated by the government and media, then you may be ready for some communist theory.
So genuinely, do you think you’ve changed anyone’s mind today? If not, why are you wasting this energy?
why are you wasting your energy legitimizing a bourgeois government that does almost quite literally nothing for you when you could also choose to 1) not waste your fucking time and 2) radicalize others against this absolutely horrendous system?
you dumb motherfuckers are going to go all in on HARRIS WALZ HOPE AND JOY and shit because you’re incapable of learning from previous mistakes. It’s wild how this shit just happens over and over and over and over again and you stupid motherfuckers just keep playing along. Like absolutely wild how brainless you all are.
I’m just going to sit back and watch China continue to eclipse the entirety of western civilization at an exponential rate every year, unless you rabid, bloodthirsty pieces of shit condone nuclear war against them first
So genuinely, do you think you’ve changed anyone’s mind today? If not, why are you wasting this energy?
oh no all my energy, all my vital essence, it’s fled me because I’ve trolled some shit-lib who, despite literally decades of evidence to the contrary, is clinging to the hope of electoralism saving us despite witnessing its constant failures
can’t wait to argue with you in 4 years over the next issuance of red/blue fascism, because you’re too fucking stupid to notice there’s very little difference. “oh no the republicans want you dead” yeah and the neoliberals in the Democratic party don’t give a shit if you are or not either.
you’d think shit like Newsom going all in on clearing the homeless would clue you people in but jesus fucking christ you are ignorant as fuck, literally incapable of engaging with politics beyond what you saw on MSNBC today
We aren’t being serious. We’re making fun of you
The PSL ticket
I’m writing in Trump.
Ivanka trump.
It’s HER turn
So who are you actually voting for?
They just told you. Why do you struggle to believe there are people who give our electoral system the exact amount of respect it merits?
Not a single Grad or Hexbear user has given me a real answer
people saying voting isn’t going to do shit: yeah I’m not going to tell you who I’m voting for
you: OMG
What would a serious conversation look like to you?
It would look like one where people tell me who they’re planning to vote for, for starters.
They’re either not voting, voting for Claudia de la Cruz, or writing in Biden/Hillary/Obama.
Why does who they vote for matter?
Why does who they vote for matter?
Honestly I didn’t think it did, but the fact that I can’t get an answer makes me question it.
So I kept asking and continued not getting answers.
Anyways, who are you voting for?
Claudia de la Cruz. She isn’t complicit in genocide, which is a plus.
Do you believe she will win?
Nope. But I view increasing the votes for PSL to be worth my minimal effort.
Honestly I didn’t think it did, but the fact that I can’t get an answer makes me question it.
Then why did you start spamming it in the first place? Did you think you could troll hexbear? With a standard dem tactic?
Talk about chauvinism.
I suspect a significant percentage of very vocal individuals in Lemmy politics threads can’t even vote in US elections because they don’t live here.
oh man here we go! anyone with politics you don’t like must be a foreign (russian!!) bot!
i’m from north carolina you fuckass
I more mean to imply there a ton of Europeans and Canadians on Lemmy. They seem to have a lot of strong opinions on US politics. I don’t think you (or almost anyone else) are a Russian bot.
I technically live here because I’m in a secret Russian Posting Facility deep underneath a Midwestern mall, like in stranger things
I’m sure getting that feeling. They REALLY don’t want you voting for Biden, but can’t suggest an alternative voting option.
Weird. (Which also bugs them, for some reason.)
You know what, you’re right. I’m gonna vote for Biden too. It’s HIS turn
They REALLY don’t want you voting for Biden
Don’t worry about all these people bud. I’m doing my part and voting for Biden this November.
Dude they don’t have an alternative because US elections ARE NOT DEMOCRACY. Bernie sanders was the most popular politician in the US, was not elected president, M4A has majority approval across the country, has not happened, abortion is widely popular, it was overturned while the Democrats controlled house, Senate and White House. Stop acting like the fucking politics understanders when you fall the same Charlie brown routine every four fucking years.
They REALLY don’t want you voting for Biden
Bwahaha most politically aware liberal
Brain fart. Yeah it’s been a long year. To be fair it’s only been a couple weeks since you guys have had to paste Kamala’s face over Joe’s in your old memes.
What memes are you talking about? I don’t waste time on election memes, I’m just here to repeat the
“You’re playing a video game without the controller plugged in” metaphor.
I’m not sure why I’ve been subscribed to this community for this long.
Oh. I didn’t realize I was subscribed to Let me migrate outta here
go back to fedposting somewhere else
Reddit already exists, we don’t need another one.
Yeah same, ml is getting worse
Some serious mental gymnastics going on here with goal posts mounted to a Bugatti.
the mental gymnastics liberals have to do to ignore genocide without feeling bad
They don’t even ignore it. Theyre at the point were they literally say they just don’t want Trump to do the genocide instead of them
All politicians seek to gain power and uphold the unjust, undemocratic, hierarchical power structures that constrain individual freedom – power structures that are ultimately backed by the monopolization of violence through the police.
It’s just that one party also wants to use those structures to surveil women’s bodies, ban books, delegitimize science, push religion, and extract capital from natural resources and workers without restriction.
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If you can’t even draw the line at enabling a genocide, there’s no point having a discussion with you.
If everybody else is the else is the asshole, mb you should look in the mirror.
don’t shame me for being willing to ignore a genocide is a hell of a take bud
Again, what do you want me to do? Obviously if I could choose someone who would impart a weapons embargo and trade sanctions against Israel, I would. But the choices I have in front of me are a person who, while publicly calling for a ceasefire, sends weapons to an apartheid state that is currently genociding the Palestinian people, and another who will not only certainly still send weapons to that state, but also strengthen ties with it, and urge them to “finish the job.” Do you want me to stay home, and give the latter option a better chance of winning?
edit: Like idk who’s out here praising Kamala Harris and the rest of the Democratic party for their soft-as-shit stance on Israel, but I still gonna vote for her, because Trump and Republicans wouldn’t only be worse for the Palestinian people, they’d be worse for the US
Go sign up for an org like PSL, organize your community. Educate people. Go read up on how the MAS movement in Bolivia started.
Dude, if this was your way to try to educate and get people to organize, you’ve gotta do way better. I’m sorry. You can’t essentially accuse folks of supporting genocide and then turn around and try to convert them to Communism lol
You gotta meet them where they are and introduce it softly to them. They’re not going to understand your anger toward the state for all it’s injustices, because they haven’t seen them yet. You’re fuckin scaring em off
Besides, I’m not gonna join a political party that is ultimately going to be just another top down hierarchical structure. I’d prefer the decision making in my commune to be bottom-up.
The party you’re voting for is committing a literal genocide in which many thousands of people have been massacred already. You have absolutely no shame. There is no educating people like you.
Besides, I’m not gonna join a political party that is ultimately going to be just another top down hierarchical structure. I’d prefer the decision making in my commune to be bottom-up.
What you’re really saying there is that you prefer people who do genocide to continue to hold power while you fantasize about your utopia.
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It’s a good thing that the democrats saved abortion rights while they had three branches of government under control. Vote! 💅
Not only that, they ditched the electoral college and passed universal healthcare.
Vote! 💅
For who?
Edit: Weird that I can’t get a serious answer to this question.
you libs are like an overexcited puppy with a new toy, you’re gonna rip the seams out of “wierd” within a week and then you won’t have it any more
Yeah you’re right it’s getting pretty overused.
Anyways who are you voting for?
Real talk, nobody. Might put in for PSL if it’s on the ballot. If you’re interested, I have a number of reasons why.
Edit: lol nevermind, I read your comments in the rest of the thread and have determined that you are not a serious person
I’m not voting.
xi jin ping
The weird jab is only working against the fash because they’re obsessed with aesthetics. And now that it’s being overused by people who are similarly hollow, it’s gonna lose its impact very soon.
You’re not getting a serious answer because everyone here is irony poisoned as a defence mechanism from watching liberal electoral politics fail over and over again while continuously being gaslit by Dems. Most of us voted for Obama because we believed his progressive rhetoric. Then we watched him bail out banks and continue bloody imperialism and torture, failing to fulfill most of his promises despite at times controlling all three branches. We’re living in the world of Obama’s cynicism, or backing up further, of (Bill) Clinton’s rightward shift into Republican politics with a Democrat mask.
Most of us backed Sanders then watched him get ratfucked twice. A lot of us still voted for (Hilary) Clinton because we believed she might be marginally better than Trump, and we watched her lose the electoral college despite winning the popular vote. A lot of us voted for Biden for the same reason, then watched as he continued Trump’s policies and funded genocide.
At each step more and more people started realizing bourgeois electoralism is a sham and turned to reading theory and organizing. So we really don’t care who you vote for. If you actually care about anything more than aesthetics, read some theory and join an org.
it was sarcasm.
But you’re actively supporting the people who banned it
I see logical propositions aren’t your forte.
The consequences don’t matter when you decide they aren’t real 🫠
Good grief Charlie Brown, when will you ever learn.
Stringent purity test being someone not actively furthering genocide.
look at this pro-genocide asshole
Sure, Muslims are being slaughtered every day, children are being shot in the head while walking down the street, hospitals are basically halfway to being morgues, but how could you possibly hold anyone to higher standards?!?!
Expecting someone to be anti-genocide is way too far!
this meme but replace the bottom text with “and then when they get elected they don’t do any of the good stuff they claimed and only reach across the aisle to bipartisanly do extremely bad stuff” and put a DNC button on the hippy
that is true, but it’s still better to snooze the timer of the bomb than letting it explode. Currently the problem is still the first past the post system.
The only reason of letting trump win is if you are willing to gamble on his term resulting a violent revolution for the better.
If you actually care, go join an org and read some theory. “Snoozing the timer of the bomb” requires working for a real solution that can be actualized in this supposed extra time. Otherwise it’s the same performative nonsense we’ve been told by liberals for the last three elections.
I don’t want fascist border and immigration policies, whether it’s republicans or democrats doing it. Both are promising to do more of it, so I won’t vote for them. I don’t want a genocide in Palestine, whether it’s democrats or republicans doing it, so I won’t vote for them. I don’t want an economic trade war with China, the nation that makes almost everything including the shit our own military uses. Once again, both are promising more of that, so I won’t vote for them. I don’t support prosecutors, so I won’t vote for Harris. I don’t support exploitative business owners or silver-spoon dipshits, so I won’t vote for Trump.
There’s no “snooze” on the bomb. Both of the parties are asking for your vote so they can detonate the bomb. You can’t stop either of them from doing it, so why fucking endorse them?
At least one party isn’t trying to ban EV’s and makes some attempts for green policy, which is important with climate change basically already here. They also forgive some student loans for some people, funded an infrastructure bill, and give some increased child tax credits. Also isn’t trying to hurt LGBTQ people in a federal level.
At least one party isn’t trying to ban EV’s
China is the largest EV manufacturer on the planet and make better and cheaper EVs than the extraordinarily expensive US-made EVs. But you’re right, making it so only the wealthy can have EVs isn’t technically banning them; it’s just not any better.
makes some attempts for green policy, which is important with climate change basically already here.
Half and quarter measures are again no different from doing nothing at all. Pretend green initiatives that do nothing but placate soft libs who don’t actually care about policy doesn’t help.
They also forgive some student loans for some people, funded an infrastructure bill, and give some increased child tax credits. Also isn’t trying to hurt LGBTQ people in a federal level.
They’re not trying to protect LGBTQ people either, and everything else you just mentioned was done in name only, they’re all complete failures compared to the promises of the Biden campaign.
So all it takes to get you to vote for genocide is faking doing good things without really actually doing anything.
Currently the problem is still the first past the post system.
I’m so sick of libs talking about this. That is not the problem. Your system is not broken. It is working exactly as its intended to work for the people it was designed to work for.
You can’t reform a system exists solely to oppress you
Wtf is this 2012 meme lmao
Someone as old as you should have recognized the lesser evil trap by now
There are a couple of good, like-minded candidates on the ballot: Jill Stein and Cornel West.
Tell me your life is focused on spreading discontent and hatred without telling me your life is focused on spreading discontent and hatred.
Is there anything more hateful than genocide and supporting it?
Disagreeing with my support of genocide is a basically a hate crime sweaty 🍵
There is no curse in any language known to man, beast, or processor-equipped machine to describe the withering fucking contempt I have for you and your entire lineage. I wish that your granddad would’ve worn a condom, or that your mother had swallowed; but since here we are, and this horrifying, monstrous take has inconvenienced so many electrons to get to me, I simply wish for the worst for you.
I hope you and everyone you care for have to live through the loss of the hegemon you’ve unjustly enjoyed. I hope you have to live through climate collapse. I hope you have to live knowing that the global hatred you will inevitably accrue will all be justified. I hope you live to know and understand why you are the ass of the joke, to every tongue in the world that has ever had a resource extracted from it by the Amerikan empire. And only after all of that do I hope you die nameless.
tell me you have no morals without telling me you have no morals
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It’s not a false sense of superiority.
Only if you believe really really hard. Who needs reality?
Not the people who want to justify supporting a genocide
Oh no! Not “those people”! They definitely exist in droves and they’re ruining society!