USA brain drain. Seriously, most of my friends in academia are trying to GTFO because they know they’re lucky to have the credentials and money to do it.
Conservatives who are getting their face eaten will not learn a single thing from anything
Woah, look at Nostradamus over here
Donald Trump will either still be President, or be dead.
Or both!
2008 was known for the Great Bush recession.
2025 will be known for the Great MuskRat Depression that Trumped all other depressions.
This time though the U.S. will feel the brunt
Great Bush recession
I’ve literally never heard it called that, is this a non-US term? I’ve heard “great financial crisis”, “great recession”, or “housing crash” before.
I just call it what it is. All those you say are attributed to the president’s policies.
So maybe I’m also calling that too.
I’ve heard the Bush recession a few. I’ve also heard it called the Obama recession from some obvious bootlickers trying to rewrite history but that don’t make sense since Obama administration reversed it.
we follow the trajectory of Nazi Germany
only THIS time, America will NOT be sweeping in to save the day. there IS no one to save the day this time.
so imprisonment and death for millions…and a world war. if we are very lucky , there might be an after…but then again…maybe not.
There will most certainly be an after. Unfortunately, very likely not for a lot of us.
China has the manufacturing capacity and manpower to challenge the increasingly inefficient American military in a protracted war of attrition. Assuming the nukes don’t drop.
Trump tries to sell a state to Russia.
Traumatized Ukrainian “terrorists”.
You’ve fought s brutal war only to be sold out by your allies. Do you really just go home?
Most will. But a few will take the fight into Russian territory and use insurgent tactics.
The media will call them terrorists.
- dollar devalues by 90% compared to present value
- wages so low / cost of living so high that people can’t pay for bread with their wages, making subsidies / universal basic income a necessity.
- US goes on the brink of a civil war before the rich agree to pay for said subsidies, probably some people die because of it.
- US slides into a mixture of tech-authoritarianism/fascism
- martian settlement/research makes surprisingly fast progress, with wide bi-partisan support because people realize it’s actually a good idea for everyone, creating demand for human labor and driving up the wages.
lol at that last one
deleted by creator
Perfectly balanced…
-The internet will become something only old people use and will fill up with old people like radio and TV before it. Something new will be the hip new thing that kids use/consume, though it technically could be considered the internet
-Coal power plants will be phased out entirely in U.S.A. with some taking credit and others morning the loss of a purely economic conversion over to natural gas power. It will look like it is solar’s time to shine, but a “new” way of generating power which is cheaper and slightly cleaner will take over and slowly convert natural gas plants to whatever it is.
-There will be a detracted argument over whether or not what comes after current gen-AI is considered sapient and worthy of rights. While the debate will be straightforward in a vacuum, other semi-related topics will mix in including: the rich wanting their AI doppelgangers to keep control of the money/power they earned during life; something to do with sex and/or relationships because of course there will be; religious opposition until the poll numbers swap, then there will be some regions that view AI rights a helping the disadvantaged
-A young politician from the democrats will get elected on the back of anti-Trump hate. They will have in their first two years theoretically enough support to pass substantial legislation, but will be stopped by a small number of conservative democrats from doing anything substantial save for maybe one big accomplishment. They will loose the 2030 midterms to a bunch of republicans and a “grass-roots” organization that is paid for by rich business owners, but will come back to win the 2032 election against a rich republican from New England. However, they won’t have control over the congress and by 2035 will be a lame duck.
-Someone will scrap NASA’s current human space flight plans to promote their own plan, which in itself will be scrapped when a new administration comes in. By 2035, articles will be printing “it is a shame that no real current alive human has stepped foot on the moon”, taking a subtle dig at China’s AI-human that is currently building structures on the moon.
someone will scrap NASAs current human space flight plans to promote their own plan, which in itself will be scrapped when a new administration comes in
Kinda like how each administration switches if we are going to Mars or the Moon next based purely on what the previous guy said haha
There will be a detracted argument
Probably meant protracted
The first two feel like they’re missing details. What are you considering the real internet? Do you mean nuclear power will take over?
We’ll have reduced the human body to basically just another machine and will be in the process of reverse-engineering it. So many new techniques and sources of data have come online all at the same time in biology.
This is in contrast to the current situation where we know a few things about select parts of the body in isolation.
To piggyback in this, there will be organic technology created: computers using synapses, muscles powering things, etc.
It’s bound to happen in one way or another. I’d put that more than a decade out, though. Providing a nutritionally appropriate blood supply is a deal-killer for existing muscle tissues, and you can’t really design artificial bloodless muscles until the reverse engineering is done.
We might have de-novo cultivated crops ready to commercialise by 2035 (that’s wild plants genetically engineered to be commercially useful).
A Tsunami of unprecedented size will completely destroy a coastal metropolis.
A heat wave in the middle east will leave hundreds dead in the first recorded wet bulb event.
In September 2035, the Arctic will be completely ice-free for the very first time, 15 years ahead of predictions.
Around that time, the first commercial shipping route along the north-western passage will open.
One of the first container ships will run onto a naval mine and sink, killing all hands. Russia will deny any involvement.Have I… heard/read it somewhere before?
No idea, I didn’t copy it from somewhere.
World War 3.
But it won’t be a nuclear war that ends the world. (un?)fortunately. – Nuclear war doesn’t benefit the elites – Instead it will be a jillion proxy skirmishes all over the developing world, as countries get puppeteered by Russia/China/USA into fighting their battles, and said countries get ‘support’ in the form of weapons and training that will breed a whole new generation of extremist regimes and terrorists.
In the end, we’ll be back to the same ol’ same ol’ – Life gets shittier for everyone in a gradual, painful, tedious way.
1984 with just a hint of Wall-E.
Nuclear war
Ayyye same, do you think it’ll start with Israel and Iran too?
Israel, Iran, Pakistan, the USA, there’s many ways this could go
I’ll go by (very broad) regions:
The United States experiences a brain drain and Trump’s death (all but inevitable in 10 years, whether by natural causes or other means), will cause a major rift in the Republican Party. Democrats will somehow fail to capitalize on it and then blame online leftists, famously the kingmakers of American politics.
Canada will become a de facto part of Europe. Bike lanes will be added.
Europe will experience an economic boom as it’s basically forced to develop new industries, becomes the default destination for scientific research, and the Euro begins to replace the dollar as the currency of choice for international trade contracts. France, especially, will benefit as it isn’t reliant on the U.S. for military support, space launch capabilities, etc. and will become the default NATO weapons supplier.
Russia will have a deep post-war depression even if it takes Kyiv due to brain drain and sending so many young men into a meat grinder.
China will have a medium-sized economic crisis but ultimately (after Xi) enact long needed reforms (kind of like when Mao died and Deng Xiaoping enacted reforms).
India will have a major crisis as Hindu Nationalism goes too far and people begin to revolt.
Central Asia will keep on keeping on. (I don’t know a lot about Central Asia.)
Latin America will increase trade with China and Europe at the expense of the United States. Bolsonaro will go to the hospital 50 more times and be bit by an even more exotic bird. Argentina will benefit most from the decline of the U.S. as a reliable trading partner.
Israel will annex the West Bank and Arab countries will isolate it. Saudi Arabia’s line city will still be in the planning stages. Iran will develop a nuclear deterrent but the power of the Supreme Leader will be weakened and shift to the elected officials because of economic problems.
The Maghreb will benefit from Europe’s rise and increased trade. West Africa will experience an economic and population boom and become an inexpensive manufacturing hub. The Horn of Africa will probably remain a shitshow (but hopefully I’m wrong about that). Central and Southern Africa will also experience significant growth but at a slower pace than West Africa.
Australia will lose another war with emus as New Zealand wisely allies with the Emus. They will force Australia into a humiliating peace deal that ultimately leads to a third Emu War, much like WWI’s onerous peace terms led to WWII.
Ocean acidification and rising sea levels will begin to fuck everyone and scientists will scream about it but it’ll be the following decades when that sort of thing really wrecks the world economy.
Nintendo will somehow sell me the same games for the 5th time.
I should defrost my French skills.
buenos dias
Canada will become a de facto part of Europe. Bike lanes will be added.
We already have bike lanes, I’m offended
This is the most accurate one so far.
Only 5th time in 10 years, they must been busy elsewhere.
All of this is entirely too possible….
Who are you future man?
As an Australian I will welcome our new emu overlords. I presume this will lead to some major social changes where men take on the primary role in childcare and where feather dusters become a status symbol.
This was such a nice read, thank you Mr. Shit the beetles
and be bit by an even more exotic bird.
Australia will lose another war with emus as New Zealand wisely allies with the Emus.
Makes note: is our resident Ornithologist.
Nintendo will somehow sell me the same games for the 5th time.
Wow, as someone who is very knowledgeable on past and current affairs this prediction/analysis is very accurate and funny
How can you say it’s accurate if you’re not knowledgeable on future affairs!? Smh…
Canada will add bike lines Not in Ontario while Doug Ford is in power (at least 4 more years).