Family friend and stepgrandfather started talking about how Trump was “already having an effect on the economy” because gas was “finally 2.95” and that there was enough coal and gas in West Virginia to “power the whole country”, that Joe Manchin was an evil liehbrul who stood up with HILLARY GODDAMN CLINTON and promised to shut down coal mines, that renewables were on their way out, that we needed to drill more, and that West Virginia would be one of the poorest states in the country if they closed down coal mines.
I only attend family holidays for my mother’s sake, who had a rough time raising me and finally gets a ‘normal’ family life, if only her crippled son comes and participates. So I bit my tongue and ground my teeth together (in fact, even reciting this I can feel my fucking blood pressure rise) and endured some people who would never change their mind and are incapable of parsing facts.
My mother, incidentally, is religiously conservative, but also has always had a strong environmentalist streak.
I love in how many often self contradicting flavours humans come. Its horrible but also beautiful.
My grandpa use to be the atheist who debated street prosteltizers. He now is trump man talking bout the illegals.
People are bizarre. Bit tongue in same way for people you love who are there. Sucks that often they’re the same people.
Good on you for seeing pushing past it. Part of what makes you more open minded than them.
Isn’t West Virginia already one of the poorest states in the country?
Yeah. Really bit my tongue on that one.
Mostly on the same page with my in-laws, but they are more neoliberal than leftist (we’re working on it).
Still, where previously they had mourned Brian Thompson and bristled at our pro-Luigi stance, by the time we came back for Xmas they were like “Why is the news still talking about this guy? So many people have died since then! This is bullshit. The media is bought and paid for.”
Funny to see the propaganda machine backfire.
Funny to see the propaganda machine backfire.
The maga-ites in my family tried to employ a strategy shared on conservative social media, through my father to pressure me to keep my “commie” mouth shut and it backfired on them because they’re unaware that I’ve been lending him the rent & medical bill money that they’ve refused to lend him. (He doesn’t know that they’re gifts that I never expect to get back).
I still think I’m lucky since they were at least willing to walk in egg shells around me while I visited out of fear of permanently alienating me like they did to my mother and sister.
However things will change if they ever realize that they need to help Dad/Grandpa/great-grandpa rather than buying a new mustang or buying a bigger house for themselves.
Unrelated, but I made eggnog for the first time this year and it was amazing! I will not be buying eggnog from the store any longer.
I’ve made it several times but a part of me still prefers the stuff that comes in a carton. I live in Ireland these days, so I couldn’t get the mass produced stuff and I was thus was making it. Then an importer started getting stuff sent in and Ive been buying that since
Last time RATM was in my city, tickets were $500+ and the band showed up in limos. Their revolutionary days are long over
They’re libertarian crypto bros now.
Like all the m/l dialectics say: your environment determines your politics.
Does this imply that American eggnog is alcoholic? I was told eggnog is what we call kogel mogel, which is just whipped egg and sugar, basically.
Yup, usually with brandy, rum, or cognac. You can buy it without alcohol but (at least in my experience) only kids really drink it that way.
I have drank about 6 gallons of eggnog this holiday season. None of it has had alchol in it. Judging from how it sells at the grocery store only about 1/6th of eggnog is alcoholic
Dang it, I wasn’t updated on this… BRB, gotta put alcohol into my kogel mogel…
FWIK the general ingredients used in the US are milk, cream, whipped egg white, egg yolk, sugar, and nutmeg. The consistency is also usually close to what melted ice cream would be.
I looked it up afterwards and yes, US eggnog is different from kogel mogel. For the latter you just whip egg with sugar and you’re done. Former is much more involved, requires heating milk and stuff.
Very common to drink eggnog mixed with alcohol here
My family told me I was crazy, that Trump wouldn’t really put a 100% tariff on Chinese imports. They were the words straight out of his mouth. None of them knew who Peter Navarro is. I asked them if they solely voted for him because of his public racist remarks or what? It’s sad when 60 year olds vote like teenagers think.
Eggnog? Yes. Made a large jug of Clyde’s tequila-sherry eggnog.
Politics? No. At least, none I remember.Close family couldn’t gather, so most of my Christmas evening was spent in VR drinking with friends. I think I downed nearly half a liter in a card game called “Shitty”.
Ours was the sneak in eat and sneak out.
If you argue with them it allies them more with trump, because they feel like they have to defend him, and the act of defending him is “sunken cost” that will keep them supporting him.
We’ll see how you feel in two years
Doesn’t have that effect. And worse than being argumentative, it’s dismissive
Treat like a toddler who threatens to run away when they don’t get a cookie.
Stop doing what makes you feel better personally, start doing what we know has a chance to split them from the movement. Let them focus all their anger on their own movement.
We just have to stand back and watch
Were you trying to respond to someone else? I see you quoted someone and what you wrote feels like a reply to something someone else said. If you’re responding to the picture it doesn’t mention Trump or anyone else. I just saw it and thought it was funny so I posted it here.
As far as what you said I agree with you especially because I was a former Trump supporter. People got angry at me (for good reason) when I supported him. What they did didn’t help me leave, what did help me leave is seeing other supporters becoming even more crazy and violent, Trump’s mishandling of the COVID-19 pandemic and J6.
It’s an example of what should be said instead of arguing…
I thought it was clear from context, but I’ve been over estimating people a lot lately.
Man you’re being kind of a dick. Not saying it’s a bad take but you should save the snapping for assholes and not people confused by an argument of little context combating a view that’s only implicitly expressed by an image.
You can do the same thing without being vague and making people wonder if they’re missing something by saying “many people think you should just keep your head down at these gatherings but…” and by removing the confusing quotes.
And drop the elitism. That shit looks bad on people that have earned it. It looks worse on someone from the internet who made the error of splitting overestimate into two words within their own self-fellating intellect based burn.
Just fucking chill out and feel free to DM me if you need to talk about something.
You can do the same thing without being vague
Different people can pick up on different things…
Like this:
I thought it was clear from context, but I’ve been over estimating people a lot lately
I recognized a flaw of myself and that I need to be more careful and remember there’s a reason newspapers are written at a 6th grade level.
The thing about that is reading comprehension is like a muscle, if everything holds your hand you never get better.
Sometimes you fall off when the training wheels are removed, but the other option is being a grown adult who still uses them.
If you’re tired of seeing my comments blocking is easy, by all means do it.
Oh, we’re all tired of seeing them
I thought it was clear from context, but I’ve been over estimating people a lot lately
I recognized a flaw of myself and that I need to be more careful and remember there’s a reason newspapers are written at a 6th grade level.
So, this reminds me of an interview question I like to ask and the worst possible answer I’ve received.
I like to ask people to describe a mistake they made, what they did to recover from it, and what they changed to avoid the same mistake in the future.
I think mistakes are great, because it’s how we learn. I like this question because at its core it is recognizing that we are all flawed and we all make mistakes. When I ask it, I generally offer to share one of my own first so that they understand what I’m asking and also so that they understand that they won’t be judged for the mistake.
The worst possible answer is when the mistake they think to share is along the lines of “trusting others”.
It’s a bullshit answer that suggests that the flaw they see in themselves is not recognizing that not everyone is as perfect as they think they are. It’s not the worst interview red flag, but it’s up there. It takes an incredibly un-self-aware person to screw up the answer that bad.
It takes an incredibly un-self-aware person to screw up the answer that bad.
Yeah, but so is assuming answers you get in a job interview isn’t just what they think you want to hear…
And social media comments to other people are rarely that, and if so only by coincidence.
I think we do reliably learn from this thread though, is that you are never wrong no matter what happens. The world around you is wrong but you never have been. Ever.
Look. If we boil that whole newspaper can of worms down the message looks a lot like “you guys are average and average is stupid and I’m smart.” I’m sure with your sense for context you can see why many would conclude that you’re still being an elitist asshole.
You can insist it’s true- hell, it may even BE true but that’s still no excuse for being a goddamn prick. Which is way worse than having reading comprehension skills or whatever.