Something something enjoy your republican overlords for the rest of time.
Seriously what the fuck is the democratic party doing anymore. It seriously feels like the second Obama left they collectively forgot what the fuck they were doing.
The people running the show since Obama left are the ones that are still pissed he beat Hillary in 08.
Instead of reshaping the DNC, Obama ignored it and Hillary’s people have had a hold of it except the brief few months Donna Brazil got in. And since she went public with all the shit they’d been doing, we haven’t seen anything else for 8 years.
They know exactly what they’re doing won’t win elections.
They know exactly what will win elections instead.
But that’s not what fills their campaign coffers, so that’s not what we’ll get from them.
The goals of Dem voters and Dem leadership haven’t been aligned for decades.
I still remember when Donna Brazile destroyed her reputation and lost her job after getting caught leaking questions for a CNN event to the Hilary campaign. Isn’t she one of Hilary’s people?
deleted by creator
Here’s the piece she wrote…
Inside Hillary Clinton’s Secret Takeover of the DNC.
When I was asked to run the Democratic Party after the Russians hacked our emails, I stumbled onto a shocking truth about the Clinton campaign.
Thank you so much for sharing this, this was exactly the kind of very credible (and wonderfully succinct) detail I needed to finally get some closure on 2016. I knew Hillary fucked us, goosed the whole party to try to force her way in.
In my opinion the ongoing failure of the Democrat party is significantly caused by this exact saga. I think this was the point many passionate people (like myself) were forced to realize “oh. The Democrats aren’t working for us either, the whole goddamn thing is rigged against all of us”, and there’s never been the same enthusiasm since.
When people blame Democrats-the-party-leadership, this is what I think of. Still infuriates me to this day, things could have been different. Now all these years later here we are, the “deplorables” she derided - people Bernie would have sincerely sought common ground with! - are well on their way to fascism.
Edit: grammar
For me it was the fact that the first time the Democrats let a Progressive run in their primary (Bernie) they also ran like 7 or 8 other progressives in an obvious attempt to siphon votes from Bernie
Politicians should have to be able to publicly account for every single dollar in their bank accounts. Something tells me if we somehow could magically make that happen tomorrow there wouldn’t be a politician left.
Maybe Bernie lol.
The magical way is having won an election and spending the next 4 years passing legislation and letting people know every day that you are working towards it, showing results every day of every month until the end of mandate
But yeah for that you need to win an election first
And be consistent
What’s the point of filling campaign coffers if it doesn’t help you win?
When one candidate’s campaign can take control of the party (via signed agreements!) more than a year before she’s nominated as the party’s candidate, while keeping that secret, because the party was in debt and the party chair Debbie Wasserman-Whateverfuckher let it happen -
That’s a lot more than just raising money. That’s deploying a strategy to exert total control, no matter what the constituents want and what the primary procedure requires, AND being dishonest about it the whole way.
Besides, aren’t we tired of the “having a lot of money means you can do what you want” approach to things?
Authoritarianism is oddly efficient in making decisions and having direction. Such are the perils of democracy… an opposition that embodies shared decision making and balance of power will often look slower, incompetent and out of touch…
Dems just don’t look like it, they act the part too!
They’re just aiding Trump. Their silence os complicity. They’re on the same side.
And that is not the side of the people.
It’s because they had nothing to do with Obama. Obama was the result of the last honest primary with no fuckery, and the DNC immediately regretted it. They wanted Hillary to get the nomination in '08, so they forced her through in '16.
Here’s where the tuna melt story came from
"Are there changes that we need to make? "
Man this is absolutely telling
These guys lost an election and are still dancing around the possibility that they might need to change tactics LMAO 🤣
They say at the end that the moment was viral but maybe viral for them is different than for the rest of us the blue collar workers
They collectively forgot what they were doing when Bill Clinton abused his position to get sucked off by an intern.
I still believe in my heart of hearts that Bill and Hillary are swingers or have an open marriage and that they only got married for political reasons. When Bill got caught getting his rocks off in oval office they figured infidelity would be easier to stomach for the American people than the truth which is they they have an open marriage lol.
I have absolutely zero actual proof for this belief but I have chosen to believe this is what happened.
You’re not alone, I’ve thought this for decades too. Their marriage strikes me either as one of those medieval dynastic alliances, or Hillary wanting to puppeteer Bill to achieve her own ends.
Our only hope is that Monica says something before she passes. Poor woman was lambasted for doing ostensibly nothing wrong. Naughty and in poor taste sure, but come on now. Who wouldn’t wanna get sucked off in the oval office. I will bet money right now that the first female president is gonna get eaten out on the resolute desk.
Shit someone probably already has been eaten out on that desk… Imagine if it could speak lol. The stories it would have haha.
I spend WAY too much time online and see all the stupid viral videos because of it, and I pay attention to politics a LOT more than the average American does getting their hour of
newspropaganda from billionaire-owned media each night from the TV and facebook posts from their bubble of “friends”.What fucking viral Tuna Melt moment?
Only 80 year old geriatric with dementia would consider that viral, wait.
What fucking viral Tuna Melt moment?
I’m pretty sure she’s being ironic. The giveaway is “very memorable” – if it really were memorable you wouldn’t say it that way.
It’s like when a videogame company shows. A graph of total accounts for a game instead of the actual revenue, because the revenue numbers are bad, and the only positive is the number of accounts
Alternative title: “What CNBC is reporting on vs What FOX News is reporting on”
Correction: “vs What FOX News is tweeting about”
Can’t someone make a new party that actually represents working class people and just get rid of Democrats? By many other countries politics, Democrats look more right than left
Democrats have political and financial capital, which tend to be powerful assets in running a successful campaign. Any new party needs to:
- Inform the general population that they exist
- Inform the general population what their platform is
- Persuade the general population that their platform is desirable
- Convince the general population that they’re capable of implementing their platform
These are not trivial tasks, made more difficult without a track record or money.
Without a PAC funded by the ultra rich no unapproved canidate will ever make it to the ballot.
Nothing will meaningfully improve until the rich fear for their lives
You could also just vote in any mix of dems and indies to get 60 votes needed to pass the H.R. 1 For The People Act and also undo the damage caused by the Citizens United decision.
Then they wouldn’t have the corporation’s interests represented
We should do this with the sole intention of throwing a wrench into the process and making the Dems pay attention. With the distinct understanding that we should not allow it to divide the progressive vote under any circumstances.
This is done all the time. Think the Tea Party or the Green Party etc. They’re just extensions of existing parties meant to bring attention to certain topics.
The Right never hesitates to use this kind of tactic and we need to grow a spine and do it as well.
That’s the Green party, but you get yelled at when you even suggest voting for them, even in a non-swing state.
The fact that people actually believe that this is all the democrats are currently doing clearly illustrates exactly why we had so many protest voters.
It seems as if the far left won’t ever be convinced of anything unless it-
A) Agrees with what they already believe
B) Is in an easy-to-read meme format
C) Comes from their communal clipboard of copypasta marxist rhetiric.I’m incredibly angry that trump won, but not at all surprised. These people make up not just a portion of our voting body, but also a huge portion of our NON-voting body.
What are they doing? Wait I’ll do you one better. What else can they do, but re-evaluate what they’ve been doing?
Google “Democrats” then select the “News” tab. That’ll get you going in the right direction.
looks at
searches for democrats
finds infighting and fingerpointing at everyone besides their rich donors who control them and force them to ignore leftist policies
So nothing, they’re whining and doing nothing
We will always see what we want to see.
I’ve voted Dem my entire life, my entire life the Dems have never meaningfully improved anything except for medicare and I don’t qualify for that.
I get it that the Dems are the ones who push policy, just to conviently break ranks and vote down their own bills whenever there is actually bills that force the rich to make concessions.
The Duopoly works together to maintain power
the Dems have never meaningfully improved anything except for medicare and I don’t qualify for that.
We will see what we want to see, but if you bothered yourself to look up from the year of your birth to now- what the democrats have done, you’d be embarrassed to have sad this.
Not arguing futility. We can agree to disagree and end this cordially.
Have a good day my friend.
You say Democrats are constantly pushing legislation that fixes real problems and doesn’t just get undone every 4 years and set back to 0. What was something good that Biden did thatbis still around and actually helping people?
When people don’t meaningfully improve society and fix problems, that means they aren’t helpful.
Sorry you feel differently.
I don’t see why you were down voted regardless of what they found this is true. we only see what we want to see
Just like their protest votes, they think downvoting is somehow relevant. And also just like their downvotes, they lack the courage it takes to actually put their name on their choice and own the fact that not liking something isn’t enough to create the change you demand of others- it takes both work, and communication.
Not staying home and folding arms in defiance of a system incapable of being perfect in their eyes.
Is it the leftists folding their arms and refusing to move or is it the Democrats? Last I checked, one is an actual fucking organization who deliberately chose to give the middle finger to immigrants by running on trump 2016 policy, middle finger to middle eastern and in general genocide haters by continuing to arm an active genocide and then belittle those people, and run with lizz fucking cheny cause they thought they could win the “centrists” and were fucking wrong.
But nooo. Let’s not blame the organization with the plan that didn’t fucking work. Let’s blame the analogous concept of “disgruntled leftists” and babify them, belittle them, and do the whole clusterfuck of mistakes again.
Except you ain’t even some Democrat analysis. Your a random fucking dude who’s just scared as shit of the fascism barreling down at you at speeds that boggle the mind. I get it. Shits scary. Me and you, we are cool. We can be friends, politically allies. But the way to do that is to yell at the organization who failed both of us. Not tell them they did nothing wrong and that it’s actually the thing that cannot be changed fault.
Do I wish we could of come out and voted to slow down the train? Of course. But it didn’t happen. And with clear eyes I can see that ultimately it was the Dems who gambled that they could win without those groups and were fucking wrong.
So not much else but trying to re-evaluate what they’ve been doing?
Would it be better If I put it in a meme that they were actually doing shit?
Well I won’t say they’re not doing anything. It’s their job, obviously they’re playing defense to Republican insanity. And re-evaluating what they’ve been doing thus far is not a bad thing to be doing by any means if they have any hope of winning next time around. But do you genuinely think they’re doing enough to protect their constituency? The underprivileged masses that entrusted their valuable vote to them?
DEIA initiatives are being suspended, the military is posted up on the border, undocumented abuelitas are getting ICE’d and America has affirmed its role as a rogue element to its European allies by implying its willingness to annex Greenland. That’s just the first week of what the opposition has cooked up. Are you seeing resistance in equal amount?
Hey, if you have a fix, let them know! Because until you know how things work so well as to be able to legally undermine trump’s grifting and unconstitutional bullshit- maybe keep the accusations to a minimum.
If I hire a lawyer to represent me in court and they ask me “Alright chief, got any idea how we’re gonna get you out of this mess?”, I probably hired a shitty layer, right? I’m not accusing anyone of anything, I’m merely stating that I’m not seeing much being done by them in response to trump doing the trump things he said he’d do a year or so ago.
The Democratic Party is in a timeloop for thirty years if they believe that courting centrists and right wing voters still work in the age of growing wealth inequality. Actually, forget that, the Democrats still want to court centrists and the right in order to send signal to the true rulers that are oligarchs, that they are just as right wing as the Republicans in order to keep receiving corporate donations and make money from stocks.
I’ve posted it before but the way to get “media attention” is to be controversial and a bit shameless
Republicans are great at this. “Ban immigrants”, “all weapons should be permanently legal for everyone”, “ban abortion in all cases”, “ban gays”, these extreme messages are embraced by the party. Algorithms pick up on content that is engaged upon. People engage on this content regardless of their viewpoint. Even if you hate these views you are more likely to click and view out of rage, to comment your disbelief and to say “fuck this stupid bullshit”
Democrats are terrible at this. They abhor the controversial messaging from the left. They embrace weak messaging that sinks like “maybe some mild economic reform”. They embrace weak counter messaging like “gay people are actually valid”, “abortion should be left alone”, “maybe regulate guns a little” and then it gets trampled by right wing commenters and voices.
They need to embrace the right wing formula, frankly. “90% tax bracket for income over 10 million dollars”, “state funded abortion mills”, “ban all guns”, “mandatory lgbt education in public schools”, “death penalty for oligarchs”, etc. stop softening the message because you’re worried about alienating 4% of old white voters. It’s clearly not working
I agree to some extent. But you have to realize that it isn’t 4% of voters. Trump won ~77 million votes this election vs Kamala’s ~75 million. That’s incredibly close, mainly because she tried to pander to the majority.
There’s nothing she could’ve really done much differently this cycle that would’ve clenched the election with 100% certainty. There were simply too many factors working against her, like the shitty economy and the GOP’s massive disinformation campaigns promising to turn everything around. A huge chunk of voters are already admitting how “shocked” they are with some of the shit Trump’s administration is doing. This is due to microtargeted advertising, meaning that the many voters get completely different political ads on social media that leave out their extremist positions. My theory is that the DNC seems to not be very good at taking advantage of this capability, choosing to just provide blanketed campaign messaging that’s mainly the same for everyone.
Sorry, got a bit rambly and off track there. I’m tired.
My theory is that the DNC seems to not be very good at taking advantage of this capability.
Or maybe it’s the fact that all social media platforms are in the hands of a few people who happened to stand in the front row during Trump’s inauguration.
Dems don’t have the capability cause their enemies control the algorithms.People like Zuckerberg only care about money and power. Meta will happily accept the DNC’s advertising money.
That all being said, the DNC could’ve also outlawed political advertising on social media when they had the majority in the Senate and house years ago.
They support Trump cause his entire platform is “give billionaires free reign and no taxes”. They’ll never support Democrats over him, and never have.
And outlawing political advertising (by private actors) on social media would have been reversed by the Supreme Court. Even before it was taken over by the right. It’s very clearly against the 1st amendment.
I’m well agreed, but:
“all weapons should be permanently legal for everyone”
No one is saying this, no one except liberals.
It’s not a thing. I’m in all kinds of gun-owner spaces. This is not a fucking thing that is proposed. At all.
It’s utterly false and makes you look disconnected from reality.
There are absolutely people who think that all weapons should be legal. You should be glad you haven’t had the misfortune to meet them.
Well for one it’s a bit of hyperbole, to a degree.
I’m legally blind and back I became legally blind the state pulled my drivers license. This is something that can happen in 13 states
However, I can still purchase a gun. Granted, legally blind doesn’t mean “without vision”. I can actually still see quite a bit. I still play videogames, read books, work, etc. However, I could be completely darkness blind, like no vision whatsoever, and I am still legally allowed to buy a gun.
Back when I had a reddit account I posted this anecdote as a joke and got dozens of replies about how “of course I should be able to buy a gun” despite not having the fucking prerequisite of fucking VISION. Several of them pointed me to some blind YouTuber who had a channel about being blind and shooting guns and owning guns
Like I am technically disabled. I work with the disabled, I work for the disabled. But the huge number of people who immediately jump on me to immediately reject the idea of any kind of regulation that would suggest someone who literally cannot see the world they are aiming a lethal weapon at shouldn’t have access to it make me think that the hyperbole isn’t that far off
And for the record I actually do own a gun. Well my household does, technically. I don’t use it, obviously, but my partner is trained to do so. We both abhor guns but are of the opinion that “pandoras box has been opened” so to speak. If shit hits the fan we need to be able to defend ourselves and guns beat pretty much everything else we could possibly do. If real legislation, reform,and regulation came through I would be extremely happy to be rid of it. It is a cancer on our home.
I’d like to note that there’s nothing stopping you from buying, owning, or operating a car anywhere but public roads. Operating either one in a negligent manner is a crime.
So I can still hit up track day and ruin it for everyone? Nice
I actually still own my car. I’ll soapbox for a minute here. I live in a less urban area. The closest grocery store isn’t far, about a mile, but the path to get there is completely unnavigable. It’s eastern PA and the roads are antiquated, old carriage roads that have a shoulder of about 6” on either side and no sidewalks whatsoever. The closest bus stop is, you guessed it, at the small town center with the grocery store, gas station, and a few other shops. It’s not exactly rural but it’s not that far from it
Anyway! They take your license and thankfully there are some supports and they are pretty great. The division of the blind will hook you up with all kinds of shit to help you and train you to use it. I’m fairly tech oriented so I can set up screen readers and such but they have all these neat things like bumps on my stove knobs and all sorts of tactile things.
But the nightmare situation is transportation. Thankfully I’m in a privileged position where I work from home in a position that pays me a solid wage. But if I didn’t or if I ever changed jobs I would be fucked. As mentioned I have no bus stop I can safely get to and there’s no rail service for miles here. So the solution is that I schedule rides.
This is a terrrrible solution. It means that I have to contact the dot in advance, schedule a ride, hope they show up (they have flaked before) and then they come all the way out here to pick me up for a doctors appointment or whatever. It’s super wasteful and it’s basically making the state my uber (with none of the benefits, I still end up waiting around for ages often). It also means if there is a last minute need for transportation I am fucked. In an emergency I am reliant on services like ambulances, which is obscenely expensive. (Pro tip: your local ambulance company will often have a subscription fee, if you pay it they will waive a lot of billing fees. This is a bullshit system that should be illegal. I am a medical provider. If I bill your insurance $500 and they pay me $100 I write off the $400 because that’s the contracted rate. But ambulance companies will often charge thousands over what your insurance pays intentionally and will bill you this amount if you don’t pay their subscription bullshit. It’s literally extortion of people experiencing the worst moment of their lives)
wonderful infrastructure, america #1
your local ambulance company will often have a subscription fee.
I am currently having trouble wrapping my mind around this. That’s so completely fucked up.
To be fair it’s not actually a subscription but a “strongly suggested donation”. Just one with financial penalties if you don’t pay it and ever get an ambulance ride.
What makes it extra fucked up is the housing system in the USA (and many places) means that most people don’t own their homes and a large amount of people move frequently.
As a result they are completely unaware of this because often the notice that it even exists is mailed out either to property owners based on tax records (meaning renters don’t get notified), at least where I live now. People I know here who live in apartment buildings or even my next door neighbor who rents his house had no idea because they don’t get the begging letter every year
Depends on locale though, where I used to live (which was far more urban and densely populated) they just mailed it to everyone but then it just came randomly addressed to “resident” and looked like junk mail. But then they got apartment complexes and stuff. That’s how I first found out, I got it at my old apartment (funny enough a few weeks after I used an ambulance for the first time in my life and had gotten a bill for like $1700 for a 7 minute ride with some medical care but that was over a decade ago. I did have decent insurance at the time too)
Can someone explain me what was the tuna melt moment? All I get is literal tuna sandwiches in the Google search
Yeah, if that’s the most viral they went in the last 5 years, they’re in trouble. I don’t remember anything like that happening either.
it was that time Biden walked into a Subway and said “you’re telling me a tuna melted this sandwhich?” and everyone laughed
Dear lord. I guess that explains everything about how the Democrats failed to win. They live in a different world.
People really fucking blame Democrats for not being in charge after those same people don’t vote for them, goddamn clown country.
Dems gross incompetence is the exact reason they can’t get enough votes to win what should have been the easiest election of all of our lifetimes
What policy issue do you disagree with them on?
Sustaining genocide in Gaza is a big one. Kamala’s campaign was literally told by a sizeable number of voters that they wont vote for her unless she opposes it. It’s the primary reason Kamala lost the election. And that’s before mentioning that the Democratic convention didn’t even give the greater party the ability to choose a candidate. The only choices were Biden and Kamala, and neither offered any worthwhile promise to their voter base. They just hit the “were not Trump” angle expecting to automatically win because of it.
On top of that- Failing to enshrined any trans-rights or abortion protections into law is a big one. They’re also just as anti-worker as Republicans. Biden is the one who shutdown the rail strike, claiming the workers were “too necessary” to allow them to strike.
Democrats don’t actually care about the causes they supposedly champion. So why should voters pretend like they do?
And as a preemptive comment: obviously Trump and Republicans are fascists. But the majority of Dems in power have more in common with their coworkers than they do with their average voter.
Not sure anyone has ever presented solid evidence that Kamala would have won if not for the Gaza issue. Most agree it was a contributing factor, but not a determening one. Which is scary when you think about it - the real reasons she lost appear to be more nuanced and more deeply related to general cynicism, ignorance and apathy.
Congratulations, Trump is in office and Israel is gunning down Lebanon citizens and buying 1000 lbs bombs again for the first time in years, news outlets saying Israel is prepping to annex and settle even more lands in the Gaza strip.
You failed to back the peacekeepers and now so much more blood will be on your hands as a result.
The only option is all hands on deck, push the envelope even if we don’t agree with whats in it. We can have campaign finance reform and tax the rich if you would only do that one thing.
What peacekeeper? Biden was supplying the genocide too. It’s a principled stance. We won’t vote for genocide whether it’s red or blue running the show. And no, the blood isn’t on my hands since I didn’t approve, or purposely give my tax money to Israel. Biden, and now Trump are doing that.
On top of that the Biden administration had 4 years and confirmation by the Supreme Court he could essentially do whatever he wanted as president. And he still did nothing but had over the case to a DoJ that did fuck all about it.
Also you glossed over my other points of Biden’s failures.
Edit: You also realize Israel was literally bombing civilians in Lebanon when Biden was president right? Or did you alreadh forget ablut the pager bombs Israel planeted in Lebanon? And Biden still gave them a shit ton of weapons, and only effectively blocked one type of weapons shipment as a political maneuver.
I literally just told you: Israel is buying more and bigger weapons than ever. Your ignorance of that simple fact, that the genocidal Israeli government backed Trump for presidency specifically so they could be even more violent, just shows you don’t care about all of the women and children who die as a result.
And I’m telling you the genocide is largely unchanged. The only difference is the names on the weapons heading into Israel and the rhetoric. But anyone paying attention knows that the rhetoric changes nothing. The only difference is that the US is mask off about supporting genocide now.
Most the people I know that did vote for them blame them for not being in charge. Yes, it is a clown country.
They’re not exactly helping elect their chosen candidates by flaming them online.
Remember that Democrat super majority? Fucking nothing.
I remember over a decade ago when 58 Dems voted for single payer, every Republican and a couple of Independents fucked it up for us, but at least we still got the medicaid expansion that gave coverage to millions of American citizens.
Before that, the 111th congress had a dem supermajority for only 72 days and it is the most productive congress on record since the 89th congress as far as bills passed.
the american “experiment” is over. It has reached its logical conclusion
Tuna melts? Or fascism?
They were never going to save us. Bernie tried to play by their system…
They were going to save us and a bunch of assholes didn’t show up to vote for being saved.
What do you expect from a party that has no power? Honestly Republicans should be more pissed off, they have all 3 branches of government and they’re doing symbolic bullshit with 0 chance of success to appeal to Trump specifically, and it’ll work because he never watched School House Rock. Not that I’m complaining.
the constitution only matters if the people who enforce it actually decide to.
Remember when the Democrats had a super majority and did literally fuck all with it? No abortion law, no privacy laws, literally fucking nothing? I do. Cause I remember being real excited they might actually do something and now I’m jaded because they fucking didn’t.
Keep watching and you’ll be just as pissed at how much the Democrats insist on fucking kneecapping themselves at every available opportunity. I mean, Jesus. Christ. Kamala ran on building the fucking wall.
Remember when the Democrats had a super majority
1979-81 is before my time. In 2021-23 Democrats had a majority in the house and a weak-as-possible majority in the senate (a supermajority is 60 votes, enough to break a filibuster) with only 50 votes*, with Kamala as a tiebreaker.
In all practical terms though, that kind of majority is a Republican majority. In order to control the Senate at all (due to the fact that every state, even rural red states with less than a million people gets 2 votes), Democrats have to include people who are basically Republicans in their senate races, like Joe Manchin - a “Democrat” who refused to endorse Biden or Harris over Trump this last election. And that’s exactly why codifying Roe failed - Manchin said no.
I’m not here to defend Democrats though. I think they should’ve kicked out Manchin a long time ago and stop hiding how broken the system is. But they’re not the problem, they’re just the insufficient cure. Republicans are the problem, fight them. If Democrats are too centrist, then the left should be primarying Republicans and attempting to make a hostile takeover of the party.
*Technically even this was not a Democrat majority, as it included 2 independents - 1 was Bernie Sanders, the other was the more centrist Angus King
We are so fucked.
their ‘secret’, and it’s not really a secret…
they’re loud. they scream lies all day, every day, without end.
the counter would be to do the same, but telling the truth instead; calling out the bullshit the republicants shovel. all day, every day, without end.
No, you don’t call out their bullshit. That’s the trap. That lets them frame the entire conversation. You build a vision for the country that people can get behind. That’s the same thing the Republicans do, but with fear of the other.
If only they had 4 years to actually do that before the election
What a shame, guess we will never know
Wrong view.
Republicans that already were good with media won.
Democratvoters are not selecting for social media savy.
Plus, the deck is stacked against Democrats.