- the best advice an AI ever gave (too bad it was a fictional AI)
That’s because all the good shit* comes from humans.
*but also so much bad shit. So so so much bad as well.
Except when it comes to voting. Vote, please.
Fuckin’ A on this one. Think about how much companies make with entirely artificial scarcity. You can only add 1 license to this, you can only watch on one TV unless you pay us $15 a month. It costs $200 to change where you are in the database table for this flight. Complete bullshit and we need to see it for what it is and stop it. I love how she says all that will be left in their wake is dull capitalists. Exactly. Stop playing their games. Play your game.
Line must go 🆙
Wasn’t so long ago that someone would get laughed out of a room for taking the internet this seriously. People never planned for the inevitability of the internet being central to modern life, and, years later, here we are.
So, to whomever needs to hear it: Maybe start taking things like what this person is saying a little more seriously going forward.
Seriously man. The religious wars on YouTube. Cause they calmly debate their point of view right? WRONG. And it’s the same BS with politics. People are just so angry. And then there’s trolls who make things even worse. Like seriously man these mfs need Jesus.
No one needs Jesus… that’s the start of a lot of our problems
Too right. Ain’t nobody needs that “the most important commandment is to love others as yourself” crap.
Exactly. This is why I follow Christ and not “Christians” those people just give Jesus a bad rep. If only they read the Gospels and took them to heart. If only they obeyed Jesus’ commandments. A false Christian is worse than a moral atheist. By a huge margin, or as New Yorkers would say, YUGE. I know finding a true church is gonna be hard (I returned to Christ last month) but I trust the Holy Ghost will guide me.
Hehe I got 27 downvotes even though it was kinda tongue in cheek. The problem is not Jesus. The problem is Paul. Most Christians prioritize Paul’s letters over what Jesus says.
I was an atheist for 5+ years but then I read the Gospel of Mark (the first Gospel btw, so from a secular perspective it’s more reliable since it’s closer to the events described).
I’d recommend y’all read it with an open mind, worst case scenario you’re reading Jewish mythology. But it really could be more than that, you won’t know until you read it.
Paul says some silly things sometimes, he’s a bit of a mixed bag. Sure, female literacy rates were lower 2000 years ago but “I don’t allow women to teach” or “they should stay silent” really? Obviously Paul was a product of his time.
Meanwhile in John chapter 8, Jesus forgives an adulterous woman, He doesn’t condemn her!!! Very scandalous thing to do in the 1st century. “He who is without sin, cast the first stone”. You don’t even have to do interpret the text all that much too notice that Jesus was a feminist. But Christians would rather read what Paul wrote rather than… Christ. Hence they are Paulians. Unlike Paul, Jesus never condemns the LGBT, not once. If you’re an ex Christian you’ll also remember that Jesus didn’t actually like the rich all that much, or the religious authorities at the time, the Pharisees. So much hate in this world man, people don’t read 1 John 3. How could anyone read that and think “God hates the gays”? They read Paul who never saw Jesus in the flesh rather than John, the beloved disciple.
Jesus even talks about false Christians in Matthew 7:
15 “Watch out for false prophets. They come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ferocious wolves. 16 By their fruit you will recognize them. Do people pick grapes from thornbushes, or figs from thistles? 17 Likewise, every good tree bears good fruit, but a bad tree bears bad fruit. 18 A good tree cannot bear bad fruit, and a bad tree cannot bear good fruit. 19 Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire. 20 Thus, by their fruit you will recognize them.
21 “Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven. 22 Many will say to me on that day, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name and in your name drive out demons and in your name perform many miracles?’ 23 Then I will tell them plainly, ‘I never knew you. Away from me, you evildoers!’
Read the Gospels with an open mind and if you’re convinced find an LGBT affirming church with female pastors. God loves women and he loves gays. He loves all of us, John 3:16-17. I’m telling you man (or woman) reading the Gospels is awesome. Unlike Paul, everything Jesus says is relevant today. In the unlikely event that you don’t find His words and teachings inspiring, at the very least you know what you’re rejecting. Fundamentalists Baptists are not Christians. Trumpist “Christians” also completely missed the point.
Give it some thought “seek and ye shall find…” Jesus never fails to fulfill his promises. The key is reading the Gospels and you’ll see the real Jesus. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain. God bless you brother/sister. May he grant you happiness and peace of mind :)
The problem is religion in general, fuck off with quotes from your hate book. No one cares what some zealots in the desert heard in their heads and thought it was a god speaking to them
Very sad that you think this way. You must have never read 1 John. Those hateful Christians are disgusting and they’re leading people astray. As I mentioned already, they’re wolves in sheep’s clothing. They’re not good people. Find me ONE verse where Jesus (not Paul) says gay sex is sin, or that women are to stay silent. If that’s the case, it is a hate book. Maybe you’ll find something. I’m willing to change my mind.
Again, not reading your hate book. Fuck off
Again, not a hate book. Jesus loves you so much. Even if it takes years for you to open your heart to Him, he’ll wait patiently. God bless you, JJ.
Don’t get me started on TikTok. I don’t even like YouTube Shorts but my stupid monkey brain can’t stop clicking them lol. I’m not downloading CrapTok ever again.
So anyways, that’s why I insist that any cryptocurrency I use is 100% FOSS and 100% p2p. The future of the world’s money supply doesn’t belong in the hands of any foundation.
NewPipe is great on my phone, SmartTube for my TV. I tried showing others but it’s like they don’t think that there is a problem. I use Arch btw.
FreeTube is pretty good as well. Using it on Debian (or Mint).
+1 to FreeTube. It just sucks that all these players typically use the same YouTube.js lib. So when google fucks with that lib (because they definitely cat-and-mouse that shit), it breaks so many.
That’s my fear as well. Google breaks literally everything they touch.
SponsorBlock on SmartTube is incredible. Saved so much time through firefox with uBo for me. SmartTube is super easy to set up and if anyone is on the fence, do it now.
Does anyone know something not terribly complicated for blocking YouTube ads on Xbox one? We don’t have a smart tv and the ads are infuriating when I remember they exist
i just use the YouTube site on firefox with adblock and sponsorblock. slightly janky but works
Stop using Discord if you care for the internet. Seriously, Discord is the internet but privatized. It’s the precursor of the future of the internet that capitalists want. Access only available if you login. Search is useless for anything older than a week. Data not accessible to search engines, even on public servers. Need to use their bloated (web)app. Charges for basic functions. Stop 👏 using👏 Discord👏 What is wrong with good old forums.
And Twitter is going the same direction as Discord.
deleted by creator
But now many projects put their community on a server discord. The information isn’t indexed since it is private, so if you search for the same issue that was solved on the discord channel, you won’t find any answer.
That is not really a Discord problem, but a project problem.
I simply refuse to use any project that uses discord as their knowledge base.
Especially stop using Discord as a support forum for your software project. That’s the most daft thing ever conceived.
GitHub is a great place for this. They have an Issues and Discussions tab for repos. Zero reason to use Discord if you use GitHub already for your project.
does Codeberg have these features? if the jump to free internet is going to be made, do it all in one trip.
Personally I’m ok with discord for private social communication, imo not everything needs to be archived or searchable. But there’s people/devs who use discord as a knowledge repository and that’s the recipe for disaster imo.
The recipe: Old problem questions, solutions, how to guides, … All hidden behind a login wall and if you do get in, then you still have to contend with the crappy search engine, so you might just as well ask the probably already answered question yet again. And one day it’s probably all going poof or behind some kind of paywall. Basically also what quora has been trying to do for years, but I don’t think any people with more than a few braincells complain about quora being hard to access, since most of their content stinks anyhow.
yeah this is mostly my gripe with discord. Many groups, especially game dev groups, use it to share knowledge with the public, yet that knowledge quickly becomes buried and virtually inaccessible.
I don’t like discord, but it is a MASSIVE improvement over all the meta-garbage. Stop using Facebook, instagram, whatsapp and really also twitter first. Discord is the smaller evil compared to those.
Yes forums have their application and are better than discord for a lot of things, but discord is really more a competitor to IRC-chats with a focus on life discussion, rather than long-living content. And it isn’t discords fault if some people completely misuse it as something that it really isn’t trying to be.
Need to use their bloated (web)app.
Which means that it works in a regular browser, which is so much better than a lot of other infrastructure that is increasingly mobile-app only.
Charges for basic functions.
Does it though? It charges for certain emojis and the like, but that is honestly a MUCH more healthy business model than what a lot of other places on the internet are doing. And if you just want to use it as intended, you really aren’t missing out on anything.
I’m really not saying that it is great, but I wonder whether some of the people ranting about this may get signal boosted by meta to distract from their even worse cesspool…
eh, discord started catering to people using it as a forum, so they are actively making the problem worse…
they introduced pseudo-forum channels where messages are grouped into threads, like a traditional forum…of course not indexed, and with their signature terrible “last message first” sorting, and terrible UI that doesn’t do any of the things a forum is supposed to be good at…
so yeah, discord absolutely belongs to the other awful internet diseases you mentioned, it’s not an exception…
I use a “jump to top” plugin specifically to make discord threads more usable. I’d still rather use an actual forum or even reddit over these poorly implemented features.
People deciding to use threads as forums is not Discord’s fault.
I get that it’s stealing your data, what I don’t get is why it has to be accessible by search engines. First of all, most servers are private because they would rather be that way, they don’t want anyone joining or viewing the content. Second of all, the big search engines would have had the ability to gather all the available data and train AIs, give it to advertisers etc. I don’t want that. I don’t know what the Chinese are doing with the data, but I know what Google and Bing would be doing with it. Not everything on the internet has to be available to everyone, a lot of people want privacy. I get that ideally there shouldn’t be accounts with personal information required, but the rest I don’t agree with. Reddit and twitter are meant to be public, everyone on such social media is aware that anyone can see their comments and posts. But discord serves another purpose, it’s for private, closed communities.
I also don’t see what basic feature is charged. Everything charged has to do with functions that require a lot of storage/server space or stupid stickers and emojis. None of that is a basic feature and for the former I get why someone would charge.
I am not defending discord, I’d rather not use it, I know it aggressively steals our data and they probably plan on enshittifying it a lot more once they’ve taken out the competition completely, but that criticism I mentioned is not valid imo.
you shouldn’t use it because it’s a black hole for information.
anything out on discord should be treated as deleted, because it inevitably will disappear one day, with no hope of recovery.
when a public forum is indexable that means that projects like and wayback machine can save the contents, even if the site itself disappears some day, meaning the information is preserved for future generations.
communities use discord way more than they should, and all that those communities create is effectively non-existent. most of it is already as good as gone.
think of modding communities, which are by far the worst offenders when it comes to discord: not only are way too many mods hosted on discord itself, way too many communities are only sort-of indexed through discord, meaning the links to where the actual files are hosted can only be accessed through discord. so even if the files survive the inevitable purge, they are lost anyways.
so many communities have already just… disappeared without warning, because the server got nuked for one reason or another, often completely idiotic reasons. and all the knowledge stored on those is gone. forever.
that’s why discord is insanely bad for the internet as a whole, but for data driven communities especially.
it would be fine if people only used it for what it was meant to do, chatting, but misusing it as a forum is where the problems begin.
it gets even worse when people insist on using it as a support channel: questions and answers are constantly buried and impossible to find, search engines can’t show you the contents, so you don’t even know that your problems even have answers, questions are constantly repeated over and over, even though they’ve already been answered, and on and on the list goes.
discord is bad for communities. it is destructive. it is insanely divisive!
there’s a trend for every single creator/author to have their own server!
so instead of having one big community, where users can easily find information and content, and creators can easily exchange ideas and concepts, you get tiny splinters that either don’t talk to each other, or don’t even realize they exist at all!
and all of that is completely hidden behind opaque “search” and “discover” algorithms that only serve what discord itself thinks the user wants.
it’s top to bottom terrible for communities, but people flock to it anyways, for all the wrong reasons.
discord is the bane of online social groups!
and the worst part is: you are absolutely FORCED to use it, because damn near everyone uses it! and there’s no alternative way to access it, you HAVE to use it! that alone should set off alarm bells!
I would dump discord the second I can get somewhere I can do voice coms and stream my screen with my friends. That is the only thing I use it for anyway.
I agree with everything you said except search. I’ve found search to be pretty good. Yesterday I found my comment from 3 years ago on a server.
“Why are you still using it?” Buddy I don’t want either but it’s the old story of “most people are using it”, plus it’s one of my ways to cope with loneless.
Search is useless for anything older than a week.
I mean, search isn’t a fantastic feature, but it does work. So this sounds like a you problem, not a Discord problem.
I suspect Discord will die within months, till then I’ll keep using it…
Yes I understand the irony of that statement.
It’s crazy how little the younger generation knows about torrenting. With my younger brothwr and his friend we couldn’t find a movie in any of the streaming services and I told them I would download it in less than 5 minutes, they didn’t understand how that was possible but were impressed when I did it. We need to keep the art alive
Hilariously, if the corporations could have curtailed their greed for a few more years - piracy could have sufficiently reduced in popularity and need to the point that it would have largely become a ‘lost art’.
Alas, chasing ever higher returns because “line must go up” is just introducing a new generation to these old tried and true methods.
Not generational, that’s niche stuff. The basic issue is exactly the same from 30 years ago.
Probably right, I just felt like there were more people that were at least aware of it
If you can’t pirate it, it’s not worth the money to rent it
I only disagree when it comes to paying creators for their content. I pay for a single streaming service, and that’s just because it directly supports the people running the service and making the content.
I’m more than happy to pay creators more or less directly for content, but I’m definitely not supporting shit services like Hulu and Netflix.
I pay for a single streaming service, and that’s just because it directly supports the people running the service and making the content.
Nebula? would be my guess
You would be correct
Slippi was right, I pay for It’s an amazing platform that basically rose from the ashes of college humor. If you like their style of humor, they have a bunch of new shows and tons of D&D-like content. Easiest $5/mo I spend.
I’m so excited for season 2 of Misfits and Magic coming out tonight
Me and my partners are still working through NSBU, but I can’t recall if we’ve seen season 1. So much content and so little time!
Enjoy watching as it comes out!
Season 1 is only 5 episodes of actual play, so it’s a fairly quick watch.
Never Stop Blowing Up was a great season, you’re in for a great time. I highly recommend watching the Adventuring Party, generally, and especially for NSBU.
We have been, and it’s sooopoo good. Also nice to see some BTS stuff and characters progressing. My partners don’t always like watching the adventuring party, but I enjoy them.
I think that’s fair, I do think AP got way better once they started recording after the episode they were for compared to when they used to record them after the season was over.
Dropout for me
I say this as a creator; it is not stealing to take something that can be replicated infinitely without cost.
It can be reproduced indefinitely without cost to the creator. It’s the first production that’s a bitch.
How is initial production funded if nobody is willing to pay for it?
If it were fairly funded it would be easier to find the money. Because right now tickets and subscriptions are most expensive ever yet just a few months ago US writers had to go on a long strike. If execs and “stars” stopped taking astronomical amounts of money then the production costs would probably go down.
Up front through things like kickstarter? instead of convincing a publisher to sign you on you have to convince a crowd
Artists will create art regardless of whether they are paid for it.
In any case, sale of physical media and merchandising will earn plenty to fund production.
I wonder if there is a word for that
this post is 100% right, anyway stop buying phones, you don’t need them.
I wish to go even further.
I’m okay with paying for Internet services if the price is right… I’m not okay with also getting milked (data mined) for profit in addition to paying.
Remember when the internet was prviate, anonymous, cool, and had more than three websites?
Egads, I long for those days.
Also work on not being such a dopamine hound. I don’t need to see new-show this year. Or this decade. I’ll see it eventually. Or never. Who cares.
Know what’s as good as music? The wind in the trees.
Not saying I’m some ascetic who doesn’t enjoy media, but when I hit a paywall or an adwall I just try to say “ok, see ya later” and move on letting that content desire slip from my mind.
This is great advice. There’s so much content to enjoy from the past 20+ years that I don’t feel the desire to immediately buy the new thing. You can usually get it for far cheaper down the line.
There are communities such as PatientGamers for videogames that preach exactly this.
Usually, but not always. Some 5-10 year old games are still north of $50. The price for some movies and TV series has gone up rather than down over the years.
Luckily, as you said there’s so much out there that as long as I don’t get too picky there’s more than enough available without paying gouged prices.
I actually got some somewhat more recent AAA games from GoG (a store which I favour because of their No-DRM rule, though there’s a handful of games were it’s “kinda”) and I literally can’t get around to them because I’m just enjoying 15 year old games or Indie title as I tend to favour open-ended games.
Why should I buy, say, “must register and log-in to Rockstar services” Red Dead Redemption from Steam if my entertainment needs are fully fulfilled already and there’s even a backlog of “bought them but haven’t got around to try them” games (including stuff like Prey) plus a bunch of Indie infinite-replayability games (like Terraria and Rimworld) which I haven’t played for long enough now that they’re fun to play again?
This is not just to illustrate the point: I’m genuinely not getting around to play something like Prey, much less buying the original God Of War (available from GoG hence DRM-free, unlike Ragnarok) because I keep just having fun from a mix of really old games and far less “graphically impressive” open-ended Indie games.
Downvotes from stimulation hounds lol.
What if someone other than me knows what baby Yoda is up to?
To repeat, I’m not saying I perfectly succeed at this.
lesbian-moon-gf is a goddess of curmudgeonry and I am now her high priestess
Not being able to use every server emoji on Discord is actually a good safeguard for NSFW spamming, because when trolls have to pay to be obnoxious, they usually stop doing it.
I agree on the premise as a whole, though. Our entire lives are getting enshittified with subscription models, designed to prey on those who forget to cancel or otherwise don’t have the means or knowledge to get rid of it
Self host on your desktop or laptop. Freedom is yours in FOSS.
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