Not to defend “them”, but I really do believe that very little of this has anything to do with the fact that she’s a woman. It’s a red versus blue thing, democracy versus fascism. At this point, it doesn’t really matter who runs for president, wrt gender or even race. Trump has attacked her race far more than mentioning anything about her gender. Nonetheless, Trump just sees the dems as “the enemy“, and has convinced all of his cultists to view things in the same terms.
Any other Republican of this current generation would probably attack her on her gender as much as her race, but for some reason, Trump only attacks things he doesn’t understand such as biraciality (biracialness? Biracitude?).
They’ve attacked the fact she’s a childless woman plenty. Like if it mattered for her policies. I doubt they’ll straight up attack her for just being a woman much because they still want the conservative woman vote but they’ll sure as shit attack her for woman things.
Hey, that lady hasn’t had kids. I haven’t had kids, but that’s ok because I’m a man. Fuck that bitch, she doesn’t have kids, she can’t be an american. /s
I think what he is saying is sexism is at play much less than tribalism.
I dont think any sane person can say that sexism is not at play at all.
That’s fair enough. Really it’s a travesty at all that we have to rank what’s being attacked, especially when it has nothing to do with policy.
They’ve attacked her because she doesn’t have any biological children, not because she’s a woman. Although they may be related, the attacks were very specifically against her, not having any biological children.
Because they talk about men not having kids all the time…
They certainly make it as difficult as possible for game to adopt children.
Stop trying to make this simple and black-and-white as they want you to think it is. They’re playing into their bullshit.
Nobody has ever called out a male politician for not having kids. Attacking her for not having kids is literally exclusively about gender.
Nobody has ever called out a male politician for not having kids.
You don’t know that. And if you’re claiming that’s a fact, then prove it.
When you have to invent things just to make your point, you can’t have a very good point.
Prove a negative!
Trump and his reich frequently attack her for being a step mother, accuse her of using sex for professional gain, and call her a cat lady. What the fuck are you talking about?
If you have been suddenly struck with amnesia, I suggest you read my comment again. The answer to your incredibly insulting question is there. If it was so shocking and unacceptable to you that you suffered sudden amnesia as a result of reading my comment, that’s on you.
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Maybe if you complain some more, the world will be exactly the way you want.
The sense of entitlement from you…
You’re awfully belligerent and condescending for someone with nothing to say.
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While I agree that at its heart it’s a red vs blue issue, I’ve seen more than enough explicitly sexist commentary from Trump supporters, most commonly suggesting that Kamala has attained her status via sexual favors rather than years of public service.
Trump supporters
I’ve heard people openly talking about this election being “whether a woman gets to be president or not”.
I think what he is saying is sexism is at play much less than tribalism.
I dont think any sane person can say that sexism is not at play at all.
I’m not disagreeing, just saying sexism is playing a much bigger part than I anticipated.
Were they saying it like it was a good thing or bad thing?
They were saying it the misogynistic way.
I’m sure it has much nuance, but all things being equal. If she were a 45 year old white man, I believe it would be a lot less close.
I believe that a lot of it has to do with her being a non-white woman.
Obviously, something like 30-40% of people had already picked a side and were going to vote either Trump or whoever was not Trump on the other ticket. But, there are still plenty of people in the middle. Given how extreme the US is, the “middle” isn’t reasonable, thoughtful people. They’re all voting for the democrats. It’s racists who don’t think abortion should be banned. It’s sexists who are concerned with corruption. It’s people who are in the alt-right bubble and think that George Soros and Bill Gates are using mosquitoes to infect people with 5G… but who think Trump is a Freemason, so you can’t vote for him.
👍 in my country I’m in the middle, but by US-American standards I’m far left (or more left than the democrats at least).
Pretty much, I used to think Hillary was just THAT unpopular, and that Trump could never win a fair election with someone competent, capable, and without baggage.
I really hope I wasn’t wrong…
They are new to politics, and are using the only model they find applicable:
Sports spectating, ala pro-wrestling or college football.
To add to that, calling them sexist further entrenches them. A big part of that movement is a reaction to being called sexist, racist, etc… All you’re doing is playing into their own propaganda. That’s why the “weird” moniker was so much more effective.
Hey, we don’t know they’re sexist. Perhaps they’re racist.
Lil Column “A”, Lil Column “B”
Bigoted fits.
Lil Column 5
Por que no los dos.
is there supposed to be a “no” in that sentence or did i imagine that?
Yeah, I made it a sarcastic statement but it’s still broken without no.
Obama had to be polite, intelligent, and well-spoke, or else he’d be considered too “hood” for the White House, Trump has had no such requirement.
If Obama or Harris had shown up with their five kids from three different marriages, it would be the ultimate proof that the “Lessers are breeding like crazy!” and they would be condemned by the bigots on Right and the “I’m not racist, but…” on the Left|
When Trump did it, he was just seen as a family man.
-Hosts dinner
-Cold shitty McDonald’s
I would’ve ordered some pizza and left that bullshit
Yeah! How dare you! /s
At the level orangie is polling, sexist would be generous. A flaming dumpster fire probably more accurate.
Chalk it up to Citizens United and corporate media - the partnership to end democracy.
bold of you to assume they don’t love him because he attempted a coup on live tv
I just want universal healthcare FOR FUCKS SAKE
Was he actually convicted of that though?
It wasn’t a criminal proceeding, but he was found at fault or whatever the civil court equivalent is
The civil court equivalent is being adjudged liable.
My experience whit those folks is that you can’t extrapolate observations to make conclusions about the past.
So basically they throw away any inductive reasoning that would be detrimental to their pet belief.
Only a civil case, not a criminal conviction.
It means a judge found that enough evidence existed to conclude he more likely than not raped as opposed to beyond a shadow of a doubt same standard of proof as If I did it OJ
She’s doing better than the old white man who’s been politically powerful for half a century…
The thing is we could have ran AOC and shed have pissed off exactly as many conservatives, but gotten a whole lot more moderate support and taken votes from Stein
The biggest problems with Kamala Harris are her policies
The biggest problems with Kamala Harris are her policies
She’s getting my vote in 2024, but I’m not buying the “hold your nose to save democracy” line again in 2028. This sprint to the right she’s pulled in recent months better be to get in the door.
As Vice President Kamala Harris makes a broad play to the political center, some Democrats worry that she is going too far in her bid to win over moderates who are skeptical of former President Donald J. Trump. In private — and increasingly in public as Election Day fast approaches — they say she risks chilling Democratic enthusiasm by alienating progressives and working-class voters.
Damn right she risks it.
From the same article:
She has centered her economic platform on middle-class issues like small businesses and entrepreneurship rather than raising the minimum wage, a deeply held goal of many Democrats that polls well across the board. She has taken a harder-line stance on the border than has any member of her party in a generation and has talked more prominently about owning a Glock than about combating climate change. She has not broken from President Biden on the war Israel is waging in Gaza.
Edit - wow that’s a good article. It says everything that needs to be said.
“The tent is big enough for a guy who got us into a war with Iraq, and then the tent is not big enough for a Palestinian to speak for two minutes on the D.N.C. stage,” said Ms. Joshi, contrasting the endorsement of Ms. Harris by Ms. Cheney’s father, former Vice President Dick Cheney, with the Democratic Party’s decision not to invite a Palestinian American to speak at its national convention.
What if Donald Trump ran for president in 2028? The powers that be can keep this going since its a win-win. Vote for establishment Democrats who are leaning more right or vote for a fascist who will move the needle overnight.
What if Donald Trump ran for president in 2028?
He won’t be. They can barely prop him up now. He’s in worse shape than Biden, and frankly I think he was in worse shape than Biden when Biden dropped out.
I’m not convinced he’ll be able to keep his body alive until 2028, if all (or even most of) the stories about how he treats it are true.
Anyhow, my sentence you are primarily responding to should have been this:
She’s getting my vote in 2024, but I’m not buying the “hold your nose to save democracy” line again in 2028 by itself.
If the net effect of a Kamala first term is to pull the party to the right (as is currently tracking) then no, I’ll be one of the people getting yelled at online for refusing to give her my vote for a second term. That’s an outcome she is entirely capable of avoiding.
She is not competent at all.
She passed the bar exam which is known for being an incredibly difficult exam. And defended victims (including sexual assault) by herself in courts for years.
The Don on the other hand boasted you need to be quite smart to win golf championships and didn’t realize you can’t inject the same stuff you disinfect with to cure COVID (which is common sense).
His own ex staff calls him dangerous and stupid including Mike Pence. Kamala has the support of her staff and a huge amount of Donald’s too.
The only one calling Kamala stupid is Trump…
Wouldn’t you want someone who has comprehensive knowledge of the law running the country, instead of a rapist who is leaking classified documents to everyone he can?
Well she’s not a competent con artist, but that’s not what it’s supposed to be about.
You say that as if you would claim that Mr Trump is competent, despite his (presumably age related) mental problems and his complete lack of ability in doing politics
Less how sexist ð country as a whole is and more how sexist ð battleground states are.
If it was even just FPTP popular vote, Hariss would be projected for a landslide right now.
Can you explain why you’re just, casually using eths in your post
'cause I feel like it
Theres a yutube called robwords who sells this tshirt
Funny þing, I actually have a whole revised system of writing, which I don’t use online mostly just because people wouldn’t be able to read it wiðout learning it ðemselves, and it only has ð letter Q in it because Robwords’ letter Kwak (which I call Kwik) isn’t in Unicode. Nor would be my preferred alternative of a similar letter but using Ƿ and ƿ instead of W and w wið ð k.
Just so you know, people skip over your posts because of the way you’re writing them.
Most people don’t expect reading forum posts to be a challenge.
The deck is stacked. But when you talk about leveling the playing field - with DC statehood or repel of felony disenfranchisement or just prosecuting a cunt like Elon when he’s caught buying votes in an election - liberals just shrug and insist there’s nothing they can do.
Pure controlled opposition. You begin to question whether they even want to win.
I don’t know why you’re being down voted. Democrat opposition being weak and ineffective is such a recognized fact that it has a name: the ratchet system.
So libs are really just dropping all lip service to criminal justice reform now.
Nah, we’re just not voting for a fascist for president but I can see how that’s confusing when you drop all morals for selfishness.
Glad to hear you’re voting third party!
Not as long as federal elections tallied with FPTP
Then you’re voting for a genocidal fascist.
No, Trump is the fascist. And a weirdo that no one likes.
Vote for Kamala because she wants a ceasefire. Trump wants Israel to finish what it started.
Israel doesn’t want a ceasefire, which is the only reason why a ceasefire won’t happen. It has nothing to do with a political party and everything to do with whether a government has any obligation to diplomacy or democracy.
Even though Israel is controlled by fascists currently, the US and the international community have a lot of leverage to use against them. We should use it. But under Trump we definitely won’t.
Kamala doesn’t really want a ceasefire, that’s 100% bullshit, since she vowed to keep arming and funding the terrorist state of Isreal.
We only vote for her because the genocidal zionist is somehow the lesser evil in this fucked up clown show we call America. She, and especially her husband, are zionists to the core.
Kamala: fascist, will continue funding genocide and maintain the status quo of the class war we are losing
Trump: fascist, will continue funding genocide, become dictator, will plunder and obliterate what’s left of western civilization while he’s at it.
Picking the poison that’s least likely to kill us all and send firing squads to exterminate protesters.
Let’s not polish this massive turd we’ve been handed. Both administrations have been funding genocide for the last 75 years, and they’re not going to stop, since they need to keep fueling the military industrial complex to prop up the petro dollar and stave off the inevitable complete economic and societal collapse we face because of the crooks in power who broke the economy and bled peasants dry over the last century.
1 realistically depressed and disgusted vote for Harris here. Rant over.
Kamala is a neoliberal while Trump is a self-identified fascist. This user put it best. Kamala has in fact stated she wants a ceasefire.
She’s taken a stance, multiple times. The left doesn’t want to hear it.
March -
July -
Well hello there 1 month old obvious hexbear alt
Yeah cuz hexbear is the only place on the internet where you’ll find this opinion /s
Hur dur RaGeBaiT iS fUn
I believe very strongly that there is a criminal who needs to be reformed by the justice system.
Strangely, he’s allowed to run for president anyway.
Most competent and qualified genocider #girlboss 💕. Her form of genocide is much more elegant than her opponent’s.
Cool so I assume you’re voting for Harris then? She obviously is the candidate who would cause less harm to the people of Gaza and Palestinians in general.
So it’d be pretty dumb to say something like that and then not try to do what you can as an individual to help (by voting for Harris).
You assume correctly! Like you, I am simp-pathetic to upholding the genocidal status quo.
It’d be pretty dumb not to blame anyone except those that nominated Harris, the best and only possible candidate to beat Trump.
It would be outright dimwitted to believe any other course of action exists besides voting to show one’s undying loyalty to career politicians who uphold the beautiful and completely non-toxic American status quo.
Feel free to take a break from the endless sarcasm and let us know what course of action you think people should be taking and what would get them to take it.
Circling back to the content of this post, which supposes that Harris has no faults, I suggest and support critical thinking.
This meme comes from a narrow frame of mind that imagines great differences between foreign policy (where none actually exist) between “sides” and mindlessly upholds a corrupt two party doctrine.
The idea that democrats are entitled to certain votes emboldened Biden to proclaim African Americans aren’t “black”.
Take a break from mindlessly accepting a toxic status quo. Stop showing establishment Dems that they are entitled to votes no matter how far right they are on policy.
This is what I asked you:
Feel free to take a break from the endless sarcasm and let us know what course of action you think people should be taking and what would get them to take it.
You have answered neither of those things. You just told me how you expected people to think. That was not the question. You brought up actions earlier, not thoughts.
You don’t actually have any actions for people to take, do you?
You demand hand holding and spoon feeding.
You would never be a useful ally, but I’m sure you will serve the status quo establishment well.
You are correct. Contrarianism does not require allies.
Allies are needed for people who have plans of action, something you lack.
Firat of all, your claim that the original post says that Harris is perfect/faultless, is obviously false. The original post does not make that claim, it doesn’t even imply it. So that’s a strawman.
Second, your tone of communication strongly indicates a contrarian “holier-than-though” mindset that is typical for teenagers but also people who never grow out of mental self-indulgence. The lack of any sort of substantive argumentation doesn’t help your case either.
The original post doesn’t idealistically describe Harris??
Your patronizing tone of hypocrisy speaks to an un-loved childhood.
Your inability to recognize a substantive argument is both a personal failing and a projection of your own “contribution” to this discussion.
Obviously people are thinking a lot harder than you. Why do you think you are the first person to realize that the democratic left is actually the rest of the world’s far right? Everyone figured that out when they were fucking twelve, so stop believing you are some enlightened philosophical or some shit.
While we here, everyone else has also already realized that third party votes accomplish nothing in the current state of politics. Throw your vote wherever you want, but no party besides rep and dem is getting an electoral so thanks for wasting it. Unless we are all willing to get up, and force the hand of change, that is the reality we all have to live in. Well maybe if you caught up with everyone else you would know that.
No one should argue for change unless it’s popular to do so.
Wow, so this has been the basis of human progress so far?
Anyone who participates in society would be a hypocrite to make such criticisms right?
Strange how you only complain about her regarding this issue, when drump would 1000 time worse for the Palestinians.
“Her form of genocide is much more elegant than her opponent’s.” I’m not sure where you’re getting that?
Strange how a woman could complain about her abusive partner, when there exists another man who is “1000 times” more abusive. What a selfish and dumb woman.
Have you heard of FPTP
The famously least democratic voting system? I am aware.
First Past the Post (FPTP) is widely regarded as a minimally democratic system. Here are some key reasons:
Lack of Proportionality: FPTP fails to accurately represent the popular vote, often resulting in a mismatch between the number of seats won and the percentage of votes received. This leads to a concentration of power among the largest parties, marginalizing smaller parties and independent candidates. Wasted Votes: In FPTP systems, many votes are wasted as they do not contribute to the outcome of the election. In the 2024 UK general election, for example, 74% of votes were wasted, meaning that only one in four votes had a decisive impact. Tactical Voting: FPTP encourages strategic voting, where voters choose a candidate not because they genuinely support them, but because they think they have a better chance of winning. This undermines the principle of democratic choice and leads to a lack of accountability among elected representatives. Limited Representation: FPTP systems often result in a small number of dominant parties, limiting the representation of diverse voices and perspectives. This can exacerbate existing social and economic inequalities. Comparative Ranking: According to the Citizen Network’s Global Ranking of Electoral Systems, FPTP is not used by most countries, and even among those that do use it, it is often criticized for its limitations. Many countries have adopted more democratic alternatives, such as Proportional Representation (PR) systems.
In conclusion, while FPTP may seem simple and intuitive, it is widely regarded as a least democratic system due to its lack of proportionality, wasted votes, tactical voting, limited representation, and comparative ranking among electoral systems.
Obviously you don’t seem to understand that it means that either bad is winning or way way worse is winning.
Your idea of “winning” is maintaining a status quo of state sponsored genocide with exponentially growing homelessnes.
Those that suffer the most in America will barely register a difference in their lives either way. Meanwhile you pretend a major distinction exists in a corporate duopoly.
Winning the election obviously 🤦
I didnt infer that and you know it. Strange how you don’t post anything else about being pro-Palestine or raise any other of the myriad of issues they are facing.
So the only valid criticisms can come from whoever passes your vaguely defined litmus test of “posting about being pro-Palestine”?
I hope people like you are the first people put in the camps if the other one wins because of you.
Imagine hoping for people you disagree with to “be put in camps” while thinking you’re different and better than fascists.
I hope people like you are the first people put in the camps
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Good to know the military has failed to screen out individuals who support concentration camps.
Enjoy what little time you still have before the election.
You sound like a threat to others.
You sound like a potentially radicalized domestic terrorist and an agent of America’s adversaries acting against our national interests, and a threat to national security. Your rhetoric and concepts are indicative of potential compromise by FSB and CCP psychological operations, something which may concern the Federal Bureau of Investigation (if American) or the Central Intelligence Agency (if a foreign national).
Go ahead and make a report to the CIA that someone criticized your “dear leader” you cult Kool aid drinker.
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Clearly, you’d prefer someone who would attack his own nation’s people. Because obviously, that’s preferable. /s
Attacking friendlies is bad, except when Israel does it?
reported Israeli military attacks against US military and UN peacekeepers:
October 11, 2024: Israeli military fired on UN peacekeepers in southern Lebanon, injuring two Sri Lankan soldiers and one Indonesian soldier. The Israeli military acknowledged responsibility for the incident. October 10, 2024: Israeli military fired on UN peacekeepers in southern Lebanon, injuring two members of the peacekeeping force. The UNIFIL (United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon) reported that Israeli tanks had deliberately fired at and disabled monitoring cameras prior to the attack. October 11, 2024: Israeli military struck a UN peacekeeper position in southern Lebanon, wounding two peacekeepers. The UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres condemned the attack, calling it a “grave violation of international humanitarian law.” October 13, 2024: Israeli tanks forced entry into a UNIFIL position in southern Lebanon, according to the UN. The UNIFIL reported that Israeli forces had destroyed the position’s main gate and forcibly entered the position. October 14, 2024: Israeli military attacked a Christian town in northern Lebanon, killing at least 21 people, including civilians and UN peacekeepers. The UN Secretary-General condemned the attack, calling it a “grave violation of international humanitarian law.”
Are you, though?
What’s your awareness level on toxic positivity and the childlike assumption that life must be enjoyable at all times?
I think you’ve disabused all of us of the latter notion.
It is not a scandal but SF … the place she left with no scandals … is a husk of its former self with billionaires calling for “grey shirts” to murder the homeless because the police don’t do it enough.
That is the long term social reality of what Harris and the CA governor did in SF.
She left the office of SF DA in 2011.
She left the office of CA AG in 2017.
Explain to me how she caused the problems the city is facing today. There are significant levels of crime, poverty, homeless and substance abuse going on in all major US cities, including red states. Do you also blame TX governor Greg Abbott and TX AG Ken Paxton for the elevated levels of crime, substance abuse, and homelessness Austin TX has been facing in recent years?
Yeah, that’s like blaming Obama for the country’s rise in more visible and more obvious racism. Just because something happened when someone was in charge doesn’t mean that they caused it.
This screams of someone from a small town who went to SF on vacation and saw some icky homeless people and went home aghast and needed someone to blame it on.
No, the douchebag techbros would have done all that anyway.
I went to SF looking for hippies and found the world’s largest open-plan office. It’s so gross.