He spent months/years going on and on and on about how Biden is too old, he can’t see, he gets confused. Meanwhile trumps only outcomes of this situation are either
A) He finds men attractive. I personally don’t care if he does, but I know his base would be mad at that, and his butt-buddy putin would be furious.
B) He legitimately can’t tell the difference between men and women in his old age. In which case he’s every bit of the exact same problems he was accusing Biden of for years. I guess he forgot that he’s only 3 years younger than Biden, and time is always moving forward, which means that 3 years after trump accuses Biden of being too old, trump will be equally as too old.
Oh, who am I kidding? These people don’t care about hypocrosy! Well…they do…but only when the other side does it, so they can benefit.
Honestly, he probably had no idea who he was, got told some prolific person (who?) was endorsing him by his campaign managers and just went with female pronouns from the name ‘Nicky’ and called them hot to hype them up in some fucked up way?
Because he doesn’t give a shit about anyone, he isn’t going to put a second to learn about them.
This is the most likely answer imo
I could absolutely see that.
Exactly, his endorsements are so shallow, he sees their name for the first time on stage
I mean if I had to choose between this dude and Laura Loomer . . .
Thankfully, we don’t have to.
Nicky Jam does have kids, so he isn’t a faux pa after all.
I fucking love you
I love fucking you
Well, now he’s obligated to get a sex change, isn’t that how things work in Trumpland now?
Yup. He just needs to go to school, and come home with an operation. That’s exactly how it works.
that’s so funny, imagine how disappointed trans people would be if this were even close to true after years of jumping through hoops. “this could’ve taken one afternoon‽”
Or jail.
I find it hilarious that anybody would go on stage and endorse political candidate who has never met them.
Might as well have just said “I’m hoping to sell my music to racists and establish myself as ‘one of the good ones’”.
Why would meeting a political candidate be necessary to understand their policy positions and ability, advance then, and relative merits of the alternative? Democracy wouldn’t work if that were needed.
Who’d have thought the profit motive would lead to outcomes that aren’t always for the benefit of society.
Go fuck yourself, Nicky Jam.
Weak energy
I think everyone can agree that is a very weird thing to do.
What, liking another man?
If you like someone you get their pronouns right.
Honestly? I don’t think there’s anything you could tell me about him or his ilk that would surprise me anymore. Like, if you said to me that he had literally begun telling people to stuff their anuses with jelly donuts and for them to dip their genitals into piranha-filled waters so they can avoid WiFi signals that will make them only slightly gay, I’d be like “yeah, that tracks.”
Apparently he missed the 80s
I think the whole 80’s gender bending stage has conveniently become a foggy fever dream for most of the MAGA crowd.
Look in what dragged the cat
Now maybe Republicans can understand how it feels to be misgendered? Nah, that would require empathy!
You’d think everyone would’ve caught on by now with so many of them being misidentified as real men.
Watch the clip. If dude’s name had been Bob and not Nicky it wouldn’t have happened.
Still though, your point stands and it’s still one of the funniest, most awkward moments caught on video. :p
deleted by creator
Grab him by the bussy
Still have zero idea who this person is, but that single picture is a biography.
Something about being a popular reggaeton singer…
It’s ILLEGAL to Treat Men as Women! And that Includes Men finding Men ATTRACTIVE! So OBVIOUSLY this is FAKE NEWS and NEVER HAPPENED even though I was There! It was ANTIFA!
when your rich like me you can get hot latin women to blow you. Amazing experience for any super straight guy like me.