They probably know they’re in the running
Yeah. If you’re in the top 10, you definitely have a suspicion.
My gut tells me that top 10 list changes daily. 💀💀💀
If someone is eating that much mayo it’d have to be daily, and I think if someone eats mayo daily they’d know they’re eating a lot
I love mayo on sandwiches but I rarely finish a jar until a few years past it’s best by date.
I love it when mayo gets a little funky with a blue wispy fuzz.
Follow up question - is this absolute mayo consumption, or does it scale with food intake?
Because I bet there’s definitely people out there who eat mayo like pudding for lunch and they would think they’re on the short list
But I could see there being someone out there who regularly kills multiple jars of mayo in a sitting by knocking out a huge bowl of chips and dip, but doesn’t consciously recognize their alarming daily mayo intake
I could see the #1 being in either group… Some people have a disturbing relationship with condiments, but some people eat terrifying amounts of unhealthy food, and I’ve seen someone kill a tub of potato salad as a mid interview snack (it was some documentary about people who can no longer fit through their doorways)
I bet they do know it.
I bet there’s an online community somewhere with several hundred competitive mayonnaise eaters.Edit: Yup. I guess this needs some kind of warning. Don’t click if you don’t want to see someone empty multiple big jars of mayonnaise with a spoon in under 3 minutes. how mayo is like half oil and half egg, I bet those people take the nastiest shits imaginable. Pure liquid that smells like Hell itself.
I highly suspect it comes out the other end shortly after being ingested. Unless there are rules against that or something. Somehow, I feel like the mayo-eating professionals aren’t exactly well regulated.
I thought I could do it. I really did. As soon as that first spoonful hit her mouth though, I was out.
You are not missing much. She just does that over and over again for the next 5 mins or so. Almost 2.5 kg of mayonnaise (that’s 5.5 lbs)
yeah just about 9500-10k calories, nbd
Thank you for the video. I watched in awe and gagged occasionally. Can recommend.
I made it through the first jar ok, but as soon as she started on the second I hurked a little…
Ok, sure, that’s a lot of mayo. But I didn’t think OP was referring to an amount consumed in one sitting. Surely there’s someone out there that just loves macaroni salad or coleslaw who ends up eating way more on a longer timescale.
Chances that these competitive mayo eaters also love mayonaise enough to put it on those foods you mention is pretty high
Either that or mayo has become a day job and they can’t stand it outside of competition.
Yeah I’m a competitive sex haver and I can’t stand sex outside of competitions anymore.
There is absolutely NO WAY I am going to click on that link!
Make your choice, adventurous Stranger.
Click the link and bide the danger
Or wonder, 'til it drives you mad
What would have followed if you had.Hey just wanted to remind you about that mayonnaise video when you read this. Give in to the morbid curiosity. The call of the void burns for you concede and watch the video in full. See how gross it really is for yourself.
Stay out of my notifications damn you!
She was not the Hutt I imagined before clicking the link. For a moment there I even thought it wasn’t going to be gross.
And I can confidently say she surpassed the amount of mayo I’ve had in my entire life, by quite some margin too.
me trying to prepare myself for the video: It’s just yogurt. It’s just yogurt. It’s just yogurt.
Eating starts
And what better to wash down over 2 kilograms of mayo? A tall glass of refreshing lemonade.
I read your warning, and I still clicked the link. And then I threw up a little in my mouth.
this is why i still love the internet, despite all the crap
Oh lord, 2.4 kg in one sitting
Lol the observer looks to be just barely able to hold back puking the whole time
Thanks… but I think I’ll stay in the casual, unrated mayonnaise game.
Come join the Mayo Club.
The first rule of Mayo Club is; just have some fun, no pressure, just good people enjoying a good condiment.
If you overdose on the stuff I think they have a clinic for that too.
No, he knows. Mayonnaise Georg. Hell of a guy.
Hellman’s of a guy
Patty Mayonnaise from Doug calls Mayonnaise Georg to a mayo-off
That’s a high quality gif
Mayo demands no less
They know it
I’d imagine the leader is 2-3 times the consumption of the runner up, but there’s no way to tell.
Stawdew 1.6 players
This is true for real life too
True. But city folk know to let you do you. If we see the same person keep doing it though they do become the mayonnaise person
Depends on the village 🤷
Fact: someone has eaten the most mayonnaise in the world
Cannot be stated as fact: they don’t know it
At least they can never be 100% sure that they are.
Because even if you think you are the person who ate the most mayonnaise in the world, there could always be someone that ate more who doesn’t know.
Thus noone can ever truly know if they are the person who ate the most mayonnaise in the world.
I totally agree, but we also cannot be 100% sure that they don’t know.
Its whoever inspired the making of this guy.
That’s true for Miracle Whip too, and that stuff tastes like goblin cum (or so I’ve heard from a “friend”).
Nah, it doesn’t even come close to the nuanced flavour of goblin cum.
You should try Miracle Whip sometime.
Sorry, it was a joke that needed quotes, the “friend” was me. I find it vile and only good as an ingredient in other things like deviled eggs, not as a sandwich condiment itself. I am glad others (like my wife) like it, but [*shivers*]
In that case, you should probably try goblin cum some time 🤷
Mine was a joke too. You indicated that you had only tasted one, but not which one.
Yeah, I was a bit slow there.
That’s how goblins like it.
I am afraid to admit that I can finish a sizeable jar of mayo in 2-3 days less sometimes, but I don’t do it every week I promise… Please stop calling me out. It’s just comfort food I swear
Yes I do.
Oh I know it
My friend has a story about a coworker who would bring a tub of mayonnaise into work and mix it with tuna and sometimes chickpeas for lunch. He wouldn’t finish the tub every day but he would go through a lot of them every month so I think that guy’s in the running.
I’m surprised you can survive this for multiple months. The human body is amazing.
Mayonnaise isn’t really bad for you. There’s a lot of fat in it, but that’s totally independent from being fat.
It’s more about the absence of most other nutrients, assuming he keeps a similar life style at home.
Also, I’m not sure what the current opinion about eggs and colesterol is. I’ve heard both sides thousands of times and don’t eat them anyways.
Well… This dude was fat.
Oh they have a pretty good idea. They’re currenlty in post-op recovery in a cardiac cath lab getting sternly reprimanded by their doctor that balloon angioplasty can only do so much and this person has to make lifestyle changes or they their heart disease will end their life early.
Nah it’s my wife. She knows.