How are people supposed to tell these states apart when 99% of them look like a 3 year old’s first attempt at drawing a square?
Pretty easy when you grow up learning a thing
Really? Have you learned about German states at school?
USians downvoting, what a surprise 😂
Nope, but I think there may be Bavaria, Westfalia, Saxony? Can’t think of any others at the moment but I assume there are a couple more.
It’s a bit trickier, since Germany was still divided when I was in grade school.
Yea, there are 13 more
Ok, some of those must be around county sized for the US.
Many of states of the United States (especially outside the 13 colonies) are bigger than most of Europe’s countries. Which is really a better comparison to memorizing the states.
The Saarland, Berlin, Hamburg and Bremen are smaller than the average county, but especially the latter three have a bit of a special status because they’re essentially just cities.
The next-smallest one, Schleswig-Holstein, is more than 5 times larger than the average county. Bavaria, the largest one is more than 24 times as large as the average county.
I take the average here, because some US counties are absurdly large. The largest proper county, San Bernardino, is larger than 4 states combined.
The median county size btw is 5 times smaller than the average size. Only Bremen is still smaller than that.
It’s weird, Australian schools didn’t teach them either… does the rest of the world exist, perhaps?
I would be careful telling them that. If you also add that a vast majority of the world use metric system, their heads may explode…
How are you supposed to tell European countries apart when 99% of them look like amorphous blobs?
You don’t have to, just know that we are united by our common hate for The French™
And we also don’t shorten all of our countries expecting people to know what we meant.
Only some we dont shorten
Is it true that no one hates the French quite like the French?
A brief summary of the history of Europe.
First thete were the Italians but back then they weren’t called the Italians, back then the were called Roman Empire because it sounded cooler. They set out to conquer the whole world, not knowing that this would also include the small tiny tiny provide of ALL OF CHINA, and India, and Persia. But they came pretty far into Europe’s mainland. But then the were like “It’s to biggus, we can’t governus all thatus, let’s justus leavus.” And then for like 5 minutes everybody could develope their own culture - surprisingly even Britain, but their culture was mostly throwing rocks at Scotts and building boats to escape their women.
So while everybody was cooking, the Spanish decided it would be cool to fall of the edge of the earth, but to everybodies disappointment they just discovered America instead, which was a little less cool because they hoped to stop at India but GPS hadn’t been invented yet.
Then 50 million people died because of the plague.
Anyway, the Jews survived because not only did they have soap, but contrary to The French™ they actually used it too (this will be important later).
So Jews were suddenly everywhere, and the catholic church didn’t like that. Luckily the catholic church got nerfed into the evangelical church because they offline farmed XP during the crusades and gotten to OP.
So while everybody was busy swimming to America to find out what all the fuzz is about, The French™ decided to conquer Europe but this time with more sass. But then they got too sassy and a bunch of students killed all the rich guys on a mountain. But then they themselves themselves became the rich guys on the mountain. I know shocker.
Then Germany was like “Why are we just like 20 small countries in a trenchcoat instead of being an actual kingdom, yo Austria you in?” And Austria was like “No, fuck you, here take this random painter dude, but carefull, he’s wierdo.”
Then some prince guy was chilling a little bit to conformably outside 6th street, and a Serbian dude was like “He he, don’t mind if I do.” and 360 noscoped him (but only on the 3rd try tho, he had really bad RNG). And then Germany was like “That’s a neat trick, but check this out.” And then 17 Million people died.
After everybody ran out of food and ammo, the weird Austrian painter guy was like “Man all those Jews with their soap, what if we just turn them into soap, hehe”. AND he was salty because he got gassed big time in the first war so he wanted to gas someone back. Then he proceeded to scream “ROUND 2 BABY” and then 80 Million people died.
Afterwards America, the British and Moscow were like “That’s it Germany, 1 was pushing it, but 2 is enough, you don’t get to be a country any more”. Weirdly even The French™ had a say in this even tho they lost their whole country in the pre-game.
But Japan was like “We wirru neveru surrenderu.” but made the mistake to attack Americas boats (they really love their boats). So America decided to drop 2 Suns on them and then they were finally like “OK, we surrenderu”. And that’s how anime got invented.
America had its Emo phase and decided to hurt itself by dropping 2000 Suns on Nevada (which explains a lot) and some Islands. Japan thinks that we made a giant lizard they call Gojira, but nobody tell them that we just made that up.
Moscows Nevada was Kazakhstan and they also dropped 2000 suns there until they almost lit the atmosphere on fire on some Island because they laced their scientists coffee with vodka.
Meanwhile in Ukraine a nuclear reactor exploded, and soap wouldn’t cut it this time. So while Russia were fixing that they ran out if money to fix the cracks in the wall that divided Germany so a bunch of hippies could just break it down with their bare hands. So Germany could finally be a country again. Everybody was skeptic at first until they started making cars and then everybody just couldn’t stay mad at them anymore.
Moscow in the meantime was like “Everybody for themselves” and broke the USSR up into a bunch of countries that all look and sound the same but are irrational angry with each other.
The US and Britain then said to Russia “OK we will not station our Suns right at your doorstep in Ukraine if you stop eyeballin in for like 5 seconds.” And Russia said “OK, hehe”.
Then Russia was still like “Is for me ///” and took a big chunk of the Ukraine making it look weirdly unsymmetrical on the map. Strangely everybody was kind of Ok with that.
Then the British got divorced from the EU and can only see France and Germany on weekends.
Russia then tried to go for doubles and take the whole Ukraine, but this time everybody went “Nuh uh”, ordered a bunch of toy drones from Temu, superglued some grenades to them and showed them that “War really has Changed”. So this has been going on for like 3 years now.
And this is exactly why we hate The French™
Also somehow the Nazis have returned.
this was more educational than my anything my school has ever taught
Thank you for turning my shitty sleep deprived joke into something that contributed to the conversation, you’re a real one.
Lemmy needs a “best of” archive.
You forgot about the ancient Greece
Yes between the fall of Rome and the discovery of the New World nothing happened. Europe was just very demure, very mindful
This all we need to know lmao, thanks
Italy looks like a boot. Finland is a woman waving. Sweden and Norway are a cock-
(but seriously, tbf, I get your point, context and learning to memorize the shapes and locations is a big part of it)
And the Netherlands is a little guy flexing his arm
I’ve been told that Iran is supposed to look like a cat but I just don’t see it.
I could tell you that’s Alabama but my problem is I would have no idea that face was supposed to mean something, it looks like a blank stare to me
It could also be a look of slight surprise, like “really? That’s the excuse you’re going with?” But in context it’s definitely supposed to be sensual.
Her face reads as anything from listening to me explain the original 151 pokemon to sitting on a bus thinking about what to make for dinner
to be fair to georgia, the bottom is shaped like that because of a river, I assume thats the case for AL as well
I was under the impression a lot of states use rivers or water ways as state lines. Guessing it was that way as it was easiest before gps.
Each state had to agree on the boundaries, and as with all of human history they were quite possessive and possibly greedy. Thats why in the middle of the Mojave Desert the lines are all clean and uniform: nobody was willing to fight over the middle of the Mojave Desert.
EDIT: Also it caused a lot of disputes when rivers were nobody’s territory as they were a major mode of transportation and people on the river or crossing the river would end up being harassed by landowners on either side as if they owned the river.
I like how that one state has a thin slice that stops Texas from touching the two above it.
That’s Oklahoma and everyone in Texas hates it. Anyone who says otherwise is an escaped Oklahoman and the authorities need to be alerted so they can be returned to their isolation
Really, that’s just OK taking one for the team. We should encourage their policy of Texas Isolation until they are the only bordering state.
It’s because if Texas claimed territory above where the northern border currently is, they wouldn’t have been allowed to join the Union as a slave state.
The old Oklahoma hug.
Eh a lot of States are shaped by successive land aquisitions. They are territories then the state borders were defined upon statehood. These aquisitions by conquering or purchase happened over many decades. The national border of the time being adopted as a state border. This were often based on geographical details. After the Louisiana purchase there was a ton of land and it made sense to use a mixture of big squares and pre-existing territory borders. Though big landmarks like the Columbia/Mississippi rivers or mountain ranges play a role.
Though there’s lots of politics involved but there’s skates Wikipedia.
Learn something new every day
Most US states are the size of EU countries. We don’t know the “states” of EU countries because those are like counties in our states, and most people barely know all of their own state’s counties because there are too many.
Empty landmass isn’t the only important thing.
I.e. Florida, the third most populous US state (21M), is about half the size of the whole of Germany.
But Germany’s most populous state (North Rhine - Westphalia / NRW) has a pop of 18M.
It’s waaaaay smaller, but the n of inhabitants is comparable.
To the point: I don’t think , it’s necessary to know the names of foreign states. But it’s good to know roughly what’s going on in the world. It is no secret, that US Americans are exceptionally caught in their own bubble.
Or, for another perspective: In terms of population, Ohio and Belgium are pretty much equal, but in terms of area, the former is 4x as large.
Yes, countries are generally too big.
Most euros have no goddamn idea just how huge the US actually is.
Q: Why don’t Americans travel abroad? A: That’s a 12+ hour flight I can’t afford to go somewhere I don’t speak the language. I barely live paycheck to paycheck if I’m lucky.
Q: Why don’t Americans speak other languages? A: I can drive for up to and over 1,000 miles in almost any direction and everybody still speaks English. The exception is most of Mexico. And some of Quebec, but that’s because some of them are just assholes.
Q: Is America really that big? A: All of Europe could fit inside the continental 48 states alone, with room left over for desert. We have literally every biome here, more vacation options than you could fit into a human lifetime of just visiting them all, and we import all the best stuff from everywhere else. There’s no practical reason to leave the country, and we don’t have to mess with border crossings in-country. Until recent years we didn’t need passports at all, in country. Now the TSA demands them (or the Real ID equivalent) for some security theater political bullshit reason, but that’s flying domestically only.
Most euros have no goddamn idea just how huge the US actually is.
We do, because Americans never stop bleating on about it.
And you still don’t get it.
deleted by creator
Calling people who don’t speak English assholes, and then whining about being labeled close-minded.
And some of Quebec, but that’s because some of them are just assholes.
It’s not just some of Québec that speaks french, it’s most of it. Our only official language is french. Sorry if it inconveniences you that other countries have their own culture.
We have literally every biome here, more vacation options than you could fit into a human lifetime of just visiting them all
Americans just don’t have enough vacation days; Europeans might be able to manage it.
We have vacation days?
I think they are talking about the four unpaid sick days some people choose to use for vacation. /S
“all of Europe could fit inside the 48 continental states alone” - are you sure about that, fam?
Maybe if you had a clue about what is going on outside of your country you would want to leave it, but alas, you don’t.
All of Europe can actually fit inside of Texas. Three times, even. Little known fact. You can even also fit Russia there, although there might be a little bit sticking out.
Several Texas people told me this, so it might be true.
“all of Europe could fit inside the 48 continental states alone” - are you sure about that, fam?
Not far off.
The continuous US states are 8,080,460 square kilometres.
Europe is 10,186,000 square kilometres.
I am not sure if maths has reached north america yet, but saying that “Europe can fit in the continuous us states with room to spare” does not increase the percieved intelligence of the average american.
Europe is actually bigger than the entirety of the US, including alaska and overseas territories, but who cares about facts, right? If you can manufacture ridiculous reasons to feel better than others, who needs them?
In what world is that “not far off”?
The continuous US states are 8,080,460 square kilometres.
Europe is 10,186,000 square kilometres.
In what world is that “not far off”?
Given that Australia (7,688,287 square km) became part of Europe in 2015, yes, pretty damned far off.
Yeah, if you exclude all the bits that don’t fit, everything else fit
Doesn’t matter. Just take the piss the same.
Les Cousins Dangereux
I like the way they think…
The thing that bugged me is that at the end of Season 3, they were legally married. This never got resolved in season 4.
If it got resolved in season 5, I didn’t watch it.
People in Alabama don’t look as refined as this. They look like you’d expect orange-man cultists would look. Sorry Alabamans.
That may be because the girl pictured is Italian model/ influencer Gio Scotti, who is in fact not Alabaman.
How you know?
Cuz of Roman memes?
Reverse image search pulled up a post on the subreddit named after her. Generally I prefer to match a first party source, but Instagram is a pain in the ass, so I was content with the picture showing up on a dedicated subreddit and appearing consistent with other pictures posted.
Well I don’t smoke, so I’ll pass.
“Can I look at your nipples please, I would like to know if I’m imagining them correctly.”
Never fails.
Says the person who I’m assuming has never been to Alabama
I lived in Bristol, Tennessee. That’s close enough.
Women from Tennessee can be some of the most beautiful I’ve ever seen what are you even saying 😂 do you look at the people walking around you ever? A lot of people aren’t ugly
There are very few places I’ve been, so few I’m only relying on statistical probability because I actually can’t remember any, where women were not ever beautiful.
Then again I’m from Kentucky and we apparently don’t wear shoes, right? You would know
There are very few places I’ve been
Then again I’m from Kentucky
Checks out.
Correct, and you play banjo and drink from rivers of Bourbon.
Is this about a guy wanting to do his cousin?
Yes and the guy at the bottom is a famous “geo guesser” that tries to pinpoint the location of street view pics from minimal information. So he pinpointed the original poster to “Alabama” because they be fuckin their cousins a lot there i guess. (i assumed its Alabama without looking at a USA map)
alabama’s rep so bad there are more people that know they fuck their cousins than there are people who know where alabama even is.
Never been to America, no idea where Alabama is, but it’s a well known fact that they… love family very much.
I don’t think that’s all that surprising, really
Just a great example of non-Americans getting a taste of “what, you don’t know what state this shape is? What are you, stupid?” That they like to give us for not recognizing the shape of Lichtenstein on a map
Okay but like, how could you miss Lichtenstein? As long as it’s in scale, you should be able to know it’s the smallest country on the continent and go from there.
Monaco, Vatican and San Marino are smaller than Liechtenstein.
Aren’t all of those essentially just city-states? I’ll forgive anyone who’s not able to tell which dot is which, that’s pretty fair.
Can confirm, I actually checked if thats Alabama before going to the comments.
You’re correct, that is Alabama. A good method for differentiating it from Mississippi is that Alabama has mostly straight borders and Mississippi has a long wiggly border (the Mississippi river). Not sure if that’s actually helpful but it’s how I remember them.
Eh i dont think there is any value in remembering stuff like that, especially if you are not from the US. But thanks for the explainer :)
The only reason we americans need to know this is to make sure we never accidentally end up going there.
Yep. Mississippi, Alabama, Florida, South Carolina, and most of Georgia (Atlanta is pretty different, thus is better).
What about Missouri? The only thing I know about Missouri is that in Fairly Odd Parents, Tom Sawyer says “I ain’t going back, it’s Missouri in there.”
It’s generally not as bad as Mississippi, and it’s forgotten more often. Similar with Louisiana, but more issues with weather and water there.
Those please aren’t a monolith and this whole discussion is super ignorant
I’m from the south and have been to a quite a few of those states (and the ones I haven’t been to, their reputation precedes them). I say this because I wouldn’t really recommend visiting them. Georgia is a pretty good example, as most of the state kinda sucks, outside of Atlanta and maybe Savanna. A lot of these states are just really poor, and it drastically affects their living standards and the people who live there. They might not be a complete monolithic block, but they’re similar more often than not.
Don’t kid yourself, bud.
–Lifetime Southerner
I imagine many Europeans (me included) do that for the USA as a whole, not just a single state. At least for as long as Trump is president.
It’s been a no go zone for about 10 years or so, yeah. The no go zone even splashes canada.
Best beaches in the country touch those stars, well Alabama and Florida
Valuable tip for me, thanks.
The American Gulf States and the Appalachian Region that parallels the East Coast up to about Maryland/Pennsylvania has a reputation.
To be honest, historically I could see it. It was mostly tiny towns, stuck way out in the middle of nowhere, with teenagers that had very few options. As they’ve gotten more centralized though it doesn’t happen nearly as often as it used to happen.
I’m sure all those old European royal families are going, “Yeah, yeah, it’s those tiny middle of nowhere American towns where the inbreeding happens. Not here. Never here.”
Hahahahha, yeah they were straight up open about it.
It’s also why there exist no laws on marrying your cousin.
Because that was keeping the gene pool fresh enough I guess
Some places don’t allow your first cousin. But that’s actually okay science wise. The probability for issues after the first cousin rapidly declines.
That reminds me of a little story that I like to share. I always knew a person’s sexuallity wasnt a choice. At the time I didn’t even know there was such a thing as non- heterosexual relationships (because America). I can pinpoint the exact moment I knew I was straight because 11 year old me, my younger brother, my mom, and an older 2nd cousin (probably one of her parents or aunts/uncles) went to a river to swim and dig up crayfish.
Anyway, my second cousin wore her normal clothes down there, which I was sort of disappointed about and I didn’t know why. We get to the river she drops her bag and what I watched her do after that dropped my jaw and I froze staring at her until she got in the lake. She stripped off her shorts and shirt had on a revealing (ok, well to an 11 year old who never noticed before) green and blue bikini. I had no idea I was frozen or that my entire family was snickering as I stared at a girl 4 or 5 years older than me gawking at something I was now noticing a lot. The story goes that after this, my mom had to “remind me I was still in the street” and I just sat on a rock at the River edge trying to talk to her. I then made it really important that I got to hang out with her the rest of that family reunion.
At one point my little brother broke one of his braces wires and she was all ready to help him - she ran to her room with the little wax balls you put on the ends to stop them from poking you. Thing is the wire was a bit further back in his mouth. So I switched back into bewildered staring and jealously watched her carefully craft this tiny ball of wax into his mouth with her immaculate hands. I apparently got really pissy with my brother after that for getting all the attention.
Anyway. Yeah. Seemed pretty obvious to me that I did not get to choose who I was attracted to.
Yeah when kids hit that point it can be pretty funny. A lot of work, but also really funny.
Ah! LOL!
That’s a look that says “please just stop and go away.” The girl’s, that is. The guy’s look says “I wonder what human meat tastes like.”
Fuck I forgot his name but hes craaazy at geoguessr 😂 edit, brainvolt or something like that
Rainbolt, it’s in the post title.
No, Brainvolt.
Brainvolt is kinda pretty good name, though.