I’ll pass on the Billie Irish.
fart sound
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That’s a very specific descriptive, tell me more.
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Thank you for this deeply personal report, boss
Who are you who are so wise in the ways of science?
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I’m not confident the expressed carnal knowledge is common to normal biologists.
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I’m a biologist and can confirm I get like, so much sex. I do sex so often I make bacteria jealous! Yeah, biologists definitely fuck. Yeah.
That is quite the description indeed.
Oh dear.
Minge tastes vaguely of copper.
Do you only eat out chicks that keep loose change in their front pocket?
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Not sure if this is a woosh or if you’re just rollin’ with it.
I disagreed more with Guinness tasting metallic…
Michael Scott No Meme!
Bro is already triggered.
I consider this to be a hate crime against my people.
I consider this a hate crime no matter the people.
Imagine what the Guinness people are thinking about this…
I am the Guinness people. ^^
That was indeed the joke.
Not enough Guinness I guess :)
I mean, it’s only 3:40 pm where I live now. But later? Sure!
Pfft, it’s 5 o’clock somewhere in the world
This is definitely a hate crime against gamers.
It’s not a hate crime the first time.
This is what Brexit did to Ireland.
Where my hydro homies at in these times of need?
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Ukrainian water, da. будмо
Have you ever taken such a big shit that you had to remove your pants and underwear so you could open your legs wide enough to shit it all out faster? I imagine drinking one of these feels something like that.
The Billie Irish
Seriously, make this name a thing if it isn’t already
How is monster denser than Guiness…
Guinness isn’t that heavy for a stout. Monster will have a ton of sugar as well.
Nitrogen gas
Pretty sure CO2 is more dense than nitorogen.
Nitrogen also doesn’t like to dissolve in water so as to why they add it make no sense to me
Source, I brew beer
Guinness is charged with nitrogen and CO2
I’m not sure about cans but I doubt it as I stated before, nitrogen basically can’t dissolve into water. I know guinness is typically forced through restrictor plate which uses beer gas (25% Nitrogen 75% CO2) for the extra pressure needed. That massive head is all the nitrogen leaving solution
Nitrogen dissolves poorly, but enough of it remains to cause the different density that allows a black and tan to float, or this abomination. You say you homebrew, but aren’t even willing to look up this information and argue with internet strangers about it.
There is so little nitrogen that you can basically rule it out. The biggest factor would be HFCS (fructose)
And who said home brew?
Also isn’t that particular monster nitrogenated too?
Co2 has a density of 1.98g/L vs nitrogen 1.25g/L
It tastes like blood because you’re going to get punched in your potty mouth for ordering it.
Liver failure.
Cobra’s Venom
It’s cobra’s mist you trole twu
I messed it up because Cobes owns my sad pathetic life.
Just guessing, but looks like it tastes like GUINESS -> briefly ass -> MONSTER WRECKING MY BUZZ.
this looks fucking radioactive
stuff like this is done in Czechia, which is the country with by far the most consumption of beer per capita.
Diesel is Coke and Beer.
then there is Sprite and Beer.
I am pretty sure Fanta and Beer is a thing too.
plus there are various syrups that can be added to beer, Cherry, Strawberry and Elderberry are the most popular of those
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That just sounds like Snakebite and Black, a drink most places in the UK won’t serve.
Mostly because cleaning bright purple vomit out of your pub carpet is a fucking nightmare.
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Why do your pubs have carpet? Over on the other side of the ocean I’ve never been to a carpeted bar
Because we’re civilised.
I mean, not civilised enough to avoid attempting to drink a dozen snakebite and blacks and then launching it The Exorcist style all over the floor, but just civilised enough to be able to go to the hospital for free when the three lads who’ve stuffed their noses with magic dickhead powder decided you were looking at them funny.
Fun fact - the original lesser known Snakebite is a shooter of Yukon Jack and Rosie’s Sweetened Lime. The name was assumably stolen for the Guinness/cider combo
Beer and Sprite is called Radler in Germany, meaning cyclist because it’s often drunken during weekend cycling tours when you don’t want a full beer
It’s beer and lemonade in Italy
it’s the same in Germany. I’m pretty sure it existed well before sprite.
Radler has recently made its way to Korea. I bought some once not knowing what it was. While drinking, I couldn’t figure out why I wasn’t getting a buzz. I thoroughly checked the can and found out it’s got 2-3% alcohol. Needless to say, I haven’t bought it since.
7up and beer is a Snowwhite in the Netherlands, but nobody’s ordered one since the 80s