Are people on the left saying this?
The 2 things I’ve really not liked about biden is he
Continued trump era boarder policies significantly harming refugees.
Has doggedly supported israel in their current genocide campaign.
Other wise his admin has ranged from pretty good to business as usual. 1000% better than trump, but also with some glaring problems.
Are people on the left saying this?
A few. A small, but very loud group online. They’re larger on the Fediverse than most places.
They’re called “Blue MAGA”.
Usually, that’s the accusation leveled towards “Vote Blue no matter who” types, not the far-left types who deny that Democrats have ever done anything that has improved anyone’s life.
Oh, I meant the people saying all the stuff that SpongeBob is showing Patrick.
Blue MAGA are vociferous that Biden is the second coming of Jesus Christ.
I have never, ever come across this person, but I will totally vote blue no matter who when the opposition is today’s average Republican
And that’s why they’ll never change
2 is huge, but you forgot that he busted the railroad union which directly led to ohio burning down
I’m no fan of Biden (though I did and will vote for him) but that’s not what happened. He did not bust the unions, the 12 unions still exist. He broke a strike, which is the intended purpose of the Railway Labor Act of 1926.
The law he put before congress to force a resolution to the three year negotiation deadlock would have guaranteed the workers 7 days of sick leave per year (they wanted 15). It passed the House but the Senate knocked it down to 1 day, with a 14% immediate pay increase and an additional 25% over the next five years.
Biden continued negotiate for the unions to get the sick days. They don’t all have them yet, but at this point 61% of the workers do have 4 short notice paid sick days with the option to trade three personal days for an additional 3 short notice sick days. Negotiations are still happening, the Biden administration is still part of them.
The Ohio derailment disaster was not a result of worker error (or lack of sick days) but lack of maintenance regulations, which was not something that was being negotiated at that time.
Beau of the Fifth Column, Let’s Talk About Biden, the Rails and Sick days… Youtube link
I just thought union busting was something of a proud American tradition.
It’s true, we bust unions like their kneecaps were full of oil.
[I got a bot to automatically delete all my comments over 1 month old so you can’t see this comment anymore]
Not just that. The reason it’s historic is that we have an historic amount of illegal immigration.
Illegal immigration because you have defined it to be illegal due to xenophobe sentiment.
Miss me with that shit - I’m an open borders guy.
Let me guess: Open for legal immigration?
“Stopped second Cold War and arguably saved democracy in Europe”
Let’s not get ahead of ourselves on either count.
He’s actually done the exact opposite when he directly refused to supply Ukraine with long range missiles early in the conflict, when they had the manpower and logistics to attack Russia directly. But instead he doomed Ukraine to a war of attrition what they can’t possibly hope to win without a serious import of soldiers (which isn’t happening). Biden handed Ukraine to Russia.
hindsight is 20-20, and even then i’m not sure that would have been the right choice
back then we there were a lot of people legitimately very worried that russia would use nukes if they felt “cheated”… international diplomacy is a tricky shit show of a game. who knows what would have happened
Enemy boots on your land is the only time I can think to legitimately use a nuclear weapon
Does Russia have a history of acting only under responsible and legitimate circumstances?
Never implied they did.
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Criticise Biden all you want. Just recognize despite your criticism, he is a better option than Trump in every way (and no, there is no third option).
this like saying eating shit is a better option than starving. One is just slower, but it’s still going to kill you.
Are you right that biden is better than trump? yes. Are you wrong in that, that is an argument for Biden? absolutely fucking wrong. that is an argument for-not-trump… of which there are hundreds of millions of people in the US that are both not-trump and eligible to president. there are at least “50 other democrats”, per Your-Dear-Leader-Himself that can absolutely beat trump.
the question isn’t if Biden is better than trump- we’re still in the primaries. The question is, is Biden the best possible democrat candidate. to which that’s an emphatic “Lol, no.”
the question isn’t if Biden is better than trump- we’re still in the primaries. The question is, is Biden the best possible democrat candidate. to which that’s an emphatic “Lol, no.”
Is he the Democrat candidate with the best chance of beating Trump, is the important question.
Regarding the importance of name recognition and the low-information status of most of the electorate, that is a ‘sadly, yes’ moment.
I mean so who’s better than biden at this stage? I wish there was but I can’t think of anyone
then that is a failure of your imagination.
There are numerous options, any one of which- with Biden’s support- prove to be a far more popular and viable candidate. or did you think “Blue no matter who” only applies to centrists? Warren, Klobechar, AOC, Buttigieg, Even bernie, Phillips. Newsom. Probably, any candidate more progressive than a stick in the mud would have a better chance than Biden winning.
We could have had Bernie but the dems didn’t want some one too progressive as president.
If these are the only two options in our current system
1.) god help us
2.) let’s tear down the system
Unless class conciousness forms in America tearing the system down would result in a mad max hell scape and probably the end of of the human race because of the acceleration to climate change.
They don’t care. The Great Satan would be dead. That’s all that matters to them.
It’s the only two options in the system because the American people are not as left-wing as your average fucking Lemmy user.
God help us
Yeah. God help us. But tearing down the system, while temporarily satisfying as millions die, will not be the solution we want it to be. What emerges will have the exact same problem as long as it is democratic and the American electorate is not changed.
Even as someone far more right than the average lemmy user, an 80 year old and an almost 80 year old being the only two options is absurd.
Absurd, yes, but an absurdity that is endorsed, unfortunately, by the voters.
Not really.
Yes, really. Fuck’s sake. What, you think Trump is using his entire net worth of negative 500 million to bribe a massive group of actors sworn to secrecy and change all the GOP primary outcomes in his favor?
You don’t have to like it. It’s the reality right now though.
You probably shouldn’t open with unemployment rate to “prove” that a president did something since they have nothing to do with that. Also, great job both sidesing the far left and far right, oh enlightened centrist.
More jobs than ever guys! Biden fixed the economy!!! And the Housing crisis. And student loans!
Question: If I don’t think he’s the absolute perfect being (as many on the far right view Trump) does that make me a far left nutjob? Does critiquing him make me an extremist? Is me saying he could and should have done more saying he did nothing significant in office?
The problem is you’re making it a black and white issue. The only people who that are those far-flung nutjobs you critique.
You do know that it’s the people demanding and fighting for those things right? Biden only did the minimum while ignoring the peoples actual needs. He answers to his sponsors and his sponsors only. He spent billions on Ukraine and Israel while ignoring the millions of Americans who are worse off now than they were 4-8 years ago. No one is denying what he did. We’re saying it wasn’t enough.
Let the fall of the American empire begin
Fuck off fascist Zionist. From the river to the sea!
No communist thinks modern day Russia is communist. Your being disingenuous and I bet you would rather allow liberal fascism on her than socialist views you disagree with. Typical liberal censoring communism because it challenges uour brainwashed reality.
This you?
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Yep, all of that is me. I don’t post things I’m not willing to stand by.
The worldnews ban is odd though. I don’t remember trying to evade any ban (and I wasn’t aware that I was banned to begin with)
If so, very based of them.
“Genocide against Palestinians bad. Genocide against Israelis BASED!” - Tankie shitheads
Hol up, where in your quotes did they mention genocide against Israelis? Supporting the end of Palestinian genocide and apartheid isn’t calling for genocide of Israelis.
From the river to the sea!
“From the river to the sea!” is a slogan used by both Israelis and Palestinians in support of ethnonationalist aims at exterminating the other from the Levant.
Liberating Palestine in no way means Israelites gets genocided they simply become Palestinians, dumbass.
Someone hasn’t been paying attention to the demands of Palestinian nationalists. Or, for that matter, the bootlicking support of some Western leftists for the ethnic cleansing of the ‘settler’ population of Israel (used explicitly in reference to all of Israel, not the illegal settlements in the West Bank)
This is true
That tankies say that? Or that genocide is only bad when done on the Wrong People™?
It’s only genocide if it’s against members of a race. I have nothing against the Jewish community, but the world would be better off without the nation of Israel
It’s only genocide if it’s against members of a race. I have nothing against the Jewish community, but the world would be better off without the nation of Israel
I wish I was surprised at support for genocide on here. I really wish I was.
You’re a fucking moron. It’d be funny if it weren’t dangerous.
I fail to see the issue
Clearly not good faith, since “the fall of the American empire” is the commenter’s goal and not ‘doing enough’ for the American people.
‘Liberal fascism’ is a term used by tankie shitheads who think that democracy and autocracy are the same thing.
EO 14074 only applies to federal LEOs. Which is a very small percentage of the US police force. Definitely not “All police dept’s [sic]”.
Just because it’s in a spongebob meme doesn’t make it true.
I laughed when I read that. No knock warrants happen all the time.
Whats the world coming to when I can’t get my reliable news from a sponge bob meme?
The amount of half truths in this meme is hilarious.
Don’t forget:
🎶 Private property’s inherently theft And neoliberal fascists are destroying the left And every politician, every cop on the street Protects the interests of the pedophilic corporate elite 🎶
Poe’s law peaking.
Private property’s inherently theft
you okay, buddy?
every cop on the street Protects the interests of the pedophilic corporate elite
seriously, who hurt you?
It’s just from a comedy song, but it’s always funny to see people more concerned about people mentioning pedophiles in power than they are the pedophiles in power. 🤷
I don’t even know where to start with this one. You just expect me to take his Comment as a Fact?
That one guy on Lemmy said there are pedophiles in power, so i have to believe him and start worrying about it?
It’s much more likely he’s delusional, paranoid, fell for Propaganda or something else.
So Yeah, i worry about them the same way i worry about the people talking about how Vaccines cause Autism or how lizard-people control the world and not about the things they’re alleging.
There’s nowhere to start.
Someone posted song lyrics, you took it entirely too seriously, and now you’re doing the same thing with this other person.
Is unemployment actually down, or is this just like number fudging from folks who work 3 part time jobs?
There’s a LOT more homeless people than I remember ever seeing before.
“saved democracy in Europe”? i’d argue democracy works better here than in the US of A, and certainly not due to any US president
Hmm… My life hasn’t improved.
Not that those who need to read them will, but I’m just going to leave these here:
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One of the panels literally says Executive Order #…
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You have valid complaints here, none of which were originally stated. You said:
Brainwash bullshit, yikes. Even if these things were true it was congress that passes laws and enacts legislation and not the president dictating this shit.
All I was trying to do was point out that this statement is blatantly false with evidence from the original meme.
I agree with most of your sentiment, EOs are not long term solutions. You can’t say that the president is not responsible for them though.
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