“What is up, dog?”
Side note: the opposite of cat isn’t actually dog. The opposite of cat is goldfish. A goldfish loves water, is not fluffy, doesn’t exterminate every bird for sport, will never knock your favorite coffee mug off your desk, not bipolar, and I’m not allergic to them.
The opposite of a cat is the absence of a cat ☝️
The opposite of cat is antimatter cat. When they come together, you have an explosion 18,000 times larger than Nagasaki.
It’s catastrophic.
Thanks for clarifying
What’s up daw?
What’s up, no cat?
The absence of a cat implies nothing is there. So the opposite of a cat is nothing (specifically nothing where a cat should have been).
So, another acceptable answer would be “what is up? Nothing.”
The absence of a cat implies the absence of a cat. There could be a dog instead or a Gasplanet which has a species of conscious whales wearing silly hats rolling in the mud to communicate the need for a fruity beverage. It could be anything, it could be nothing. It is not possible, from the given facts, to come to any concrete conclusion besides that a cat, is in fact, absent.
I have a feeling, you are “Hitchhiker’s guide to the galaxy” reader.
Never read the books but I watched the movie and liked it. Always wanted to get around to it.
I think I will look for an audiobook and hear it tonight while in bed.
So you sayin it could also be a dog
Depending on what it is, it is possible.
Shroedinger’s Updawg.
The opposite of down is not down then, noted
The opposite of down is up. What are you talking about?
There are several domestic cat breeds known for loving water; one is the Bengal.
Depending on circumstances and how much you have pissed off said goldfish it could potentially knock your coffee mug over.
If it does you should feel ashamed of yourself though
will never knock your favorite coffee mug off your desk,
I once shared a house with someone who had a fish that would thrash around in its tank so violently it would knock things off the cabinet it was on and get water all over the floor (I had no involvement in the care of the fish, but I think its tank was too small).
Not a goldfish, but still…
How do you know you’re not allergic? Have you ever rubbed one over your most delicate parts?
Not to your knowledge
If dog is not the opposite of cat, then why did everyone immediately know the answer is dog? Hmm 🤔
…when i was in second grade i wrote a book report on chocolate fever, in which the climax involved the protagonist taking vanilla pills, which were so obviously the opposite of chocolate to my eight-year-old perspective, but which no adults with whom i discussed the book found at all obvious…
The adults were wrong. Vanilla is obviously the opposite of chocolate.
And they go good together
I seem to remember a youtube video from years ago explaining how things can be opposites in different ways, like glue is the opposite of scissors because of the use, red is the opposite of blue because of what they represent, etc.
The wiki article lists a few categories like gradable words that exist on a spectrum (hot/cold), complementary or binary pairs with no spectrum (entrance/exit, moral/immoral), and relational types that only make sense in a certain context (teacher/student).
I’ve never thought this hard about this before and I’m finding myself suddenly glad that other people have. This is really neat.
Yeah, like think about opposite words that immediately come to mind for certain categories. If you think of the opposite of sweet, do you think sour, or maybe bitter? But in another context, the opposite of any taste is bland/tasteless. Same with emotions, where the opposite of love is commonly thought of as hate, but you could also say that any feeling has its opposite in indifference. Something can be sweet and sour, or you can have love and hate together, but you can’t have a sweet bland thing, or a loving indifferent emotion.
Stuff like this interests me because it strikes at the heart of what we all take for granted in day to day thinking, but if you just slightly alter the lens you have something completely different and new.
Now I think about it, I’d seen it on this comedy version of Dragon’s Den with Andy Hamilton and Reginald D Hunter, but the real-world thing is probably more interesting!
Yeah, it’s the opposite in different perspectives kind of. Totally agree.
I didn’t. I was like huh there is no opposite of cat, then read the title, then got even more confused… How does anyone think the answer is dog?
In no logical way does cat being the opposite of dog make sense. It’s just a typical association because there was always a stronger cat vs dog stereotype in media as I was growing up. I learned that cats and dogs don’t get along, are mortal enemies, etc. This of course isn’t true, but it’s overly portrayed in media that way.
huh, for me it only makes sense in the case of cat people vs dog people because they’re the most popular pets and most people prefer one over the other
because it is. that’s why cat people are the opposite of dog people.
Exactly. Cat people are rational and considerate of their neighbors.
What’s the opposite of possum people.
Because I want a pet possum.
a negdiff
Honey badger shadow beings.
edit 0: words
edit 1: that is an incredible band name
The opposite of cat is “inside-out cat”.
No, thats still a cat.
You’re thinking of antimatter cats.
antimatter cat is the only acceptable opposite of cat
Up nocat
I laughed like a little kid at this
What would be the opposite of any mammal? A carrot? A brick? A slime mold?
Does everything actually have an “opposite”?
I’d say everything has several opposites, each in a different aspect.
If we’re following bizzaro world logic, the opposite of anything is the version that’s stupid, or if you’re stupid, then smart.
I imagine bizarro me is teaching physics in a prestigious university.
Humans (like most living things) like to put things in boxes to make navigating their environment simpler. Temperatures aren’t really opposites because they’re on a continuum, but we talk about hot and cold as opposites to bring order to environmental navigation. The same with presence and absence of light and bright/dark. So, extending this logic, the opposite of cat is the absence of cat, but that doesn’t really make sense. If you cut a cat in half, are you halfway on a continuum from cat to the opposite of cat? If the cat is whole but has died, is it cat, opposite of cat, something else entirely? I have no idea, and no one else really does either. Brains are weird.
Sounds like the Schrodinger’s cat theory!
Apart from involving cats, it really doesn’t.
What is undown anticat?
uʍop dark-cat
uwu downward dog.
Pretty sure that’s the answer to the anti life equation… nobody tell darkseid (゚ロ゚)
I would phrase it as, “What is ‘up’ and ‘dog?’” Being extra clear but ruining the joke.
There are many
answersquestions the judges will accept, but only one correctanswerquestion!(Also happy cake day!)
tee isn’t exactly the opposite of cat but I can’t remember a command that only redirects screen output to a file.
What is up, tee?
edit: what’s the opposite of “cd …”?
cat is for concatenating files, so the opposite would be something that breaks a stream up into multiple files.
Hah, forgot about tac
I mean… it’s nice that it exists and all, but I can’t really think of many useful usecases.
I think I only ever used it in an intro to shell scripting where we (almost) recreated the function of tail
Something like
tac | head | tac
, I guess? Yes, that’s a valid use case indeed :)
Oh, you use Arch?
Heh, no, but they do have a nice set of man pages and other documentation online. I prefer NixOS. Easier keeping track of configuration, easier rolling back of (and experimentation with) new stuff.
is a real command and does exactly what you think it is
How about tac which prints lines but last to first.
It prints to stdout. I’d say the opposite is read, which reads from stdin.
Hmm, maybe pwd?
There’s pushd where the opposite is clearly popd.
What’s up dog?!
Not much, what’s up with you?
Oh oh! I know this one since I play Slice and Dice!
A dog will try to save your life if you’re drowning. A cat will sit on your head to keep from getting wet while you’re drowning.
head | tee
What is up tac?
“What’S SUP”
A better clue might be
This direction and pet combo became a common “gotcha” in the early 2000s.
Sure a better clue if you don’t want the joke to work
Didn’t they have one where the correct response was “what is wuzzzzzup?” 🤔
So the desired response is, “What is “what is up dog?”?”?
Would be hilarious as the final Jeopardy so the contestants have to write it out like that.
Not much how about you.
What is the opposite of a cat, then?
If your answer is, “it doesn’t have one,” then I nominate dog.
The opposite of cat is cat.
I’d say mouse as there are many manic cat mouse duos like Itchy and Scratchy
That’s a foil, not an opposite
Your face is a foil.
The opposite of cat is >
The opposite of a cat is dark energy.
Schrodinger’s anti-matter cat. Put it in a box with regular cat. You won’t know if they annihilate each other until you open the box.
WTF if that box made of
What is up and what is png
each letter in PNG is exactly opposite the corresponding letter in CAT if the letter were equally distributed around a circle in alphabetical order.