I love it. But I’d love more signs pointing out how much he hates veterans. That’s something I’d donate to.
And that he hates unions, in areas of high union population
Republican Voters Against Trump have been running veteran billboards for a while. The DNC has been running billboards calling him and anti-union scab.
I think the chicken angle hits a bit different though, a lot of people write off everything trump says as just talk, and many attacks seem to get ignored as slander, but the fact he’s unwilling to debate is a plain and uncontested fact, one that makes him look weak.
I want more about how he’s the only president to advocate for a complete gun ban.
I can’t believe Harris’s campaign isn’t pressing harder on that point.
I know about the time he said “take the guns, due process later”, and the blanket bump stock back, but was there more?
No, but that should be enough.
That’s more than most (maybe all?) elected Democrats have ever said.
And yet…
Here’s another: https://votevets.org/
I love it!
Him being afraid of debating Harris again makes me believe he’s a little less braindead than I could assume, lmao.
I’m just trying to imagine the person who drives through town, sees that sign, and makes up their mind on who to vote for based on that message.
Everyones mind is made up. At this point it’s just about turn out. If you can make a candidate look more Pathetic right before voting, the enthusiasm to support them by actually doing something that requires a little effort dwindles.
At this point it’s just about turn out.
Does this actually boost turnout? Its not particularly functional. You’d maybe think signs about checking your registration and money to help people get to the polls more easily would be a better investment. Does it juice enthusiasm? Is someone seeing this and deciding to vote who otherwise wouldn’t?
If you can make a candidate look more Pathetic right before voting
That appears to be the pitch. Heckling Trump will somehow depress his base of support, rather than riling them up. People will see these signs and feel something other than contempt for the folks putting the banners up and it will become a reminder to show up to the polls.
Is that worth more than money kicked to a campaign office to GOTV the old fashioned way? Idk. Feels more like a campaign staffer is being cheeky and wasting campaign resources on a vanity project to me.
I mostly agree with you. But maybe it would have an impact on Trump himself. Either by motivating him to debate, where he might say more stupid shit which could potentially turn off voters who might be leaning Trump but are still iffy. Or again the impact on Trump when these pics go viral on Twitter, even if it doesn’t motivate him to debate, it could still get to him to where he brings this up at rallies and again says some stupid shit which makes him look bad to tenuous voters.
But maybe it would have an impact on Trump himself.
To do what? Have another debate? Trump not debating is useful, because it gives the media something to hound him over. But having another debate just becomes a new spectacle. It doesn’t benefit Harris. She proved she’s not Biden, which was the only bar she really needed to cross. A second debate won’t materially benefit her.
he might say more stupid shit which could potentially turn off voters
The shit he’s saying doesn’t turn off voters because his voters agree with him. The “Black people are eating your dogs” is just a saying-the-quiet-part-out-loud kind of racism that Republicans love. The “Democrats will let you abort a baby after its born” line is a lie that the pro-life people eat up. These statements validate the bigots and the fascists. They don’t scare them away.
it could still get to him to where he brings this up at rallies and again says some stupid shit
Waiting for Trump to say something so stupid that he loses the election is just democrats Waiting for Godot.
I think you drastically underestimate how many undecideds are in the county and sit and say nothing. There are many people that don’t decide until the day of. Go vote and don’t take it for granted.
Undecideds are drastically overestimated. People who poll undecided with such polar candidates may feel disillusioned by both candidates or they prefer a candidate that is outside of what their family or demographic prefers and they feel conflicted about it. If someone is so truly apathetic about these candidates they aren’t going to bother to vote for either. Passionate voters are bad enough about showing up to vote. Very few of these people are going to suddenly resonate with a candidate based on positive or negative campaigning. I really think it’s all about nudging the ends of the bell curves on voter turnout for either party.
This is not factual. It’s blatantly been proven wrong. I did a paper about it in college. A vast majority of the voting population is undecided.
There is only about 20 percent total of voters that are always on a side. Many can swing either way for many reasons and many don’t decide until the last two weeks.
This sort of disinformation leads people to a false sense of security and sways people not to vote thinking that it’s already locked up. That is not the truth.
Every time I hear about these mythical people who don’t know a thing about politics until right before an election I envy them.
I mean it’s how a lot of people operate. Just paying very little attention to anything other than what is important to them.
But didn’t he say he won? While rattling off bingo numbers that seemed to have no correlation with the Polish?
Edit: Oh, god. I’ve gone for too many jokes at once. Maybe it’s time I have a kid so I can relish in their disappointment of such situations.
Edit Edit: Wow. I’m really pessimistic today.
They need to pop up in Florida, all around Mar-a-Lago.
Orange Chicken (but not the delicious kind)
Sometimes, you just gotta say “cluck it” and walk away.
Tooto chicken debate!
It’s a cock-fighting-like event but more civilised where chickens debate each other, they each have little tables & get prep time.
The winner gets a bucket of mealworms. The loser gets the same, bcs chickens are good girls.Too-to (“Tutu”) was the legendary supreme chicken debate champion that a set of debate rules is now named after, in her honour.
(TIL when I searched for a pic there is a chicken tutu market)
Oh, I thought the loser would be sold to a rotisserie. My bad. 😅
But pole dancing is just as valid career choice as debating.And has significantly greater benefits to society.
Not a fan of pacs in general but those guys i like
Truly funny.
It’s dumb and petty, and yet it’s the level that you need to stoop to to deal with people like Trump, they only understand pettiness.
I have seen hens and roos take on hawks. Don’t insult them by comparing them to Trump
No need to change the hair color either. Chicken yellow. But they had to screw up with the face.
They can’t get mad about this just because democrats are better at.
Real or not all this reminds me of is the later seasons of West Wing.
I was gonna ask if Josh Lyman has a new job?
I wish the dems would let this go. They’re going to get him to agree to debate and then Kamala is going to make some minor flub that the press will run wild with despite Trump constantly speaking in word salad. The last thing you want is a “Howard Dean scream” this late in the campaign cycle. Just let Tim Walz mop up the floor with Vance in October, and then let us all vote.
No, this is exactly where they can hurt him.
Trump and his followers believe that they represent the silent majority that still has “real” values - like honor, strength and misogyny.
Calling them out as weird and cowards attacks exactly these values. It turns their own self image against them.
Trump and his followers believe that they represent the silent majority
So does Harris and her Democrats. That’s the whole “But we won the popular vote!” defense, every time a Democrat gets ratfvcked out of a few hundred votes in a swing state on election day.
The bitter truth is that, with over half of the population unwilling or unable to vote, these candidates are at best representing a plurality.
Calling them out as weird and cowards attacks exactly these values.
As elections go, the common denominator between the two candidates appears to be their refusal to endorse their own party’s policies. Trump keeps backing away from Project 2025 and insisting it has nothing to do with his campaign. Harris is falling over herself to get away from the Genocide Joe name tag and to distance herself from the litany of undelivered platform of promises - from gun control to M4A to higher education relief to a Green New Deal - that they can never rally enough votes in their own caucus to pass.
The battlefront is entirely what the other person is going to do if they get into office. Kamala promises not to sign a bill banning abortion. Trump promises not to sign a bill that legalizes immigration. Both promise not to sign a bill that will increase your taxes or cut your benefits. But that’s it. It’s all defense, no offense.
The best either candidate seems willing to promise is that nothing will get done.
The last debate hurt his polling numbers measurably. The press can say whatever they want. Doesn’t make it true